Having to reach up with the mouse to acknowledge ATC instructions is a pain. Is there a way to assign “acknowledge” to a yoke button?
Just press “1” (not the numpad 1) - To yoke button idk.
Use fsuipc 7nto assign 1 to a button
Just assign a button on your yoke to handle this.
Further, I don’t see why Asobo can’t add an option to the menus to make the ATC menu ‘auto display’
when voice traffic occurs. Just like in P3d.
Make it a wishlist item
Or even simpler - re-map the ATC/radio interface screen to FSX standard key, which is the ~ button. From there, it’s a simple right-right-right using your pointer finger to get to the canned response choices. One hand remains on the yoke/stick.
Good idea. And done!
Joy to Key Software free (find with google)
Greetings: Manfred
I assigned button 2 on my yoke to ATC Panel Choice 1. It seems to work.
Yep as suggested, going to assign a button on the new Grip when it arrives. Can still click on the menu choice now, but as reported, it’s sort of becoming a pain. I just have not figured out which button to assign to it yet. I want to learn new grip before I make mistakes and mess up the defaults, etc. Current JS does not have any left to use on that.
Would be nice if you could cycle through the atc instead of having to press number buttons for your selection. That way you could use a modifier in your yoke config and use the hat switch to cycle through and select your response.
Yes. I have a Saitek yoke programmed [in mode one] to do exactly that. Does away with the pesky,
immersion breaking keyboard altogether.
I voted, I want to start using ATC (respond) but I can never find the controls. I fly several different aircraft.
Nice idea ! It would be possible to make an addon for that ?
There’s actually another Wishlist topic for that:
How about using something like VoiceAttack, to actually tell ATC that you acknowledge their message/clearance?
You could map a numeric keypress, “1” for example, to a ‘when i say’ phrase of “acknowledge ATC” or similar. A bit of a pain if the command moves in the list of options, so maybe something like “option 1”,“option 2” etc might work.
I’ve used something called Vaicom Pro, simply put a VoiceAttack profile, for DCS to deal with radio comms for years, and something as fully fleshed out as that would be great for people using in-sim AI ATC.
I programmed a button on my joystick