[Xbox Series X/S] Visual Downgrade - LOD Reduction

A couple of months isn’t particularly soon, especially if they’ve already fixed it on their end. It doesn’t seem unreasonable for disappointment, especially right at what was supposed to be the anniversary release and then the holiday season.


It’s honestly going to lose them a lot of Xbox users.


I’m not here to argue. I’m as annoyed as anyone in here.

Thibg is its going to be like this we will never have a stable sim for a few months sim update 9 stutters simupdate 10 awesome simupdate 11 break the game graphics repair in an update later on , so when are we going to play

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I agree, its frustrating that we’ll have to wait so long.

I understand that it throws off their process to expeditiously roll out fixes, but this seems like the type of issue with enough gravity to warrant a more immediate response. Sure, the issue isn’t technically gamebreaking, but it’s serious enough to drive many of us away from the sim completely.


All we can do is keep posting like civilized simmers, and hope this will be added to the current beta… and that the current beta is for the January release we have been hearing about.

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I wouldn’t be too worried about that. Resource intensive aircraft and scenery used to cause CTDs before they would cause a reduction in LOD.

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Yes I understand that AerMingus.

The devs told the Xbox community that the sim can run on the platform and many people have invested a lot of money on consoles, hardware, aircraft and add ons. I care not to speculate about technical uncertainty as we were re-assured the platform can handle it. Now we have a sim that is not going to be fixed until January. Unacceptable as I am sure most will agree.


Yeah, I’m not concerned, just interested. This idea that the sim has a system to protect itself from low frames is interesting to me and I definitely will be back in January to test it out.

That said, I have to echo a lot from the last few comments. Though I will be back next year, the sim is not in a state right now that I would recommend to my friends. And I’m a big evangelist in my friend group, constantly telling people (until they get quite tired of it, frankly) what a great experience they can get for the cost of just a Series S and Gamepass. I certainly will not be making those recommendations this holiday season, that’s for sure.


And I am in a similar position and will not be recommending either. It’s broken as it is and the timeframe to be fixed is too long.


Fixed but release only in mid January. Sad, just sad.


I’ll try something, at least to pass the time. Activate rolling cache and fly over PG cities, so this way I can’t be affected so much with LOD! Bingo

Unfortunately, committing areas to rolling cache doesn’t exempt them from the effects of LOD and mipmapping.

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Confirmed. It does nothing to quell this issue.

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This is what i got. Definitely better than nothing :pensive: and yes I’m lazy to print screen :joy:

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More speculation I know, but if this “bug” was supposedly acknowledged (or at least, brought to Asobo’s attention) during the SU11 beta, and it seems it was easily fixed, then why wasn’t the fix included in the 40th Anniversary release last week?

I’m a patient man and will happily wait until January - after all, I wait happily or miserably, but wait I do - I’m just sensing that we’re not being told the whole truth here. Or is it just the cynic in me?

How long does it usually take before the Q&A is available on YouTube?

Because the issue didn’t get isolated (they couldn’t find the source of the problem) until a few days ago, after SU11 had been released.

And from what I am hearing from the Devs, their time traveling DeLorian is currently unable to reach 88 MPH and incapable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of power.

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We don’t know and will never know the internal workings at Asobo. Maybe they’re being cautious to not “break” the game by their definition before the holidays and are not sure what the ramifications of the fix are. Maybe the fix is known but is time consuming to implement. For all we know maybe the guy in charge of that particular element is in Tenerife with his family until January.

What I do know is I sure do like speculating about this from all angles and as long as this thread survives I’ll be around to make random guesses in the dark.

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You are very lucky that the mod’s here are quite tolerant😀