Xbox/PC screens go black then CTD

-System: Xbox Series S (Xbox Controller, KBD, MSE)
-Airplane: Airbus A320neo
-Flight Route: EGLL - BIKF Heathrow to Keflavik, Iceland
-Flight Plan: World Map (SID & STAR, ILS)
-Live Weather: Yes
-Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: On
-Load-In: Runway
-Data: On
-Rolling cache: 40gb
-Mods: None
-Flight Time: 2hrs 30mins (approx)

Black Avionics/Shutdown: NO

NOTES: About 8 minutes in I was able to move through the windscreen to the outside of the aircraft, in the past this signalled the oncoming black avionics but in this case by about 30 mins in this behaviour ceased and I was no longer able to do this.
Another strange thing my custom tail number was blank other then that a successful flight for runway to gate.


I guess BIRK for Keflavikā€¦ Anyway good that it was OKšŸ‘šŸ»

I decided that I was not going to fly today as I had spent far too long on FS this weekend instead I thought I would spend a few minutes creating some custom views and playing with some sensitivity settings etc. I went into world map and selected EGLL as departure and nothing else as I was only going to mess with settings. I pressed fly and got black avionics straight away. I advanced the throttles to taxi the aircraft anyway and had no rudder/steering. I then exited back to the main menu and instantly got a CTD.

This weather looks pretty accurate though :joy:

EDIT: I donā€™t know if it is related to this CTD the last weeks worth of flights have disappeared from my log.


-System: Xbox Series X
-Airplane: Airbus A320neo
-Flight Route: KEWR - KORD
-Flight Plan: World Map (SID & STAR, ILS)
-Live Weather: Yes
-Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: On
-Load-In: gate
-Rolling cache: off
-Mods: None

Black Avionics/Shutdown: Yes after about 25 min of flight everything shot down including the engines and the aircraft dives into the grownā€¦really annoying :frowning:

EDIT : I tried again the exact same flight and this time everything went fine and smooth. I have the feeling that this bug is more or less a question about if you are lucky or notā€¦

Really Bad Report:

-System: Xbox Series X
-Airplane: A320-Neo
-Flight Route: LSZR to LOWI (Innsbruck)
-Flight Plan: FMC
-Live Weather / Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: Off
-Flight Time: 20 minutes
-Start-Up: Cold and Dark
-3rd party add-on: None
-Rolling Cache - 32 Gb

Comments: Really bad reportā€¦ Wanted to do a quick 20 minute flight on the A320 to experience the Innsbruck Approachā€¦ About halfway through my Approach, the game completely froze for a few seconds, then a CTD that even caused my Xbox to shut off. No Black Avionics as it went straight into the CTD and Xbox shut-off.

Note: my Xbox is well ventilated and at the touch it was cool so I doubt it was an overheating issue.


Do you guys delete rolling cache everytime you fly?

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I had this twice in early September in the Edinburgh area. My Xbox is also well ventilated and I think this is clearly not an overheating issue but merely a FS problem (Iā€™ve never experienced something like this with any other game ever).

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I did several flights yesterday on PC and anything longer than 30 minutes resulted in black screens. Nothing Iā€™ve tried seems to help and this is beyond frustrating. Just wanna do some flights without constantly worrying about this.

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Good report:

-System: Xbox Series S
-Aircraft: Boeing 777 200 captain sim
-Flight route: OMDB (DXB) to UUDD (DME)
-Flight plan: World map flight planner
-Live weather: Yes
-ATC: Yes
-Flight time: 4hrs and 30 minutes
-Start up: Cold and Dark
-Rolling Cache: 40gb

No black avionics

STANDARD EDITION VERSION (dubai is not a handcrafted airport)

Very good flight overall. Was a bit laggy turning on to final and cruising through clouds at some parts but otherwise nothing bad

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Bad report

-System: Xbox Series X
-Aircraft: Boeing 787
-Flight route: Amsterdam Schiphol (EHAM) to Tokyo Narita (RJAA)
-Flight plan: World map flight planner
-Live weather: Yes
-ATC: Yes
-Flight time: ~9hrs in before CTD
-Start up: Cold and Dark
-Rolling Cache: 15gb

CTD as I was approaching Japan mainland, around 9hrs in, not sure whether I had a black avionics, as I was in external view at the time my game crashed

Any ideas on update on screens going out in then CTD I was trying to cyyz to eddb didnā€™t make it :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Good Report

-System: Xbox Series S (Xbox Controller, KBD, MSE)
-Airplane: Airbus A320neo
-Flight Route: BIKF Keflavik, Iceland to EGPH Edinburgh
-Flight Plan: World Map (SID & STAR, ILS)
-Live Weather: Yes
-Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: On
-Load-In: Runway
-Data: On
-Rolling cache: 40gb
-Mods: None
-Flight Time: 2hrs 8 mins (approx)

Black Avionics/Shutdown: NO

NOTES: All good apart from the usual crazy altitude requests by ATC, had to drop like a brick in the last 30nm and as a result forgot to set my approach speed properly and landed at 160 knots :woozy_face:


Good Report

-System: Xbox Series S (Xbox Controller, MSE)
-Airplane: 747-8
-Flight Route: EDDF Frankfurt to LLBG
-Flight Plan: World Map (ILS)
-Live Weather: Yes
-Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: On, No ATC Voice since start only Readbacks
-Load-In: Runway
-Data: On
-Rolling cache: 8gb
-Mods: None
-Flight Time: 3hrs 38 mins

Black Avionics/Shutdown: NO

Did this before with A320 in the Sim Update before and I had black avionics. It is my longest flight yet.

I had problems when landing, when using the Xbox Controller the 747 is not dethrotteling. I had to use the mouse to shift the throttle back.

Edit: My issue with the throttle was because of the Auto Throttle Switch being active. Disabling it, gives me control over throttle.


Referring to my previous post about CTD and pausing the game. I ACCIDENTLY paused the game this morning on a flight from KTPA - KBWI and shortly after starting my decent it randomly CTD. I didnā€™t install anything else and didnā€™t turn any other features on or off after all of my completed successful flights and every single time I paused the game I always have had an issue, and when I never pause the game still to even today I donā€™t have an issue. Almost like a memory leak starts when you interrupt gameplay. Maybe someone else could confirm this for me? Itā€™s happened too many times now for it to just be a coincidence IMO.

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So I just completed the same flight with all the same settings I posted about earlier this morning flawlessly with NO PAUSING in the game. Another potential confirmation that this could be contributing to our problems here.

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I have the same problem but when i open the VFR Map. I think maybe this bug its connected with the tool bar buttons.

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I use the VFR map just to compare it to the airport chart on every flight so personally the VFR map has never given me an issue. Interesting.

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Been several days since Iā€™ve taken any flights because Iā€™m awaiting a bush trip repair. So I decide today to learn a new plane. I take off, circle around the area, do a couple touch and go landings and get a CTD. Guess Iā€™ll go back to playing Halo. :unamused:

Today I loaded in at De Gaulle Airport and instantly got black screens twice. Iā€™m on series S also. For now Paris/north Germany is a no-go for me right now. It must be very memory heavy around there. Going to do another flight later, Iā€™ll report back.


Good Report

-System: Xbox Series S (Xbox Controller)
-Airplane: 787-10 (B78X)
-Flight Route: EDDF Frankfurt to EGLL Heathrow
-Flight Plan: MCDU (ILS)
-Live Weather: Yes
-Live Traffic: Yes
-ATC: On
-Load-In: Gate Cold/Dark
-Data: On
-Rolling cache: Off
-Flight Time: 1hrs 30 mins

Black Avionics/Shutdown: NO

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