You cut of the pilot hands!


Great work on the sim.

I hope you can make a tamplet so we can have the old fsx/p3d key commands back,it works well and everyone knows them.
Like the out side view that is on the mouse to look around your plane must be on your joystick head sweats it is so natural.

Then in the outside view the plane is to low in the field of view,can you put it in the middel like we are use to.Just rise it on the view axis.

Then the last thing i see no contrails hope it is coming to the jets. I know it is still work in progress!

Frits Beyer

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When this post was created, there was no voting in Wishlist. Now that there is voting, there needs to be one request per topic, and one topic per request.
I am closing this, as it has many requests inside here. If they are still important to you, you may re-log them again as individual topics. The more specific you can be in your request, the easier it would be for the developers. Please keep in mind that:
There is a Wishlist topic for FSX camera views:

And, contrails have been partially implemented in the sim and will continue to be developed on. The Wishlist topic for that is here: