YouTube Pilots

Just wondering what '‘You Tube pilots’ you follow?

Mine are;

(2) 320 Sim Pilot - YouTube A320

(2) Blackbox711 - YouTube A320

(2) flightdeck2sim - YouTube Boeing Training Captain

(2) P Gatcomb - YouTube

[(2) PILOTCLIMB - YouTube] Boeing

[(2) thecorporatepilotdad - YouTube] Jets and GA.
(thecorporatepilotdad - YouTube)

(2) V1-Simulations - YouTube A320

All the above are a credit to their profession

Honourable mention of Peter who is active on this forum and produces great content

(2) High in the flightsim sky - YouTube

Please let me know who you follow I’m trying to learn :slight_smile:


These are the specific PILOT channels i watch, there are more aviation related channels i watch (AVWeb, 3 minutes of aviation etc). All these are on youtube.

  • Mentour Pilot - Pilot trainer, 737 pilot
  • Guillaume Laffone - Great landing and takeoff videos
  • Dutch Pilot Girl - 737 Pilot
  • Captain Joe - Airbus pilot
  • Bjornpilot - A3XX pilot
  • 74Gear - 747 Pilot
  • Pilot Emelie - Dash pilot
  • Garry Wing - Flight instructor with VERY good videos
  • Bruno Vassel - Piloting sail planes.
  • CW Lemoine - Former Hornet, Falcon and Eagle pilot. Streams DCS with his friends from time to time.

In addition: easyjetsimpilot

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These guys aren’t real pilots, but I follow CPT Canada, Squirrel, Jeff Favignano and XP72. I have learned a lot from them and if there is an aircraft I am interested in purchasing, I watch their review flights to help me make a decision. Jeff has a PPL and I think Squirrel may as well. As far as real pilots, I follow FD2S, V1 Simulations, 320 Sim Pilot, CW Lemoine, and Citation Max (Citation captain)


Quite surprised Steveo1Kinevo isn’t listed already. There are quite a few really good channels on YouTube but his is my favorite - good level of technical depth, interesting flying and excellent quality & production.


I mainly fly the Baron 58 (or other GA) in MSFS and on YT I follow:

Baron Pilot
Baron Pilot - YouTube

Skyline Baron Pilot
Skyline Baron Pilot - YouTube

Aviation101 - YouTube

310 Pilot
310 Pilot - YouTube

Steveo 1 Kinevo
steveo1kinevo - YouTube

Flight Sim Flyer
Flight Sim Flyer - YouTube


I do watch him too, but i quickly scrolled through my subscriptions quickly and taking notes, i must have missed him.


There’s this guy, who flies Cherokees, does Caribbean flying videos, and MSFS videos:

Upstate Flyer


I follow a few above and have probably seen most everyone once. Thank you for all your videos and livestreams!

I’m on most everyday for other NOOBS who are learning.

Usually Cessna practice in the mornings. The same stuff most everyday. - Basics, VOR Nav, AP, Radials, Colorado cold weather / high altitude. METARs, Skyvector Flight Planning, Sid/Star/VOR/RNAV charts.

Usually Airbus in the afternoon evenings - Manual MCDU flight plans, night flights, Skyvector planning. Now trying to learn VOR Nav

Tony Tuthill aka Kinneas - YouTube

Being one of those “YouTube Pilots” ( thecorporatepilotdad - YouTube ) followed by the post originator, I do follow Trent Palmer - YouTube and Mike Patey - YouTube

Both of these guys make great aviation videos. You may not learn the basics of flying on either channel, but they are both enthusiastic aviators and show the fun an ingenuity to be had in aviation.


Not a pilot channel (he actually got his IRL PPL though) but don’t forget to follow Mr Sam Chui
He’s an aviation geek and the content he shares is excellent.

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For german language he is the number one. Real 737 pilot.


Lots of great suggestions here. I thought I’d add one I didn’t see yet. Real world, not sim, but great fun to watch for procedures, ATC communication, etc.


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Re-opening topic as it contains some good links.


These are the ones I follow.


In addition to above fine and informative flying youtube ladies and gentlemen, I’m following this local Dutch channel where PPL flying lessons / solo’s are being documented from a Point-of-View (POV) perspective:

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Jerry Wagner is my favourite.

No stupid VLOG music, no fancy editing, no pointing the camera at himself all the time, no begging for likes and subscriptions, no patreon gimmicks, no merchandise.

Just videos about flying.