Xbox/PC screens go black then CTD

Good Report

-System: Xbox Series X (HOTAS ONE, mouse, keyboard)
-Airplane: A320NEO
-Flight Route: KORD to KLAS
-Flight Plan: World Map
-Live Weather: Yes
-Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: On
-Load-In: Gate Cold and Dark
-Data: On
-Rolling cache: Off
-Flight Time: 3hrs 30 mins

Black Avionics/Shutdown: NO


Bad Report:

Black Screens on approach and CTD

System: Xbox Series S
Plane: Bredo3ed 737 Max
Route: EGGP to LOWI
Flight Plan: World Map
Start-Up: Cold and Dark
Time: 2h
3rd Party Add-ons: Airport Regional Environmental (Europe)
Live weather/ Traffic: On
Rolling Cache: On 8GB

This happens every flight now and sometimes even in the climb. It still happens with the default airliners too but not as frequently for me as the 737 Max. Itā€™s going to happen and itā€™s a matter of when not if.

One of the moderators said to not report on flights with add ons to airports or anything in the airports

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I know they did say that as you say but thatā€™s daft as itā€™s not addons that cause this. It was happening for me when I hadnā€™t purchased any third party content at all.

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Do you have as many Black Screens when flying without the 3rd Party Add-Ons?

You said it is happening every flight for you. This might be related to your Add-Ons being present at every air port.

Guys guys guys , enough of the speculation please ! We are to submit reports on the vanilla straight up from the game . The developers need to look at only those reports. Itā€™s been noted and we canā€™t put mods in the reports. Thank You .


Again, itā€™s nothing to do with mods! Its about the vanilla game. Thereā€™s nothing we can do to fix it right now, although I would recommend turning off rolling cache I tried both, there is no difference and it runs smoother IMO. As Jack said, we need to submit reports straight up from the game. Its not about mods, its about getting the base game fixed from this issue. At times it makes the game unplayable, for some more than others. Thanks.


So you can replicate the issue with an empty Community folder? Thatā€™s really what they are asking. Until you can, addons may would be suspect.

That said, Iā€™m sure in the recent Q&A, didnā€™t Seb mention a memory leak on console that was suspected of causing black screens?

Hopefully that would make it into SU7.

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Yes he did. I too hope it is fixed in SU7, SU6 made it slightly more bearable. We will have to wait and see.

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Was just flying a 4 hour flight in the TBM 930. 35 mins from arrival the game crashed. Man I hope they fix this soon. #xbox

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Do you guys clear rolling cache everytime before a flight?


I donā€™t personally.

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No I havenā€™t done that.

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In all the flights I have done since the update I have only cleared the cache once.

Well, it just crashed again only 5 mins in, sitting on the ground in the C172. This is awesome.

What airport are you at?

I was at KOKC

As in a CTD? Or the avionics went black?

CTD. Iā€™ve never had the avionics go black as some people experienced. It just goes right to the Dashboard.

Ah right. Iā€™ve had a few CTDs myself. I can put up with them personally. Itā€™s the black avionics that annoy me.

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