[Xbox Series X/S] Visual Downgrade - LOD Reduction

Thanks for the replies above Barron it’s appreciated. The game isn’t broken by their definition of the term but it is by mine.

Anyway I will not be purchasing anything from the marketplace because I can’t enjoy it with the sim in its current state.

My fear is that the Xbox is a cash cow and the response to resolve the issue mid January is disappointing.

Disastrous day for the devs especially as the issues seemed apparent in the beta. I’m not sure if the issues were the same but it sounds like it. Maybe somebody can confirm that. If that’s the case then all their time went into development of new planes. Which are very good by the way and the A310 is what many people have wanted. But now we have what I consider a broken game and one as such will not get fixed for a couple of months. Very disappointing for Xbox users. I think the marketplace sales will reflect this.


On or off, this issue remains. It is confirmed to not be a cache issue. Cache can help some things but not this.


Thank you @AerMingus for updating your original post with info.

Good to hear that we’re going to (hopefully) receive the best of SU10 and SU11 combined. Shame it’s going to take a couple of months to resolve, but hey, at least I was wrong in my assumptions regarding CPU bottlenecks being a possible cause.

Right, well it’ll be more IFR in the clouds for me until next year, at least they look and feel great.


Will those of us partaking in the beta builds possibly receive the fix earlier?


But since that has not been confirmed, I can only speculate.

Fixes a few months down the pipeline tend to go through a beta process. But who knows?

Speculating is what we’re good at, my friend!


That’s true - I changed during SU10 from S to X just for SIM - and I had a big Wow affect so clear terrain far far away draw distance - and now I am wright catapulted back to my series S time’s indeed :joy::joy::joy::joy: shame.

What makes me realy angry - is they fact that Seb said they didn’t catched it during testing - I thing it was in time reported form beta users on series X.

To be honest - I am working also in Software Development and of course I understand how complicated a platform solution could be - but if our test engineers wouldn’t catch such a impotent key future is missing or degraded - doesn’t matter if it technically working or not - they would have big troubles with our CTO. „Sold a 4K full colored IT Monitoring Software but after a core update it is just Black and White 1080p“ sorry customer we know where the problem is there is a fix but we will deliver it in 2 month,…


Summary of the relevant information from the 11/18 Q&A livestream:

LOD was not deliberately reduced. The issue is caused by a bug in the frame-time measurement system. The inaccuracy meant that the sim thought it was running slower than it actually was, causing a fail-safe memory conservation system to reduce detail. The devs have already fixed the issue; however, the fix is slated for an update that will arrive in (approximately) mid-January.

This news should ease the worries that stability is in competition with visuals. Furthermore, regarding the balance of visual quality and stability on Xbox, Seb said that they are still constantly optimizing, and he seemed to be indicating that there was still plenty more potential for optimization in the foreseeable future.


It is important to understand they KNEW OF the issue before SU11 released, but it only appears to have been isolated in the last few days. They couldn’t begin to fix it until they isolated what had been broken. And NOBODY in here, myself included, was close to guessing what the source of the issue really was, so I imagine they also struggled to locate the source. It wasn’t any of the obvious culprits.

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JANUARY? That really sucks.


I agree, but to say there is a fix but we will release it in 2 month is a bit hard and a slap into Xbox users face.

Time to turn on PS5 again :joy::joy::joy:


No it doesn’t because my sim is not going to be fixed for a couple of months. Poor at best and Seb knows it.


and how do we know they’ll actually fix it if they ignored a bug they’ve known now since SU11 BETA?

If every post in this thread ended w/ this they would have fixed this yesterday


I love that one !!! :joy::joy::joy:


I’m not defending the timeframe for the fix; I’m just commenting on the previously justifiable worries that stability would be decreased if we were to get the old visual quality back.

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Because they just told us they would fix it and when to expect said fix.

And, like I have been saying all thread, MS/Asobo can’t really say anything about this without upsetting a bunch of people.

“We fixed it in house, and you will get the fix soon.” isn’t good enough news for the masses.

And yet, it means we did our part. We got this issue noticed and addressed publicly. That’s really all we could hope for. But it isn’t good enough for the masses.

It’s interesting that the gaming media, usually writing about smallest things, like developers Twitter comments, is ignoring this issue. Like people no longer care about this game on Xbox. Maybe Asobo knows that and we’re just not a priority to them. Imagine the outrage from the sim community if this downgrade was on PC.


When that happens, we get threads much like this one, but people keep saying, “PC” instead of, “Xbox.”

I’ve been thinking about the implications of this memory conservation system. Speculating now, but it seems like its existence could mean that there are add-ons that are poorly optimized/super heavy compared to others but that still run at the same frame rates. And it also means that if an add-on actually does drop the FPS, that it’s actually much worse than it seems because this is after the system has done everything it can to reduce the graphical fidelity to maintain the FPS.

Before I wasn’t super concerned about waiting until mid-January, but now I really want the fix to come so that I can test planes against each other and see how much of the distant scenery starts to blur and by how much.

Did anyone notice previous to this update if using more resource intensive add-ons affected the LOD? I would try to test it now, but it all looks pretty blurry so it’s hard to differentiate.

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