[Xbox Series X/S] Visual Downgrade - LOD Reduction

They know we are forced to speculate with our limited view. They have no more access to information than we do. Unless a Community Manager or developer makes info public, we are all left guessing.

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Not sure about YouTube specifically, but you can watch it without an account on twitch. Hereā€™s the link.

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Oh, I just had a spark of optimism.

Speculation Time!

There is currently a beta going on to fix issues with SU11. It is NOT the SU12 beta.

So, it is kinda SU11.5.

SU11 HAD to release on November 11. There was a hard date for the 40th Anniversary and people were promised a dozen new planes.

Lately, issues like those we see in SU11 would have pushed the release date back while they got fixed and the beta would be extended. But they couldnā€™t this time because of that hard date.

SU12 is coming in March. SU11 released in mid November.

Mid January is right between these two dates!

I have a strong feeling that is the SU11.5 we currently can test in beta.

TLDR: I strongly suspect we will see a fix in the beta soon, and it will be coming to everyone else when the beta officially releases in what I predict will be Mid January.


Iā€™d also be willing to bet that we see the fix in a beta prior to the update in January, but itā€™s hard to say when that will be.


Thank you againšŸ‘

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Betas typically have 3-4 updates before final release. Things get added. New fixes. And a LOT of issues get quelled.


A question for the dev team. On Xbox, the sim is currently broken as in we cannot fly in a way we could prior to SU11. If this platform runs on the same code as the PC why is it acceptable that the PC platform can be enjoyed over the Christmas period but the Xbox platform canā€™t?


Developers donā€™t answer questions in here.

I know but they do read them.

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Do they put out news when betas test new features? Or is it only known to people enrolled in the betas? Is anyone here currently in the ā€œ11.5ā€ beta?

Weā€™re left with no choice!

They post beta update notes here:


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Thanks! Watched!

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I promise if this is addressed in the beta, we will let everyone in here know. We are allowed to talk publicly about it, and even the beta forums are publicly available in here if you want to look through them.

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Slightly off-topic, but not really considering my question is solely based on the fact that Iā€™m forced to fly higher altitude IFR due to VFR being somewhat tarnished at present.

Now Iā€™ve mastered the G1000 NXI, can anyone recommend another (already have the Kodiak) quality GA aircraft that has the same glass cockpit? If this is too far off-topic for the moderatorā€™s to bear, please feel free to chastise me.

Not for Xbox, no. The best besides the Kodiak are stock planes that have been modded on PC. But there are SO many stock G1000 planes, you might fall in love with a few of you try them. None compete with that Kodiak though. It is just a remarkably well made addon.

Now WOULD be a good time to try the high altitude G3000 options. Two are stock planes, one, the H-Jet, is (affordable) payware.

All three will keep you above the clouds and I love the G3000. Touchscreen so, somehow easier to use in sim.

That will keep you from noticing low textures and LOD!

Yep, iā€™m not buying anything either until itā€™s fixed.

Too bad that new working title G3000 isnā€™t coming untilā€¦ January!

Thank you, Iā€™ll say no more on the matter. Back on topic. :wink:

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That is like boycotting Subway because you are mad at McDonalds.