Yosemite leg 25 not compleating ( build )

I know it’s an old bug, but there have not been many discussions about it since September last year. Some people mention they still have a problem with the bush trips started before patch 2 was released.


I started my Nevada bush trip fresh a few days ago. I’m on build and I think there have been no updates since I started the bush trip ( if I’m wrong it could be maximum one ) and I have exact same problem.
I landed on the Mariposa Yosemite airport and there was no pop up screen. I taxied around the runway and the strip and stopped in multiple locations, I tried to start and land 4 times. Zero results.
Finally, I quit to the menu and I noticed that in the bush trip menu leg 25 was marked as compleated (as well as all others), but no acchivement was unlocked and the counter in the pilot profile still shows 2 compleated bush trips (Patagonia & Balkans).
Today I restarted the last leg and I compleated the flight once again, but it’s still broken. Nothing happens when I land.

Does anybody expirience the same? I hope we can vote it up since Asebo probably thinks this is fixed now… well it isn’t.

Nothing in the community folder.
No developer mode
Ticket: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/109824

OlieTsubasa443 In the closed topic on this issue you mentioned: “you are still investigating”. It was in January. Any update on this? It’s not only the old bush trips. As mentioned above I did the whole thing on v1.17.3.0 so this bug was not fixed properly.

Hello @ClutchStream630 ,
Is this the original bug report?

I think it is, but it doesn’t exactly describe my problem.
I started the bush trip long after patch 2, also I didn’t experience any weird behavior while restarting a leg.

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