Xbox users still need a dedicated forum

I didn’t participate in that survey, so I suppose I don’t count.

A survey on a niche website isn’t really going to result in accurate numbers regarding the sim.

Again, I feel like the issue here is that the loudest voices on the forum are that of PC users and, most likely, always will be.

I don’t understand how those of us with Xboxes are supposed to get our voices heard and our votes counted when it comes to Xbox-specific issues.

Maybe we Xbox users need a gerrymandering campaign…


How many Xbox users take this kind of survey. I sure did not, neither did the friends I have that sim. So I’m betting the number of users is considerably higher, especially since it was free to try (that’s how I started and then purchased)


Go look at this post:

There isn’t a single Xbox-specific issue on that list. How are we going to get seen?


It‘s not a niche survey, it was shared on many websites and in many forums. If xboxers don‘t care to take part, why care about an extra forum? That‘s the whole point. If it‘s only PC users who care and share their opinions, why then ask for a forum… That‘s contradictive.

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No it isn’t.

I don’t use Navigraph, I use MSFS as it is, that is why I am here and not there.

Yeah it‘s not a Navigraph centric survey, it‘s an annual survey about flightsim in general. It‘s done by them. That‘s all

But you couldn’t participate in that survey if you didn’t know it existed.

If it was a survey sponsored by MS/Asobo about their sim, and it was posted here in an obvious fashion, then I’d have been involved in it.

I don’t understand how that survey and its results have anything to do with getting Xbox-specific issues to float to the top of developer issue lists to be addressed by MS/Asobo. They released the product for us 5% of 10%, so they need to, therefore, address the issues for us 5%.

Otherwise, pull it from the market.


It‘s not about 10% of the market, the number is obviously bigger. It‘s about a rough number who require a special forum.

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The hilarity of this is, I’m not even sure we need a special forum, we just need a way for our issues to be sorted in a list like the VR issues are.

Really, that’s it.

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That‘s a fair point for sure. I think that there are some issues with the xbox thst require action taken by Microsoft though. The DC-6 topic has shown clearly that there are problems that are going deeper than what Asobo can do.

Asobo probably can‘t do more than PMDG either and if they test something and don‘t get the issue because it‘s masked by the testing environment they can‘t develop for xbox either.

Absolutely, and it would sure be helpful if they’d get over here and communicate with us. Their name is on the product front and center.

These developer blog entries go by without a word from them on the Xbox issues.

It’s frustrating and we deserve better.

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Who is they and when did they say they wanted out? On Facebook I belong to PC and xbox sim groups alike. I flew on FSX & RealFlight for many years. Buying a console isn’t like crossing the line in the Field of Dreams lol. It’s not intended to be a malicious comment. I wanteded a bit more organization, but I guess tags will suffice. If a second group is unreasonable than that’s fine. It’s not like the Discord has an xbox section or anything. :face_with_monocle:

Still a bit confused on how we’re the exact same, only different. I suppose all of those guys running 1060s with 8GB of RAM just purchased the DC-6(just taking an example) to park in their hangar. I guess only the 3% running top of the line PCs are enjoying the higher fidelity aircraft.

I appreciate those who tried to steer this away from a platform battle. It was naive for me to repost this not understanding just why the last topic was closed. People here seem spectacularly on edge.

On the bright side the sim works well for me. I feel guilty saying that knowing others have issues and their favorite aircraft are in limbo. I’m more of a bush/vintage/oddball GA sorta guy. It’s been a blast teaching my son to fly. Most of the planes I want are on the horizon for me. I really enjoy interacting with the 3rd party devs on here. Thanks again for the input.

Bad news… Sony is picking them up and there will be a battle royale mode. :rofl:

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There’s a tradeoff between signal-to-noise in troubleshooting, which would be improved by sectioning the Xbox folks off, and getting eyeballs on people’s posts, which would be harmed.

Because forums are archaic and far more people prefer reddit & Facebook. Bandwidth is unlimited, it’s not micromanaged, and many already have accounts. They’re also better organized(shock). That is a good question, though.

XBox simmer here - I don’t want a separate forum. Also, I loved the post that was created by the bitter PC simmer who said that us XBoxers don’t really know how to sim “properly”. Classic generalization!

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There is a tag system on this forum. There is a tag for Xbox.

I think this is a good idea, I don’t understand why it should be so difficult to arrange that? I’m on PC myself, but I understand that Xbox players want their own dedicated forum.


That does nothing to bring them to the forefront — voting does.

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Hmm, in regards to this topic, in my opinion, having a dedicated forum just for Xbox would make it more difficult for the team to manage, making them rely on two different sources for all bugs and feature requests coming from both Xbox and PC users instead of a single source. Having said that, I also believe that Asobo is receiving demands that honestly just need time to be completed and or are probably already being worked on behind the scenes. Everything good takes time. Things that are rushed normally aren’t good. So far, Asobo has done something never seen before in simulation history, leading me to believe that we should all put our differences aside and come all in as one. After all, we aim for the same runway.

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