Your Current TOP 10 Aircraft

Asobo Longitude with mod and WT G3000. One nice ride. I cruised @51,000 one flight. Just testing :smile:

Aerosoft Twin Otter.

Milviz Cessna 310.

IndiaFoxEcho T-45.

Carenado M20 Mooney Ovation.

And these in no particular order. It was hard to choose just 5.

Great topic BTW, shows me what everyone else flies and I might buys.

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#1: Flysimware Cessna 414. What an amazing airplane. It knocked the Milviz C310R out of #1 for me. Flies great, has some very interesting old-school avionics and systems and yet can still take the great PMS50 GTN750. Itā€™s got the capabilities of a turboprop (almost) to get over weather and cruise in the FLs. Super-versatile, beautifully modeled airplane. Well worth the money and until somebody puts out a decent King Air-style turboprop for MSFS this is my cruiser of choice.

#2: Milviz Cessna 310R. In FSX/P3D I was a huge fan of the A2A Simulations planes because of the whole persistent ā€œownership experienceā€ tracking wear and whatnot. This does that. In addition it flies awesomely, sounds great, and looks super sexy.

#3: Just Flight BAe 146. What a neat airplane. Quirky enough to be interesting but also supremely capable and boy does it fly well. The only thing I would ding it on is I wish the FMS was a little more full-featured, and I wish we had the Avro RJ variants with the updated cockpit, but maybe those will come down the road.

#4: PMDG 737-700. What can you say? Itā€™s a PMDG product. Study-level simulation, flies like an absolute dream, and all the ancillary stuff (fuel loading, payload, ACARS simulation, etc.) just works. (Unlike my Maddog, which Iā€™m having constant problems with getting OFPs and fuel loaded over into the sim from the flight bag.) Itā€™s the best follow-the-purple-line aircraft in MSFS right now by miles.

#5: Just Flight Arrow package (and the Warrior II as well). Iā€™ve always thought Just Flight stuff was kind of hit or miss, some were good, some were meh. They hit this one out of the park. All the PA-28s are fantastic.

Honorable mention: SWS Quest Kodiak. Awesome bush plane and the WT G1000 integration has gotten me over my dislike of MSFSā€™s G1000 implementation. I canā€™t put it in the top 5 because Iā€™m having some pitch control issues with it (donā€™t let your CG get too far aft or she gets spicy!) but itā€™s very close.

Honorable mention freeware: Cessna CJ4 with the improvement mod for the avionics. It doesnā€™t suck anymore! :slight_smile:


New List (June):

  1. PMDG DC-6 is still the best aircraft overall. Convincing flight model, great sounds, fun to fly and to create flight plans for. Great for admiring the scenery.
  2. Fenix A320 for its fidelity, visuals, sounds and fun to operate.
  3. Milviz C310R for its flight model, sounds and systems modeling. Cockpit visuals, windshield and gauges reflections do not match the quality of other aircraft though.
  4. FSReborn Sting S4 for its flight model and systems modeling. Not fan of the avionics (default GSX3).
  5. SWS Kodiak for its attention to detail and WT G1000 avionics.

Old List (April):


SR72 Darkstar

F18 Super Hornet

F14 Tomcat

L-39 albatross




  1. Flysimware 414
  2. Just Flight Hawk
  3. PMDG 737
  4. Kodiak
  5. JustFlight Turbo Arrows and warrior

Honorable mentionsā€¦ Sting for sureā€¦ just odd jittery turbulence and G3X ruins it for me. Milviz 310 is not bad, but I like the 414 a whole lot more.


An Update:

New List:

  1. H145 - Still great
  2. Hawker Hunter - Fits so well into the Swiss mountains
  3. H125 - Very versatile
  4. RV-14 - My go-to XC machine
  5. DA62X Improvement Mod - Still my go to do fly IFR on Vatsim

A lot of honorable mentions:
R44, Savage Cub, Cessna Citation Longitude, GotFriends Discuss, Kodjak, Milviz PC-6, F-35, ā€¦

Old List:

  1. H145 - Such a versatile chopper, can keep up with lots of GA aircraft for Group flights.
  2. R44 - Helicopter flying in itā€™s raw form
  3. Milviz PC-6 I am swiss, so flying something close to home
  4. H125 - A nice middle ground between the H145 and R44
  5. DA62X Improvement Mod - my go to do fly IFR on Vatsim
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Iā€™m shocked to see the Fenix has fallen off the list completely.

Edit: Nvm I looked over it lol

The Sunday Runway Show is Live and In The Air!

If you want to see some MORE GREAT planes that fall outside of the Top 25 above, you can grab the full PDF download here: Dropbox - MSFS Aircraft Ranking 21.pdf - Simplify your life

==== THIS WEEKS TOP 10 ====

====== MY SUMMARY ======

Not so many submissions this week so the shape has not changed too much. The gap to Kodiak is definitely closing up though (just 13pts in it now, was 22pts gap last week).

2 new planes mentioned this week bringing the total to 132:

  • Deimos MiG 29 Fulcrum
  • Asobo L-39 Albatross (Reno)

Missed it again! I need to get my updated list in by Friday next week, setting an alarmā€¦

We went there today. Very cool collection. Sat in the Hunter too. Blimey with the canopy shut it was roasting in there (very hot day). I really wouldnā€™t fancy flying that and having my life on the line. So claustrophobic.

They have a great amount of scale models of all sorts in the hangar (cars, bikes and boats too) - hundreds and hundreds of them. Didnā€™t get around to sitting in any other aircraft today, as my boy was getting fussy (too hot) but Iā€™ll definitely go back one day to do that. Thanks for the suggestion @Vapour75

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ā€¦perhaps modify the app of yours to (if a box is checked) run automatically once a week, and upload the results to you, and infer the top-5 via the top-5 flights filtered with a rolling 3-week (or so) snapshot? :stuck_out_tongue:

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  1. A320, Asobo, Fly By Wire mod
  2. Piper Turbo Arrow III, Just Flight
  3. Hawker Hunter, Dave Garwood
  4. Cessna 208, Asobo, Improvement Mod by Magraina
  5. Cessna 172 G1000, Asobo

(Based on what I fly most frequently, which at the moment is the A320 since airliners are new for me)

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Yup weā€™re planning that. (You can see it in the dev roadmap on since first release).

Itā€™s just a case of all of us finding the time to implement it. :slight_smile:


And to think that this add-on is about to get a major overhaul too!.. I love this plane as it is already, but itā€™ll be interesting to see how the new changes affects peopleā€™s views.

My current 5:

  1. JF Bae-146
  2. FSReborn Sting
  3. BB BN-2A Islander
  4. Carenado C337 Skymaster
  5. JF Piper Arrow

Fenix A320
DC Designs F-14 Tomcat
Indiafoxtecho F-35 Lightning II
Darkstar Experimental
Top Mach Studios F-22 Raptor

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My current:

  1. Milviz 310R (easily gets 90% of my flying time).
  2. FSW Cessna 414 (a little frustrating, but Iā€™m plowing through the rough spots).
  3. PMDG DC-6
  4. Boeing 247D
  5. JF BAE 146 (best plane to photograph with, not so much to fly).

Iā€™ve been using the B2islander and tri Islander as the base aircraft I use to do some GA Flying :slight_smile:

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Fenix A320
Milviz 310R
Aerosoft CRJ
Just Flight Arrow/Turbo Arrow
Flying Iron Spitfire


For me

1: BAE 146 300
2: Aerosoft CRJ 700
3: B2 Islander
4: Emb 110
5: B2 tri Islander

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Weā€™re about to the point where, with hundreds of aircraft, itā€™d be feasible to have a top five for each aircraft category. Airliner, GA, STOL, military jet, Classic/vintage, etc. Business jets are really the only category that doesnā€™t even have 5 aircraft yetā€¦

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