Yup, I’ve been having a similar issue to this as well.
I’ll go to purchase an item from the flight sim marketplace, I will get a notification saying that the payment is pending, and may take 24 hours to process.
Usually a few minutes later I’ll receive a message in the notifications saying that the payment failed, and will continue to say this for 5-10 minutes. I’ll then after a little while, get an email from Microsoft about the purchase, and how I bought x-amount of flight sim credits, and eventually the item will be purchased and show in my ready to install list, but it’s definitely not the most optimal way to buy content from the store, and it’s a little scary if the payment doesn’t end up going through and I get double charged, so I avoid buying content in this game outright due to the terrible implementation of the in game store.
Ok this is probably the only place I’ll get a reply quickly, I bought the spitfire off the marketplace using MS Store credit on xbox, It has been nearly a week and support got back to me that I need a bank statement, this is frankly ridiculous. If a product or service you buy fails to meet a consumer guarantee you have the right to ask for a repair, replacement or refund under the Australian Consumer Law.
Yes it is ridiculous, and it happened to me as well. I took a screen shot on my phone of the bank statement showing that the charge had been posted to Microsoft. Sent that to Zendesk and they were able to manually fix the error. The puchase, (which in my case was the cyvr airport add-on) was then in my content manager and I was able to download it. Like you said, the problem is in the Flight Sim Marketplace itself, and it needs to be fixed.
Yup absolutely ridiculous that Microsoft/Asobo’s in game marketplace literally doesn’t work, and that it’s charging customers and not receiving any product for it.
Imagine the Amazon marketplace charging you for items, and Everytime you bought an item Amazon came back and said “order failed”, yet it charged you for the product every single time, and the only way to prove it is by contacting support directly and showing the bank statement.
Stuff like this (broken marketplace, charging customers and not receiving product) should be illegal. This shouldn’t have even passed Microsoft’s own QC/certification process.
Not trying to be overly negative, but truthfully, very little, if anything, in the marketplace works even for PC at the moment due to Sim Update 5 incompatibility.
Best to hold off on purchases for the time being. Maybe refund request is the best course of action for the moment?
Same issue but I found a fix that works …totally restart your xbox .hold down guide button restart console.probably a bug that needs resetting .how many of us restart their xboxes ? Hardly anybody
I had the same problem loading the spitfire and 737max what I done was closed down flight sim and restart the sim again then it all worked for me that was yesterday hope this helps
Same problem here. I won’t be buying for a while now. None of my settings were changed from when it worked. Another in a long list of bugs that take away from the experience
Same problem with numerous placed purchases but no e-mail confirmation. I just hope the market place only permits one purchase of an item, as otherwise I may have a large bill to pay.
Restart resolved my issue, and yes what I’m trying to purchase is for the Xbox.
I’ve scoured Google and the forums and found alot of helpful info regarding this issue but all were talking about PC.
Here are the steps that I’ve done so far…
Changed form of payment to credit card instead of PayPal.
Checked my Microsoft account for any errors (missing credit card info or misspellings)
Signed out of Xbox live and resigned in again.
Made sure that data was enabled and connected to the server.
Reset the Xbox
Unistalled and Reinstalled Flight Simulator.
I’ve tried to make 3 purchases so far. The first two were fixed manually by Zendesk support, the third is still Purchase pending/ Purchase failed, and awaiting support.
Same problem here. I’ve attempted two marketplace purchases; the first failed several times for one day, but went through when I tried again the second day. The latest purchase from this morning is “pending,” and it seems the system is trying every few minutes to make it go through, but so far without success.
Easy fix for this .go to your profile top right then sign out this returns you to the press a button screen .sign in again the game reboots. It works then.
Thank you Drop… That worked for me. So simple. I’ve been having some download problems with world updates but my new purchase, the Avait Husky installed perfectly. Nice when things work.