The forum mod has just left a post that Microsoft are aware of the issue. I can’t see how a “popup” anything is going to help to be honest?
Because a response burried in a thread to an issue reported by users isn’t being proactive.
Surely MS is aware of when they have server or whatever issues and could - if they wanted to - let the community at large know (and not only people who have found this particular thread). Not everyone enjoys being a door mat.
I can’t even fathom what advantage it gives me as a user to have my settings stored solely in the cloud instead of cloud+local and have the option to choose which one I want to use every time this happens
Back ONLINE!!! Enjoy.
More and more frequent occurrence. Very annoying!
It occurs VERY infrequently…
As of 9:32 ET / 6:33 PT no resolution to outages.
Link to outage status page: Xbox Support
Also now includes Store & subscription major outage:
Still have the same problem.
This is normal now. A similar outage happened a few weeks ago. Like another person posted a few weeks ago, it’s common on XBox, and now PC users will no longer be excluded.
I am now on the tarmac at YPAD with real time weather in Inibuild A320 V2 and all systems and METAR are functional. I am in Australia.
this again?? oh man…
time to check some of the hoover’s pilot debriefs
Still out here in the east of Canada!
I am at my home city Intl airport on tarmac at YPAD in Inibuild A320 V2 and real weather is accurate and radar is active and METAR data reading is exact right now. It is up in Australia from my point of view.
This is genuinely why i hate the way msfs is. I was mid flight and every single time theres a server outages one of 2 things happens. Msfs crashes, or it stutter so daggon bad youre forced to end the flight. An always connected sim in good in theory, as shown in practice its a HORRID idea. And became itbseems theyll be more reliant on servers next year i fear this might get worse.
Ok it works now.
All settings wiped out
(based in Hong-Kong, south east asia server)
Since purchasing and installing MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe digital version in March 2022 I have flown over 1,000 logbook hours mainly airliners and many flights are from 2-12 hours and have never had a disconnection. What you are getting is data loss from your ISP where even the slightest delay or line contention will cause the symptom you assert is the Azure Xbox Cloud server. I would contact your ISP and get them to do a line trace for your line and any latency issues.
OK. I lost NO settings wiped out at all.
This is not an ISP issue at all. How do i know? Because ive already done that. I have well over 3000 flown hours in msfs. As i said this ONLY happens when theres an issue on asobos end funny enough it ONLY happens with msfs because any other time the serves go down on Microsofts end no other game I own through xbox has this issue. This is an msfs issue. Hek even when steam servers drop theres no issue its just msfs.
Edit: Again ive contacted my ISP and a trust friend who works for the same provider i have just to double check. Zero issues on my end. The only game that has that issue is msfs any other game forza for example which also uses Azure. Will kick me from playing online (for obvious reason, the servers are down) but it doesnt affect performance and it doesnt complete crash the game.
I was able to connect my VPN through Australia, and I’m now on. Guessing it’s certain Azure/X-Box regions that are affected.