Xbox Multiplayer can only see Generic Models

Everything related to Multiplayer/AI model matching traffic is broken. Before, at small airports you had the AI ​​traffic models being shown as small general aviation aircraft.

Although it didn’t show the correct aircraft, it made sense to show small aircraft given the size of the airport. We now have A380’s at these airports. It sounds like an alpha game created by an amateur studio.

Before at least the correct textures were shown. If you had airline libraries they were shown correctly. Now? I don’t even need to comment. It’s shameful.


I streamed MSFS this past Monday night (4/24) and My Jetblue E190 was being provided fighter escort into KSNA by an F-15 Strike Eagle that looked a bit like a Cirrus SR-22.

I do use the LVFR static aircraft on the ground though and that looks pretty nice I must say.

This really needs to be fixed. I have viewers that like to come find me in fighters and escort my airliners around. Instead, they look like generic two-holer widebodies or GA aircraft. I’m on XBox Series X as well.

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This has become so much worse in the last weeks, now I literally only see the other aircraft correctly if the are in the same plane I am in, but even that is no longer consistent.

This really kills the immersion for me and makes multiplayer flying almost pointless. It’s never been perfect, but at least several planes looked correct, now all I see is generic piper, bizjet, wide-body for 98% of other online players.

I have gigabit fibre hardwired on an Xbox series X, no rolling cache (as that seems to make it more Crash to Homescreen resistant) and reliable 980mbps download / 110mbps upload.

Even the default planes don’t match let alone 3rd party aircraft.

Please prioritise this asobo/Microsoft


this bug was opened 2 years ago. I don’t think they’re going to fix this anytime soon.


But they are forging ahead with msfs2024…

My mind thinks that if you move forward with a new version based on old code (like you would to save time) many of these old bugs will transfer over, right?

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FS2020 is heavily based on FSX (as stated by Sébastien Wloch in a dev twitch)
and FS2024 sure will be no different, we can be sure this sadly wont be fixed. (and as always please prove me wrong).
Regarding FS2020, this one will be ready for the dev dumpster sooner then later.

“Asobo” means “let’s play” in japanese and not “lets simulate”.

to use this as a “Flight Simulator” as best as you can you basically have to rely on third party mods, apps (vpilot, FSLTL and so on) and configs. FS2020 only being the basic framework.

I wish they would have fixed this. Hears to hoping that MSFS2024 will become more playable on Xbox and we can enjoy better model matching.

It may be sorted, I was taxiing into a regional airport on the weekend and to my surprise there was a DCS F14 waiting on the taxi way for me go past. It looked pretty cool, however the back wheels were about a foot off the deck and who ever was driving clearly didn’t know what they were doing as they were literally taxiing around the grounds of the airport, gave me the impression that they couldn’t control it,