"Your game license cannot be authenticated" issue upon starting MSFS

Anyone having this error message upon starting MSFS? It just started happening now for me and have gone through the steps of signing out of MS Store and Xbox Apps and resigning in everywhere and launching MSFS from Xbox app but error message still persists.

I can see I’m online in MSFS but no servers load in the drop down bar.

Any ideas how to fix this? I


In Australia the same.

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Currently, Xbox is showing some servers down. This could be the cause.

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yes me too…exactly what I got, so went in via XBOX…that worked OK

Tasmania here - ditto on the topic.
I thought that I had done something wrong in uninstalling Norton just before checking Flt Sim.
The Flt Sim screen eventually took me to the Installation Manager that said that there was a Mandatory Standard Content update of 79.84GB. When i checked the Update info it was referring to I looked at the top LH of the page and saw that it was reflecting my machine as - so what the heck is happening? I tried everything to get out of the Install Manager page but nothing was happening. Did Norton do this?

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Hello everyone. I got the follwing message: “due to a system error your game license cannot be authenticated. Go to Microsoft Store and enter the registration code…etc…etc…” After the game work.Has anyone had the same message anddo you fix it if crashes ? My MSFS is DVD version for P.C.
Thank to all.Luciano

Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

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Moderator Edit:
I follow the previous report reporting the message in full:
Due to an unexpected error your gaming license cannot be authenticated. To access online services, be sure to sign in to the Microsoft Store and Microsoft Flight Simulator with the X Box Live account you used to purchase Microsoft Glight Simulator." … I specify that I installed the physical version on DVD, the game starts anyway and I turn out to be online but I would not like everything to suddenly crash. Has anyone had the same problem?

Faccio seguito alla segnalazione precedente riportando il messaggio per intero:
A causa di un errore imprevisto la tua licenza di gioco non può ssere autenticata. Per accedere ai servizi online, assicurati di accedere al Microsoft Store e a Microsoft Flight Simulator con l’account X Box Live utilizzato per acquistare Microsoft Glight Simulator." …Preciso che ho installato la versione fisica in DVD, il gioco si avvia comunque e risulto essere online ma non vorrei che improvvisamente si bloccasse tutto. Qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso problema ?
Ringrazio chiunque possa darmi una risposta.

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même problème. Sans parler des innombrables problèmes de démarrage du jeu ! La carte graphique qui n en peut plus sans avoir absolument rien changé dans la configuration !!!

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I just launched the sim there and received the error described in the OP. I’ve closed it down and making another attempt as I type.

FWIW, I was flying at around 1pm (6 hours ago) and there were no issues at that point.

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I can confirm that re-launching the sim fixed the issue. No issues now.

same problem here. I had to restart the pc because the simmconnect did not work after the second successful upload.

Same Issue here. Restarting PC, Logging ON/OFF Xbox App and Store, going Online or Offline in the Game, restarting the SIM, does not Solve the Issue.
But the Game is working with all Online Services.

Same here, I think it’s a problem with the DVD version, everything works in the sim, I do have problems with the marcetplace, my purchases are rejected, logging in and starting up via the app, sometimes I can buy something, but frustrating . The bigest problem is the amount of ram you can use I have 64 Gb ram, almost none of it is used, sometimes the AI planes disappear at the gates.
Have now uninstalled all the planes I don’t fly.
That Xbox adventure is not a success in my opinion.

Getting this error frome time to time, too, in the standard MS Store download version included in the PC Game Pass. But after clicking ‘ok’ the message disappears and sim goes on with loading, then showing my Xbox user tag and everything is running fine. Maybe some time-out happening in the loading process?


same for me: I do get this error message occasionally (twice today, already), but after clicking “okay”, the sim works fine.

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I had the same issue a couple of times this week, but after that the sim worked fine.

Same here. Sim works fine after i click OK

I now get this message most times when starting the sin. Once I click OK it continues to load…

Something not right with Microsoft Simulator

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I am wondering if this “error” is somewhat related to this setting in the windows store profile:

where offline permissions for online games is sought to enable the game for offline use.
For those who are on xbox I wonder if the offline pack is installed?
For those on the gamepass version it may be a genuine authentication failure.

I get this “error” occasionally, but regularly, every couple of weeks or so, but never repeatedly on the same day or in the same few days.

Clicking OK always has, thus far, allowed MSFS to load and run as normal.

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