X-52 HOTAS 50% engine power in full throttle

When using my brand new X-52 Hotas, the buttons all seemed to work fine, however for some reason the engine power is either working in terms of going to 100% power when in full throttle but then the engine will cut 50% power despite being in full throttle. I made a video(post below) showing it happening.

In the video I unplug the x-52 hotas, and plug in my old extreme 3d pro. The old controller was staying in 50% engine power, however when I restarted the flight, still with the extreme 3d pro selected, the restarted flight worked 100% as it should have. Zero engine issues. Then I unplug the extreme 3d pro, and plug in the X-52 Hotas. The aircraft starts out in 100% engine power and then will just cut out to 50% before wheels leave the ground. Even if I don’t press any buttons other than keeping the throttle at 100%, the engine just loses 50% power. SO FRUSTRATING.

@NeoKingRthur @DeimoS987

($30) Logitech extreme 3d pro= zero problems
($200) Logitech X-52 Hotas= problems right from the default

In this video you can see the probem seems to be somewhere with the X-52 as the sim had no problems reading/reacting to the extreme 3d pro bindings, however when I try the X-52, the engine loses power. I thought the engine lost 50% power because I hit the camer view change button, however in this video I hit escape to verify the bindings, and when I hit resume to resume my flight, the engine went from 100% to 50%.

I restarted the entire sim, with the X-52 plugged in. I tried to takeoff and from the start it would not go past 50% engine power.

I changed to the default controll settings for the X-52 Hotas, but was still not going past 50% power.
I restarted the sim again, and next time I reloaded the sim and tried to depart, I was able to get 100% engine power in the default X-52 Hotas settings.

However when I changed to profile 2, and resumed, the planes engine power immediately went down to 50%. The only 2 things I changed in the profile, were camera views and the only double binding was a select engine which I cleared the input for select engine as I already have a select engine bind on my keyboard.

If I swap controllers to the logitech extreme 3d pro, whether I use the default or my profile, it will work as it’s supposed to as long as I restart or go to main menu.

However when I swap from the logietch extreme 3d pro to the X-52 Hotas, if I restart or go to the main menu, within 2 minutes of being in full throttle/full engine, the engine AUTOMATICALLY LOSES 50% POWER, even if I’m not even touching the throttle or controller.

I switched to the Mig 29, and was able to maintain full engine power.
I switched to the 339, able to maintain full engine power.

I’m going to keep testing out other aircraft, but what could it mean if the X-52 Hotas works on most aircraft, but not on some, where as the logitech extreme 3d pro works on all? Is this something either Asobo/MS can fix or Logitech?

Aermacchi 339Mb=Check
Aviats Pitts Special S 1S & 2S=Fail
Mig 29=Check
Bede BD 5J=Check
320 Neo=Check
Boeing T-45C=Check
Carenado C170B=Fail
Carenado C170B Tundra=Fail(engine just cuts completely out on both)
Carenado M20R Ovation=Fail
CubCrafters NX Cub=Fail
CubCrafters X Cub=Fail
CubCrafters X Cub Floats & Skis=Fail
F-14 Tomcat A & B=Check

It’s happening ONLY to prop aircraft but only with the X-52 Hotas.

The X-52 Hotas gets full engine power as normal for jets/airlines. However whether it’s a default Asobo aircraft or a 3rd party aircraft, if it’s a jet it will work but if it’s a propeller aircraft when using the X-52 Hotas, the engine will cut out. Every prop aircraft I tested with the X-52, the engine cut out but then I would restart the flight and swap my old extreme 3d pro, and the prop aircraft flew with 100% engine power no problem.

Okay, I think I know what’s going on here. Seeing as you tested with jets and airliners and they do work just fine. But you have a problem with prop airplanes. What’s the difference between jet airliners and Prop GA? Mixture…

My theory here is that the X-52 isn’t bound to a mixture control. So even if you push the throttle to 100%. If the engine is not getting enough mixture of fuel and oxygen, the engines can’t push to 100% power.

Ideally, if you have other throttle that’s designed for GA, like the Logitech G Flight Throttle Quadrant, most people will bind the black lever to throttle, and the blue/red lever to mixture. So when you want to add power you also need to add more mixture. But I’m not a GA flight simmer, so I don’t know how to fly a GA myself. Someone else more knowledgeable may correct me if I’m wrong.

One thing to know as a thumb rule is that. Just because a hardware is more expensive. Doesn’t mean it’s better out of the box. That’s just not how flight simming works. You need to do a bit of homework to setup your hardware properly, no matter how expensive or how cheap it is, you have to set them up first. The default profile is there as a guideline. But eventually, you have to set them up yourself the way you want it to.

So, I think the X-52 is either not have Mixture Axis bound by default, or something is wrong in the default binding. My suggestion is to spend a bit more time creating your own control profile and make sure the bindings are correct.

One thing I noticed from your video is that you spent most of your time testing from the exterior and looking at the HUD. This can help to tell you the final result of the behaviour, but it doesn’t tell you the full information to do a proper trouble shooting. Instead, try to stay in the cockpit, and just start cold and dark first. When you want to test throttle control, try to move your throttle in your X-52 and have a look at what’s happening inside the cockpit. Does the throttle lever move the same way as your input? Does there any other movement inside the cockpit that you expect/unexpected? Does the mixture lever moves the same way as your input? It’s these things that you need to do first to determine whether the problem is coming from your hardware, or MSFS interpretation of the signal coming from your hardware, or even the aircraft itself is the problem.

Then, once you think cold and dark cockpit movement is fine, try to start it up, see if it’s behaving the way you expect it to, and slowly continuing through more phases in the flight. Another thing, the external HUD doesn’t tell you the entire picture. They’re there just as a basic reference. The full behaviour is happening inside the cockpit. So instead of staying outside wondering what’s going on. Just jump into the cockpit and look through all your instruments, look for something that’s out of the ordinary, is there any error message showing, any warning, the instruments in the cockpit tells you more information than the basic external HUD.

Another rule to live by is “You cannot use the same profile for all airplanes”. Basically, there’s no such thing as a single default/custom profile that would work for “all aircraft”. This is because different aircraft has different rules to them, different behaviour, different flight mechanism, and requires different skills. So you can’t have one profile that would work for all aircraft, because those aircraft will interpret different inputs differently.

Instead, you need to create custom profiles for each type of aircraft. For example, I have an Airbus control profile that I use for FBW A32NX, and Headwind A330-900neo. This one I have it set to Gear Up and Gear down into a single button in my TCA Airbus quadrant. Then I also fly the PMDG 737. In that one, I can’t use the same Airbus control profile, because the Boeing doesn’t interpret Gear Up and Gear down the same way as an Airbus do. So I have to create a separate Boeing profile, with the landing gear bound to Toggle Landing Gear command to the same button. But now I have to use the lever differently than I do with the Airbus.

This is just one example. I had a lot more differences in my control profile for these different types of aircraft. I also have the Indiafoxtecho F-35, where I have a separate control profile for them because I have to bind the Afterburner button somewhere since Airbus and Boeing doesn’t have afterburner.

Do you see where I’m getting at here? Also, hotswapping hardware in the middle of the flight is not recommended either.

If you don’t know how the mixture is suppose to work in a prop GA or if you don’t want to bother with it, try to enable the Auto-Mixture assist in your assistance options. See if that makes a difference.

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Turning on the assistance stopped the aircraft’s engine from shutting off however going full throttle only got 50% power.

From their help-

  1. Install drivers and software allowing you to program your X52 Professional Space/Flight H.O.T.A.S. which you can get here: Downloads - X52 Professional Space/Flight H.O.T.A.S. – Logitech Support + Download
  2. Re-calibrate controller axes: RegEdit, instructions can be found here: Recalibrate controller axes: RegEdit – Logitech Support + Download.
  3. Windows only — Disable USB Selective Suspend:
    Click Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Change Plan Settings > Change Advanced Power Settings > USB Settings > USB Selective Suspend Setting.
    Change both settings to Disabled.
  4. Use USB 2.0 instead of 3.0/.1
  5. Bypass USB hub and plug directly into PC
  6. Test on game controllers (joy.cpl). Instructions can be found here: Access the Windows Game Controllers test page – Logitech Support + Download
  7. Test on another computer / flight sim to isolate the issue

I got to step #3 but don’t understand what it means by “both” as I only had an option to disable the USB Selective Suspend.

#4 I don’t even know what that means. My controller is and has always been directly plugged into my pc. I am not even using an extension.

Still cannot play with my $200 controller :confused:

Can you take 1 minute of your time to see if you see anything that you suggest I make a binding adjustment to?

By unclicking the reverse axis I still only get 50% engine power, however if I go back to 0 throttle, the engine/propeller does not shut off like it previously was, so this is a slight improvement but I still need to get 100% engine power. You know, to fly.

Adding increase throttle/decrease throttle gets me 100% engine power for 2 seconds then it goes back down to 50%.

I am just blindly trying random things and it’s so hopeless yet very frustrating as it’s very time consuming and getting me seemingly nowhere other than figuring out one more thing I change doesn’t fix it.

This is the default setting of the same screen-

Screenshots of DEFAULT settings


“Throttle”(starting with the first bind shown)

X-52 Full throttle position shows no white bar and 0 throttle shows full white bar
Logitech Extreme 3d pro Full throttle position shows no white bar and 0 throttle shows full white bar

Logitech Extreme 3d pro did not have any mixture bindings
When removing mixture bindings on the X-52 Pro, I still have 50% engine problem

Clicked “Fly”, and immediately started out with only 50% engine power.

Restarted, clicked Fly, and had 100% engine power for a few seconds!!! But then it went back down to 50% engine power :frowning:

And that guy YorinMeiWei is on my friends list and bless his heart he saw me flying, he changed to the same aircraft I was in and departed where I was at, clearly wanting to fly with me yet I look like a butthead to him because his pov is he did all that to fly with me and here I am backing out(because I cannot fly!)

In case anyone is wondering-

Customer service chat has been tried multiple times. I get no where because once it ask for the serial #, I input it in and they say they cannot help with my request at this time. It’s a valid/legal purchase with a legit S/N.

I put a ticket in, and they replied I think to the wrong person as they did not address me by my name, instead they addressed me in a foreigners name and their suggestion did not seem to apply to my problem. Despite that, I followed their steps but all that did was verify that the control inputs seem to work like they are supposed to, but my problem still exist and didn’t get any better.

I called and spoke to someone who seemed like he actually wanted to help me, but he could not as it wasn’t his area of expertise. He told me that they sent me a follow up email today, however the link they sent me is in another language that I do not understand.

Is this link available in English?

1-800-659-2287 the customer ph# for Saitek does not work
(310) 212 5412 for madcats does not work
(310) 972 9930 for customer support does not work

When you go to their website Getting in contact with Saitek | Saitek.com

When you click the link to submit a ticket, that link does not work

I can figure out so many ideas that do not work. I’m looking for ONE solution that works.

Created a topic.
Created a ticket.
Tried online chat.
Tried phone customer support, 3 different ph#s.
Made a topic on logitechs forum.
Made a post in two facebook groups.

I’m not doing the same thing over causing myself to go insane, but trying different solutions, reaching out for HELP, I still feel like I’m going insane.

Would love to fly with the X-52 Hotas. That’d be really cool.

@NeoKingRthur I noticed that when I am at full throttle, if I slowly start to pull back on the throttle, I can see the needle resets to 0 as if I went straight from full throttle to none, except it will happen at like 98%. I’ll be at 100% throttle slowly throttle down and when my throttle is around 98%, in game shows it’s at 0 and then if I throttle up the needle will go fast to the 50% point and then down to 0, and then full throttle but that was only on two prop aircraft. Unsure why some aircraft have some success and others do not. I know the needle should not be moving how it is though. Does this help pinpoint the problem?

It was a simple fix yet not so simple as the first thing I thought of, was the first suggestion in the thread which was regarding the mixture.

What took me so long to realize this despite it being thought of early on, is the X-52 default settings has a mixture settings already in the default. It is almost identical to how the settings in my previous logitech controller were set up…*almost

What through me off was that for some reason there seems to be an oversight in whoever designed the default settings of the X-52 as the mixture axis needs to be set all the way to the left or all the way to the right. It seems normal on the surface if you move the axis, the mixture meter moves so you think it works as it should. That’s what I thought and what 3 other people who looked at it thought.

Finally after trying many other things, I went back and changed the slider of the mixture to default all the way to the right instead of in the middle. This immediately fixed the issue.

So, it’s not just making sure there is a mixture binding assigned, because there is one assigned right in the default but the default one is binded on the 50% axis and should be at the 100% or 0%, which is why I was not getting engine power.

I always played with auto mixture off, and it never was an issue with my old controller as the default settings were done accurately. My new X-52 controller did not have the default bindings correctly so knowing I was not changing settings and thinking that the default was accurate, I did not think to make a slight adjustment to the default axis.

Hopefully this can help someone in the future.

Basically this white bar needs to be all the way to the right so you will have to customize it as a separate profile otherwise most prop aircraft will not be 100% usable.

(this is easy to overlook and is an example of it being off)

Why not just use the Mixture Axis (0-100%) instead? because when you use the Mixture Axis (-100 to 100%). When you place your throttle in the middle. It’s technically feeding the sim with 0% mixture level. Because anything under the middle position will feed the sim with negative values. That’s why you have to set it all the way to the right since the positive 0-100% of it only applies on the top half of your throttle.

If you use the Mixture Axis (0-100%) binding. You get double the accuracy, because now, 0% mixture is all the way in the idle position, and a middle position in your throttle means 50% mixture, and all the way up is 100% mixture.

I’m not sure how else I can help on this. I don’t fly GA, so I don’t know anything about how Mixture is suppose to behave. I only fly airliner exclusively so I never need to think about mixture.