Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

In my opinion, as it stands, inibuild’s A310 is less problematic, has better sounds, and has arguably a more refined and aesthetically-pleasing EFB than the A300.

Swapping the A310 in place of the A300 is the only change I’d make to my list.

Not to put you off buying it of course. Still a good add-on, but i would personally say it’s the A310 that is more ‘complete’ at this moment in time.


First time for me posting on this thread but its certainly my go to read for what others have in their Hanger & what’s on their lists.

I’ve just about got 10 faves so here goes.

  1. A2A Comanche - I absolutely love this aircraft it’s just so alive & is like its own simulation within a simulation. Can’t beat flying this out from a burning blue designs airfield. Love the sounds going from tarmac to grass too. Love it. Must admit when I first got this I had a hard time making a good landing but with practice soon got the hang of it.
  2. Flysimware Sierra C24R - Another one of my favourite GA aircraft. Ok its not quite up there with the Comanche but it’s very close & love flying it. Just wish it had the sounds of the tarmac to grass like the Comanche it would be spot on.
  3. Fenix A320 - When I’m in the mood for a bit of commercial airline flying then this is my go to aircraft. Coupled with GSX & BATC along with my UK airport addons it just makes a change from the GA stuff.
  4. Flyingiron Spitfire - What’s not to like about a spitfire & this one is no exception. Just a great warbird to fly although this did take me a while to get the hang of when taking off & landing but again with practice it’s a joy.
  5. Flyingiron BF109 - The very aircraft that got me into aviation many moons ago from watching Black 6 at Duxford from its first to last flight. To have this in the sim complete with the Black 6 livery added & the Duxford Chico mick scenery installed to it just makes my day to simulate black 6 on a flying display. For me it’s a tricky one to master especially with the narrow track undercarriage so it does keep me on my toes. Must dig out my Russ Snadden book for another read :wink:
  6. ANTS Airplanes Tiger Moth - Another great aircraft to fly out of a BBD airfield & as I used to live very close to Old Warden this was I must for my hanger. Just simple slow enjoyable flying & taking in the scenery.
  7. Flysimware C414 - Don’t really fly this all that much to be honest but when I do I tend to pick this over the duke.
  8. Black Square Piston Duke - As above If I fancy a bit further afield flying than using the A2A or the C24R then I tend to fly this bird or as mentioned above the C414. Love the sounds of this aircraft & how it flies. My only thing I dislike about this aircraft is the seating position which I can’t seem to get just right with my Tobii. Great plane though
  9. Blackbox BN-2 - I only tend to bring this out the hanger if I fancy doing some island hops at the Outer Hebrides or hops between Barra to mainland UK. Great plane to have in the hanger when the mood takes. Must fly it more really.
  10. ATR 42/72 - This one is certainly gathering dust stuck up the corner of my sim hanger. Shame as I love the ATR’s as its probably one of the aircraft I’ve travelled on the most IRL back & forth from Edinburgh to Dublin. Must try & learn its systems & the way it flies so I can enjoy this more often in the sim.

I was in contact with them as well, about 6 months ago, explaining in detail the throttle and trim issues.

nothing yet.

This is my final MSFS 2020 Top 9 list. I am looking forward to trying them all out in FS 2024!

BTW, without going into painful details, I have purchased several other add-on aircraft. However, they each seemed to have minor issues that, in my opinion, were deal-breakers.

Asobo C152
Asobo C172
Asobo C208
Asobo TBM 930
Asobo G36
Asobo DA62
Asobo NX Cub
FFX Visionjet
Restauravia Nord N3400


Funny you mention it!

As time passed and default aircraft were upgraded I started using default aircraft more and more.

I like my “study level / high fidelity” aircraft, but sometimes I just want to get in and fly with more than acceptable reality, (i.e. wife’s out running a quick errand), and the default aircraft fill that role nicely.

Appears to be even better in 2024, we’ll see!


My favorites

  1. Black Square TBM 850
  2. Black Square Duke
  3. IRIS PC-21
  4. Microsoft DHC-4 Caribou
  5. Miltech CH47D Chinook

Best place to make your first post :100:


Unsurprising too. Lots of people probably watch this list before they even sign up/contribute at all on the forums, I was. I haven’t been super into flight simming for that long and it’s of the first things that shows up on google if you start googling what 3rd party aircraft are worthwhile.


@Baracus250 what have you done


Oh eck!! I’ll probably get banned from Google as well now for manipulating search engine results. Can’t win in this bloomin’ game!!

At least nobody uses Bing, so my flight sim account / Pilot Log is safe! Oh… wait, Log is not safe is it… (thankfully I never hit that particular bug — they brought in that compression bandaid just in time, and with 2024 starting us from scratch it’s kind of irrelevant now!).

I wonder if that is “fixed” in 24?


I’m about to uninstall it. From loving to almost hating it for its weird behaviour…

That’s disappointing, JustFlight is usually top notch

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My final list for MSFS 2022:

  • Taog Lama
  • Hype H145
  • Blackbird PC-6
  • COWS DA-42
  • Asobo Longitude
  • A2A Comanche
  • //42 Kitfox
  • Cowansims R66
  • CAS J-3 Cub
  • Toag Alouette III

Some honorable mentions:

  • Great Freeware
    ** Hunter MK. 58
    ** Asobo Beaver
    ** Gliders
    ** Bell 407 (with Sim Focus Mod)
    ** JXT B505
  • Payware
    ** Taog Huey
    ** Hype H160
    ** Flyinside 206
    ** SWS Kodjak 100
    ** SWS RV-14
    ** Everything from Cowansim (especially the h125 and the MD500)
    ** A lot more…

Old list from October 2023:

  • Alouette III
  • H145
  • Cowansim H125 - I also have it in X-Plane, and don’t feel it is to twitchy, but I have a long cyclic, that might help.
  • R44
  • Cabri G2
  • A2A Comanche
  • Grumman G-21 Goose
  • DHC-2 Beaver Floats
  • Milviz PC-6
  • Wilga - did buy it, love it, but did not use it to much - to much fun with the helicopters

Banned from google? For having non-LLM-generated slop? Not a chance. You done good, sir!


Thank you for your votes and your post!! Welcome to the madhouse :slight_smile:

We are counting the Piston and Turbine separately. Do you want to have a 6th vote to include both, or just choose one of those? For now I have put it down as Piston but let me know if you want to change that. Thanks again for getting involved here!! :smiley:

Last MSFS 2020 list…

Fenix A319 CFM
Fenix A319 IAE
Fenix A320 CFM
Fenix A320 IAE
Fenix A320 CFM sharklets
Fenix A320 IAE sharklets
Fenix A321 CFM
Fenix A321 IAE
Fenix A321 CFM sharklets
Fenix A321 IAE sharklets

Gotta love Fenix for producing enough A320 variants to fill the top 10!


I… don’t even know what to say. Help me help you :grin:


Totally agree!


Ok I haven’t posted a list in a year or so. Had a hiatus when my pedals went belly-up. This’ll be my final until I get settled with 2024

A2A Comanche
Black Square Piston Duke
PMDG 737-800 - new purchase!
Black Square Bonanza - I even like the flight model, although it’s not as lively as the comanche.
FBW A320Neo - great package for the best price in MSFS!

I’m removing the rest because while there are some other great a/c in my hangar, none of them distinguish themselves to me at this time. All of them are lacking a bit in one spot or another for me, including
Cessna 414 - no wear and tear. If I can’t break it mid-air why bother
JF Arrows - dated graphics
Kodiak - Flight model was never quite right IMHO. Low speed handling was sub-par.
Cessna 310 - same problem as the Kodiak. Something is not right with the flight model, although this one may be on my end.

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See you in 2026 then! :smiley: