Xbox marketplace : no new planes

OK lets go with your argument that ‘XBox’ News Wire is absolutely fine for PC gaming news. So where in the CRJ 900/1000 article that was released does it say this plane is ‘for PC only’. You have to say that this at least is bad / misinformed marketing.

The article is here

The only mention of ‘PC’ in the article is in the footer right next to XBox X/S, but it transpires that that paragraph is just referring to ‘MS Flight Simulator’ being available as opposed to the CRJ. Nowhere in the article does it say it’s a PC Only release. Yet the footer appears to seemlessly merge the Flight Simulator plug paragraph with the last paragraph of the article. You can see why there is confusion among XBox owners. Same applies to the CRJ promo video. -

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There are not 40 new planes. Paint jobs perhaps.


I think it’s 5 or 6 different planes with various liveries for each.

I’m sure some people will enjoy it. It’s not for me, though. And many others, it seems.


Yes, that’s what I read. If it’s multiplayer I’m out ayway as I leave Multiplayer off, and I really don’t care about the 5 planes that much or the repaints. If I do go for it it would just be £20 for the 5 planes, but I don’t see me using them much tbh.

I may be wrong, but I think they may be surprised at the low uptake and the short longevity of the add on. People will buy the £20 version for the planes though. The cynic in me says its just a way to keep people on XBox paying for multiplayer access. (Game pass/gold etc)


Good luck convincing Fenix and PMDG to release them on Xbox any time soon. At the moment, neither seems to be overly interested (Fenix downright denied the possibility, while PMDG said that if it ever happens, it’s gonna be in a loooong while).

“Legitimate” airliners don’t make themselves. It takes very dedicated development teams years of work to get them done, and many of them won’t come to Xbox because they require external apps which Xbox does not support.

It’d be nice if everyone got them, but the most “legit” Airliner Xbox is going to get for sure in the near-ish future is the Twin Otter.

So someone forgets to mention something and you flip the table? Incidentally, if you had followed the news, you’d know. The CRJ isn’t a Microsoft product. It’s an Aerosoft product. If you were so interested in it, why didn’t you simply get the information at the source? Aerosoft has said they’re “exploring” an Xbox version and it’ll take a long while, multiple times.

Each of the 40 new planes has its own specific cockpit, model, and flight model (the flight model is normalized only during races for balance, but when you fly them on your own, they’re all different). This has already been confirmed. They can also all be used in normal flight, not just in races. They’re full-fledged aircraft like every other available for the sim.

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Re CRJ, I knew this already. It’s others that are potentially being misled but I can see the reasons why with the confused marketing message. It even made me question for a minute was what I’d read about the CRJ elsewhere wrong. That’s how misleading that article is. How many casual xbox players go visit 3rd party vendors that they can’t even buy direct from? They don’t. They watch for M/S announcements and hit refresh on the in the FS marketplace.

I very much doubt that 40 planes have been modelled. Minor tweaks perhaps. How many simmers want 40 similar planes crowding out their virtual hangers? I can’t see many wanting that. There are already too many panes in there already, especially small props. I think the lower cost option will be a good seller as people just want to add the 4 or 5 planes in that option to use outside of Reno race itself.

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And what exactly did they lose? 5 minutes to search “CRJ” in the marketplace? Even assuming that many casual Xbox players are interested in spending 50 bucks (ballparking, don’t remember the exact pricing for all the options) for a fairly unpopular regional jet.

From what we have seen from images and videos they released, they’re fairly different, with different instrument setups and quite different 3D models. Aircraft in the same class are even made by different developers subcontracted for the purpose.

But anyone’ll get the option they want, and that’s perfectly fine. The point is, ya’ll wanted aircraft, and they’re coming.

Here we go again…we’ve had this convo on this thread already. They aren’t starting from scratch. If the money is there surely they can “adapt” some version of them to Xbox.

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Sure, they can. If they want. It’s not Microsoft’s decision. Feel free to ask them, but I’ve seen others do it, and the response was not encouraging.

Airport Simulator 2021… make my day :smiley:


It’s not about a wasting time on a click in the marketplace. It’s about an audience hoping to see the CRJ (and other planes) on the XBox (as they have for quite a while), then get their hopes up for a min (by badly written official messaging) and then their crash of expectations that has now become a weekly event for many around here. Just saying. It’s slowly eroding the trust people placed when buying into the platform. That is the bigger picture issue at play here.

@Abriael you’ve seen Whom do what?

Aerosoft is obviously interested so the other big players should be as well. It’s called making a business successful when opportunity arises. I think they will take notice when these forums are stacking up (and on YouTube) of Xbox users asking about when they can give them money for something they have already 95% built (and needs to be adapted to Xbox)


I’ve seen others ask developers like Fenix and PMDG whether they’re gonna release aircraft like their A320 or 737 on Xbox.

Aerosoft isn’t one of the high-fidelity airliner developers. Their aircraft are in the mid-range, so they have a different approach compared to other companies.

They’re also fairly unique in the fact that they’re pretty much the largest third-party developer in the industry, with a ton (relatively) of resources to spare on side projects.

Most other companies are much smaller in terms of headcounts and resources, so they tend to be a lot more focused in their projects.

And even Aerosoft has been clear about the fact that it’ll be a while before they can release the CRJ on Xbox.

Flight simulation has always been a hobby made of a lot of waiting for everyone. PC users have been waiting for a serious non-regional airliner for over a year, and there’s still a bit to go before we get any. And guess what? They’re still coming faster than in any sim in the history of the genre.

This is really nothing in the grand scheme of things, IMHO.

This is vague, not saying I don’t believe you but some reference would be appreciated.

So the Xbox market is a “side project”? I think not.

I’ve said I don’t know the industry that well, but this is not how businesses in general operate. You don’t say “ehhh we have x-plane and PC and our staff is low and tired, let’s not go after this opportunity to grow our revenue 25%” (or whatever it is). You hire more people and you get more resources to get it done.

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I’ll give you an easier and safer way. You can ask them yourself so you don’t need to believe me:
You’ll find Fenix on discord.
PMDG have their own forum.

This industry is quite peculiar in the fact that most of the developers are 1-3 guys doing it mostly out of passion. Others are fiercely independent and a bit set in their ways.

Sure, Xbox promises revenue possibilities, but it’s an unproven market for high-fidelity airliners.

Even Aerosoft’s CRJ has SIX Manuals to read before you can handle it decently. Since it doesn’t connect with the default flight planner, and there’s no simbrief upload on Xbox (as far as I’m aware), you need to literally program the FMC from scratch before every flight. And it’s still a relatively easy and uncomplicated aircraft in comparison to most airliners.

Whether there are many on Xbox willing to embrace that is a bit of a question mark, especially until someone gives it a try.

Aerosoft’s bullish, so much that they’ve even done a seminary about it. The main reason is that they can afford to invest and take risks. Other devs have been a lot more cautious.

Even Aerosoft, as bullish as they may be, isn’t starting with the CRJ on Xbox, they’re starting with the Twin Otter, which is a whole lot more approachable.

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I realise that the review figures in the Xbox marketplace don’t equal sales but they give a rough guide

That “market” wants and buys aircraft rather than obscure airports

A liveries package would clearly be very popular


But if someone has already asked and you received that response can you not provide?

This is a common theme I’ve heard and maybe the devs think this way too. There is no reason to believe that Xbox does not have serious simmers, they are all over these forums. There is some sort of unconscious bias they we are all 12 year olds who want to fly around for giggles.


Finally in the latest Dev update the clarity that was missing from the CRJ announcement yesterday.

" Announced yesterday, Aerosoft’s CRJ 900/1000 is now available in the PC Marketplace!"

I can’t think where all this xbox community confusion stems from-

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