X Box Series X with Thrustmaster Hotas ONE Sensitivity Settings DO NOT STAY SAVED

i hope so, i booted up the game and got annoyed redoing sensitivity, just switched off.

It’s not just a Hotas issue either, the Turtle Beech flight yoke system has same issue.

Really fed up with this now, been going on for too long.


I also hope for a fix for this. Because of this, I am about to give up on the XBOX in general, sell my series S and just build a windows-based gaming machine.

This should be an fixable issue, but it seems to be getting no attention or traction.


Interesting! Are you talking about an Xbox? If so, which Turtle Beach Product is running on XBOX now? The only thing Thrustmaster or Turtle Beach can do is push Asobo/Microsoft because they have to know it’s hurting their names.

The Turtle Beach Velocity One which just came out is compatible with the Xbox devices.

I would wait to even consider turtle beach… again “for a little” as the turtle beach is quiet more expensive than a hotas full set which contains rudder pedals at least… Sensitivity thing SAME sh…t! Will have to re-enter those each and every sim session and quiet more axis to set as well I guess…
My bets would be, am I patient enough to survive on MSFS if they DON’T patch the sensitivity issue by next week. I’m one graphic card away only from my Pc atm…

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I was aware of the Velocity One and passed on the offer to purchase one but didn’t know they were shipping… thought it was just a pre-order. I prefer a stick anyway, and the Velocity One may be more than I truly want or need. I am taking a serious look at PCs, though (and I’m more of a dedicated Mac guy).

This is getting so ridiculous it’s almost funny.

The Turtle Beach does not have a port for the rudder pedals which is odd as they are trying to make a “realistic” controller. The Thrustmaster Boeing looks like the better option out of the 2 right now.

Update re Xbox FS version released 15-Nov-2021. I just tested the HOTAS One Sensitivity after a game Restart… it still does NOT save the custom profile Sensitivity settings :confounded:.

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@xFreeTibet Welcome to the forum. :hugs:
The v1.20.6.0 was released a long time ago. The next version is expected in two days (“Game Of the Year” edition), and we all hope that this issue will be fixed in this one.
Of course, using a PC will solve all Xbox-specific problems, but these don’t even represent 1% of all bugs. And you will have the joy of discovering that there are also specific bugs for joysticks on PC (the forum is full of them!).

Velocity One has been annouced many month ago for Xbox, at E3.

I haven’t seen int the forum, a bug report similar to the Hotas One (where did you read about this bug?). But I’m not too surprised. At least if there are multiple products that have the same problem, there is a higher chance that Microsoft / Asobo will look into it.

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@MetalVoice62520 Oops, sorry about that re the dating of the Patch. Weirdly the Patch Notes for only started showing on my Main Menu screen 1 day ago… so I thought it was a new release :man_facepalming:. Thanks for correcting my understanding :+1:.

I’m excited to see more fellow Xbox pilots joining the forum. Hopefully as more and more Xbox users come onboard Asobo will start to take our issues (and there are many) seriously.

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LOL. I have stopped playing. Just chapped my hide that they won’t fix the sensitivity not saving.

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According to Huddison’s initial review of the TB VelocityOne, it has the same issue with sensitivities not saving.

Come on Asobo, this is bad enough on an £50-100£ HOTAS One, but the same issue on a £300+ premium peripheral??


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’ve watched this video and I missed the section where he complain about the sensitivity settings (because I’ve turned the sound off :innocent:)
But that TRUE, the VELOCITY ONE has the same ISSUE than the HOTAS ONE. It’s clearly announced in this:


FS2020: The Velocity One Flight Yoke System - Unboxing & First Impressions (Spoiler - it's Amazing!) - YouTube

It is shameful !

We now have two dedicated joysticks for XBOX + MSFS, but neither is working properly.


So… They did it! I feel like ■■■■■ as expected… I just don’t have the patience, that must be the issue…


@LWallen they did what?

My Hotas sensitivity is still not saving after SU7 on Xbox.


Xbox Series S
So now after SU7 not only is the Hotas not saving sensitivity….now my thrust reverse is not working properly. This worked fine before using “Y” button to toggle. Now a throttle increase resets it and applies forward thrust. Went straight off the runway on my first landing in 787. Also the pan on the flight plan screen no longer works with a mouse.
This is already a disaster….


I also tested (before the “Beaujolais Nouveau” :grin: - it’s better to be able to see the bugs :crazy_face:) on the Xbox series X.
No change, the sensitivity settings are always lost when restarting MSFS GOTY. :rage:


I’m not sure how to respond to this without having my words deleted. Shame!


Yep becoming a joke now. How long since release for a simple fix?