Xbox has a plane...Kodiak!

Passengers and cargo only work in certain planes that are set up for it.

I run my Xbox and tv with most things checked. I did set Xbox for 60hz and not 120hz as MSFS seems to prefer that. VRR is on and full 4K

Ok I got a bit further in my investigation:

there is a timeout when loading the plane also in the hangar. The timeout is around 15sec then the actual loading process begins.

Same on map when clicking start.

And even more interesting is I had a blackout in the party for some seconds. I counted through the whole time and loading phase.

And I got disconnected from twitch while loading the plane.

All in hangar only tested.

I think itā€™s a Xbox general problem like no access to something in the Xbox universe.

This is the livery I find loads in and flies. So far anyway!

Tundra tyres / no cargo pod / cargo interior

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as today my only issue is the topo map not working on the nxi, guess itā€™s livery related since if a reload with another random one i can it to work (canā€™t still find a pattern, just got it to work on the cargo pod legacy mixed interior one)

the plane is a blast to fly i have to say


I tested all liveryā€™s and it behave the same with all.

Topp-map working and next time not working again.

AbBody uninstalled nxi an tested ?

There needs to be clearer, and more timely communication about this, and all the other issues plaguing the Xbox version. Fed up of saying it.

Itā€™s the third party developers we inevitably get information from, because theyā€™re more forthcoming. And are clearly sensible enough to realise that honesty and transparency go a long way with a paying consumer.

Why do I have to spell this out for a company like Microsoft and a developer like Asobo?? It is common sense.

Iā€™m really tired of this, not of the fact that thereā€™s issues (theyā€™re to be expected with something this complex) but of the frankly terrible communication from the developers.

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Iā€™m seriously wondering why no SWS developer actually has an Xbox to try their own Kodiak on,

if they had an Xbox now - they could let us all know what is going on with the ā€˜in the wildā€™ Marketplace Kodiak,

will be holding off purchasing this aircraft until the CTDs & general performance are thoroughly testedā€¦


Hi all on Series S here and have to say fortunately no stability issues with the Kodiak at all (I havenā€™t even seen this recent ā€˜stealthā€™ update to download though as of yet so maybe that is linked?!?) Has anyone done a night flight with the Kodiak? The avionics screens appear pink from the outside view of the aircraft. I know it pales into insignificance with the CTDs some of you guys are having but thought Iā€™d mention it.

I will answer that - the info we would get from a crash on Xbox would be the exact same that we get from every other user now. There are no debugging tools to use on Xbox, it is play-only.

I happen to know the product, development and testing process well enough to make a judgement and right now we canā€™t say what is to blame. That said, if you have technical knowledge about why the problem lies specifically in the Kodiak, feel free to let me know. If not, stop pointing fingers and do not buy it -ever.

Saying that testing it in Xbox post-release would make a difference is moot. And I will provide two simple arguments:
-Why does it not crash on the S and does on the more powerful X? What are we supposed to make out of it?
-What if it works on our Xbox but not on yours? Should we blame the plane, the machine, the other add-ons running in your system? Maybe a Sim Update broke something?

These two questions have thousands of different answers - and Iā€™m understating.


I would agree, thereā€™s not a lot you can do as a developer that you havenā€™t already. Itā€™s on Microsoft and Asobo.

I think, to be realistic, the fact that there are thousands of variables as you say means that itā€™ll be almost impossible to pinpoint something specific, unless it happens by chance.

I do think the QA at the sim developer end needs an overhaul though. The fact that third party products cannot be tested on a live Xbox system prior to release is just ludicrous.

Hello. Thanks for the Kodiak by the way, itā€™s a superb aeroplane to fly in the sim. Well done.

I have a question re the MFD endurance ā€˜Endurā€™ vale shown on the Fuel Calc section of the Lean page. In all flights Iā€™ve done, the endurance value has always been zero, even though I have plenty of FOB and have a sensible range in nm shown. Perhaps Iā€™m misunderstanding what ā€˜Endurā€™ is meant to indicate? Thanks.

I should add that Iā€™m on Xbox series X and use the G1000 Nxi mod, in case thatā€™s related.

That is NXi related I believe. The Endurance should display how many nautical miles you have left and calculates based on fuel on board.

FOB is normally input using the add/remove fuel on the NXi until it matches what you have in your tanks.

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I suspected so. I can live with it. Thanks again.

How do you know which planes.

While I appreciate devs interacting with customers I think there is a right way to do it (like Iris Sim) and a wrong way to do it (like this here). Thanks for helping me make the choice not to buy the Kodiak (or any other SWS product). Ever.

A customer who is plagued by CTDs with the Kodiak has every right to complain. If you can or canā€˜t change something is one question, talking down on customers like that is another.

Putting a product on the marketplace on a Plattform that is notoriously problematic and then saying ā€žthank you, we take youā€˜re money but the rest is not our problem and we canā€™t do anything about itā€œ is pretty lame. Asobo is not helping because itā€™s not their product and you are not helping because you say you canā€™t do anything. But both parties are happy to sell.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a lot they can do at the moment simply because of the farcical Xbox testing process and not having ways of debugging on an actual live Xbox. Itā€™s absolutely preposterous and needs addressing if possible, promptly. I believe itā€™s on Asobo and Microsoft to sort this.

However, Iā€™ve re-read the paragraph in question and do agree with you that it was patronising and condescending. Yes the developer clearly knows more about the product they are selling than the layman. I donā€™t think pointing fingers is especially helpful unless there is a specific party that is at fault, and thereā€™s simply too many ifs and buts with this whole thing to do that.

That goes for people who have bought the plane, and the developer.


The Islander is a great aircraft, and works consistently. Sadly, Iā€™ve been unable to get the Kodiak to load without a CTD every single time.


From the Kodak manual:
The SWS Kodiak comes with four exterior and five interior models. Exterior models can be found in the AIRCRAFT SELECTION section. Interiors are assigned per-livery and each livery is suffixed with the type of interior to indicate the cabin configuration:
ļ‚· Cargo: all-cargo interior
ļ‚· Mixed: 4 passengers in front, cargo in the rear
ļ‚· Tundra: passenger variant featuring 8 passenger seats.
ļ‚· Summit: Executive interior
ļ‚· Skydive
Interiors can be selected from the LIVERIES section. 4.3 PAYLOAD
Payload is controlled using the ingame weight menu and allows you to control visibility of the copilot, passengers and cargo. For the Tundra and Summit interiors, the seat that is located in front of the cargo door is hidden by default. To make it visible, add weight to Row 4 Left.
WARNING: Always load the aircraft so that it is within the Center of Gravity limits of 14-40% MAC. Exceeding the CG limits can result in unexpected reactions to handling and loss of aircraft control.ā€

Agreed ā€¦ I remember hearing something about how the DC6 would have a fix out ā€œsoonā€ when that was found to not workā€¦ How long ago was that?!