I mean I quite liked the SU-57 for 9 bucks can’t go wrong I fly it as much as I do the F15 and F14 but mscenery are pure garbage atleast in the SU-57 you have animated cockpit with buttons and afterburner 3 livery but yeah this will be 4 weeks in a row with no planes if nothing is released today its quite a shame PC gets everything
You are absolutely right. If the financial interest is there, the developers will find a way. Sure, some of the current versions of aircraft that run on external code/programs and with poor optimization won’t run well or even at all on the Xbox, but these were not created with Xbox in mind! People also often claim that we will NEVER see services like Vatsim on Xbox. Again, if the developers find it lucrative, then I’m sure it’ll find its way there too, whether the purist PC simmers like it or not.
Xbox Wire is the account of Xbox. Xbox nowadays includes both Xbox consoles and PC gaming related to Microsoft, so no, it’s not misleading. PC has an Xbox app, Xbox game pass, and so forth.
I definitely should’ve put money on it.
You’re literally getting 5 new planes next week for free.
How many times do ya’ll need to be told that Microsoft does not control the flow of aircraft made and released for the sim?
The only ones they have control over are those published by themselves like the Ju 52, which always come at the same time for both PC and Xbox.
All the other aircraft are developed and released by independent third-party developers that have absolutely no obligation to release them on any platform, nor they should.
Most of them are small teams that either have no interest, resources, or ability to release their aircraft on xbox at the same time or at all.
It’s simply how it is. Not only releasing on Xbox requires testing and dealing with a control scheme that can be viable on a controller, on top of performance restrictions, but the only way is through the official marketplace, which not all developers want to use (and some simply can’t).
Demanding more planes for Xbox is like demanding more games for the Switch, when many developers simply may not be interested in developing for the Switch.
They absolutely control the rate at which already developed products are approved/published in the marketplace for the Xbox platform Just see the JF Arrow saga to date and the issues with the SDK.
This narrative that developers do not want to bring their products to Xbox is getting tiresome. Plenty have already attempted to submit them to Asobo with issues arising or confirmed them in development. See below…
Let's compile a list of Aircraft that are confirmed to come to Xbox
So after PC users confusing everything named “Xbox…” with the console during the Xbox release it turns out the Xbox console user also think everything named “Xbox…” is related to the console…well, Microsoft, that sounds like naming your confusing but kind of unified gaming business after your game console wasn’t exactly a brilliant idea.
So what you’re saying is that instead of approving add-ons in the order they’re submitted, they should prioritize approving aircraft for Xbox to make ya’ll happy at the expense of everyone else?
You do understand that it would be extremely unfair to all other developers, don’t you? The Xbox release has already created a massive bottleneck in approvals for which everyone’s paying the consequences, regardless of platform.
There is only one main variable to how many aircraft add-ons the Xbox Series version gets, and it isn’t Microsoft. It’s what the developers want to do and can do.
It’s not a “narrative” at all. If you think that relatively small list of aircraft is more than a drop in the ocean compared to the aircraft that have been announced overall, you may not have been paying attention to the news.
And it’s not just that they don’t want to. Some straight up can’t, either because their aircraft require external apps that Xbox does not support, or because they lack resources to handle additional platforms.
Well yet another week of obscure airports ( I’ve actually been to the one in Mauritania several times and I don’t see myself parting with 12 quid to do it again on my Xbox ) but sadly no new planes ( even at non-study gamers level )
Anyway feel free to be fed up with me being fed up about it …
P.s. liveries would still be nice.
You’re clutching at straws here. The clue is in your first sentence. Care to do a poll on how many PC simmers on here are using the XBox App? ps. the PC is not an XBox irrespective of how M/S wan’t to market their gaming store delivery system. This release should have said somewhere obvious PC release. I own both PC and XBox X, and use the XBox App on PC, so can see the picture from both sides. It’s just plain bad marketing.
Microsoft’s Xbox division includes both consoles and PC (and cloud gaming, actually). This is simply a fact. Xbox Wire has been providing news about Microsoft’s games and features on PC for ages.
It even has a “Windows” tab at the top, in which you can find all the PC-related news neatly arranged.
They go as far back as 2015 and it has been sharing MSFS news since a year before the Xbox version was a thing, including the CRJ 550/700.
Fair enough. But I can see how it is misleading. That’s all people are getting at.
Ms/Asobo do control what appears when on the marketplace, when items are submitted to them for approval. The fact that it seems to take them an inordinate number of months to approve anything (PC or Xbox) is shortsighted of them and they need to try and employ more staff in this regard.
People are understandably frustrated. The word from developers themselves (JustFlight for one) is that it is MS/Asobo holding up the release of things because it takes so long for them to approve anything, and also that they are finding bugs that are difficult to replicate due to what appears to be problems implementing custom code on the Xbox, even though developers were told that things developed with the SDK would work on both platforms.
As I said, people are understandably frustrated.
‘Windows’ is so prominent on news.xbox.com that you have to click on the 3 dots on the top right of the top menu to find it. I mean come on, at this stage you are just making excuses. Perception is everything and it’s simply bad marketing.
Haha - for me FlightSim on Xbox became more and more a Airport Simulator
People are “understandably” frustrated because they don’t get a new aircraft every week or every month?
Sorry, but that’s not very “understandable” especially considering that everyone is getting 5 for free (and 40 for pay) next week.
It takes a long time to approve content because Xbox has created a massive bottleneck for which everyone has to wait longer.
You have to click on the 3 dots literally for every subsection of that site, if you’re on mobile. Some people have PCs, and it’s right there on the top bar with every other option.
It literally does not have any less relevancy than any other platform on that site. There’s no difference in terms of placement or interface, and PC news appear on the front page like all. Always did.
Again, if you’ve missed the fact that PC news have been on there for five years, you can blame only yourself.
As it stands right now, I’m using FS at much lower res on my laptop and having way more ‘stable’ enjoyment albeit at 25-35fps (less UI bugs, less CTD’s and WAY more free addons). Critical XBox bugs not being addressed (like mouse losing control) doesn’t help. Whenever I want the visual eye candy at 4K on my TV I switch over to the Xbox. That’s where I’m at right now. I’ll take 1400x900 res on a 15" screen for stability, freeware add ons and timely access to plane releases.
It’s understandable to me, and others. If it’s not to you, then that’s your opinion. The Reno stuff is irrelevant to me and many others personally as it’s not what I use the sim for, it’s not Ace Combat to me.
There is a bottleneck because they employ so few staff to deal with the marketplace. And because of the apparently unforseen SDK issues. It isn’t the ‘fault of the Xbox’. This isn’t about playing the blame game. The marketplace issues affect both Xbox and PC users.
As I say, they need to employ more staff.
Which they have and are, as mentioned in the latest Q&A. Bottlenecks don’t go away instantly.
If the Reno aircraft (and the 5 more included in the GOTY edition on top of that) are not subjectively relevant to you personally, how’s that Microsoft’s fault?
Reno is part of aviation (and a very relevant one at that), and as such it’s no less relevant to flight simulation than an Airbus.
I never said it was my fault. I’m simply expressing my opinion.
I’m aware that bottlenecks don’t magically disappear. What I’m addressing is the shortsighted approach that’s allowed things to get to this point. And also about the problems with the development kit.
As I said, it’s just very shortsighted of Microsoft.
People are allowed to be frustrated, you know mate. And people are entitled to express that frustration in a constructive manner. I don’t agree with some of the angry, unreasonable whinging some indulge in on here but constructive criticism is necessary.
I could care less about Reno, I want some legit airliners and will pay good money for them.