I installed MSFS on my laptop overnight (I admit I dont have a 4000€ laptop, but It does what he has to do). This morning I go to my PC to check If the installation has ended but Im left with the “classical” “your graphics device has encountered a problem and Microsoft Flight simulator will exit.”. Tried to close and open again the sim but I am left with that message whatsoever. May the problem be I installed it on a D: drive?
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Warning: Your graphics device has encountered a problem
Hello @Lollo1941
Would you be fine with me merging your post into Warning: Your graphics device has encountered a problem in order to help keep the forums organized?
How can I merge a post in another?
I’ll try later, i just came back from school
You can’t. Only staff members of the forum can.
Would you like me to merge it?
Sure I would!
Closing post as duplicate. If you experience this issue, see this thread.