40th Anniversary Edition Airports

I’m running the steam version on my PC. I have no payware Chicago scenery in my Community Folder and Meigs is not there when I fly to it or search for it . There is no runway and it is partially submerged. Is Meigs supposed to be in the world map or only in the 40th Anniversary activities? I tried searching for Meigs in the world map using the airport code KCGX and also by name and there are no results. Alos people have referred to an Meigs activity in the activities section but I can’t sdee one in my activities section. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

It’s there.

There is either something missing from your install, or you have something in your community folder conflicting.

Make sure you check Marketplace and make sure the free updates are “purchased” and installed, and check Content Manager and see if anything still hasn’t been installed.

Then clean your community folder completely if still having issues.

Thanks for the info… The third time I rebooted my computer MSFS decided to let me know it had some additional content it wanted to install and this fixed the issues.

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Maybe this helps:

Personally is still hope for a big update for the premium deluxe airports. Still a little bit dissappointed in the lack of updates in those. Like the freeway sinkhole in Amsterdam. Some weird stuff ar Paris and the skateramps in Denver for instance. Also the lack of updates from Asobo for the B787 en B747 for premium buyers is a laugh. Yes i can buy 3th party content. But i did not buy the premium deluxe version for the updates Asobo ans MS did on those the last 2 years.

MSFS came a long way and probably will we the top sim for a couple of years. But customer service is still lacking


I have the Airworthy Designs TNCM airport for fs2020 on Xbox. I loved the scenery when I started using it. Now that Microsoft has added TNCM scenery with the 40th Anniversary edition it has created double runway numbers and runway stripes. I have no way to remove the Microsoft TNCM scenery because I’m on XBOX. Do you have any suggestions?

Go into your content manager and search on TNCM.

You should see 2 listings. Asobo and your third party.

Select the Asobo one and uninstall (this is how it’s done on PC. I would imagine the same on XBOX).

There is no possibility to delete TNCM on XBOX. I have the same problem since 40th anniversary update. It would be great if MS/Asobo could change that problem.


Unfortunately, it isn’t. For reasons none of us know, they didn’t give Xbox the same flexibility.

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Hey….I tried your suggestion about going into Content Manager and looking for TNCM. I typed that in the search bar and the only thing that showed up was my Airworthy Designs TNCM airport. That’s what sucks about Xbox. You can’t fix anything because the whole system is locked out. Thanks for trying to help anyway.


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