Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

The Sunday Runway Show is Live and In The Air!

If you want to see some MORE GREAT planes that fall outside of the Top 25 above, you can grab the full PDF download here:

==== THIS WEEKS TOP 10 ====

As promised, here is the current state listed by Average score (any planes with under 5 votes have been removed).

====== MY SUMMARY ======
Well the plot twist didn’t quite happen. Until the last two posts the Kodiak and the C414 were EQUAL POINTS but the Kodi has kept her nose cone just ahead by 3pts. The benefit of having a front mounted engine perhaps - reached the finish line a bit sooner than wing mounted, set-back motors lol :smiley:

Lower down the Top 25 there has been quite a lot of small movements (and the Twotter drops it’s now customary single position) but the top end is very steady again. I have counted the new Analog Cessna 208B Caravan as a new plane (it’s in position 92 via a single vote so let’s see how many pilots buy into it. It sounds really great if you want that kind of system depth but I think if it was a bit cheaper more people would take a chance on it, myself included).

The other new plane is Got Gravel’s Zlin & Gravel Savage Grravel, which surprisingly has not been mentioned before.

The Average score chart is interesting. Clearly putting Airliners as the top favourites. I investigated a way to make this format easier to produce but unfortunately to get the functions I need, I will have to update my MacOS software. I will one day :slight_smile: