I think this is already known, but looking for confirmation. The post only said rudder issue. Twice now when landing 787, the rudder went hard right. First time I thought it was I did something. So are others getting this issue, or is this a me issue? This is following the most recent MSFS update.
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Yep, below’s the bug I filed. I get this in both directions. I suspect that it is the Fly By Wire system overcompensating for uneven braking, but just guessing. Supposedly there is a fix for it that didn’t make it into the AAU2 release.
By both directions to you mean during takeoff, or just left or right during landing? I only got this during landing.
Just landing. I think it might excessively weathervane with any crosswind, i.e. left to right x-wind will pull nose to the left. Takeoffs are fine. Everything else is great with this plane. Hope it gets fixed soon, though I have plenty of other planes to keep me busy.
Hi all, it’s awesome, it’s one of my favorite aircraft to make long flights; before the update I made up to 4 itineraries between Europe and America without any problem when landing, but since the update I have made more than 10 tests (seriously… ) to different airports, observing if the report on AAU2 is reported but it is impossible to land, it is for both sides, that is, takeoff very well, climb, cruise and descent, but since the approach and landing is a disaster … at the first touch on the ground arrives with the average speed 160 or less, but adding brakes or reverse generates sudden movements to both sides, I hope it is possible a solution, because before it was fine, but now it is not possible to arrive. I appreciate all possible help, greetings.
I will say that the new 747-8I is also a wonderful aircraft with even longer range than the 787, without the landing issues. I just got a second Boeing TM Throttle quadrant Friday, and yesterday I flew the 747 from KLAX to KDEN. Nothing quite like having four throttles at hand!
But yes, hoping the 787 gets fixed…hopefully the fix from Working Title comes soon.
FWIW, I had not experienced the “hard right on landing” until I tried different Autobrake settings. I usually set Autobrake to “MAX” which IRL is not often used. When I changed to a lower setting (don’t remember which one), I had the hard right turning. It seems like the Autobrake is enabling only one brake instead of both. I’ll have to try the other settings. (Of course if this was a Southwest 737, hard braking to quickly exit the runways is SOP. )
EDIT: Two landings (w/full autoland) one with No Autobrake and one with Max. The No Autobrake didn’t have a huge turn, just a small off-centerline movement easily corrected with the rudder but the landing distance was LONG even with reversers. Max Autobrake had no off-centerline movement. There definitely is a problem with the various settings. Maybe Max could be a temporary workaround?
Omg yes!!! Anytime I’m taxiing and during takeoff there’s lots of pulling hard right or left! Please fix this
Yet there are plenty of YouTube examples to the contrary. How is that possible?
I’m getting the same hard turn on landing. I’ve tried multiple configurations on landing and same thing. No brakes and no REV will do the same. Waiting patiently for the fix.
This sounds like a problem I heard of in the forums a few years ago. I think it had something to do with autopilot not being off or the piloting assistance settings.
Can you confirm that ALL assistances are disabled?
And “waiting patiently for a fix” is making a big assumption that there is actually a bug that needs a software update and not something else that you can do right now.
All Assistance is off on final landing. No Auto pilot - no AI assists. I’ve read there was an update for this issue that didn’t make the last release - maybe I misread.
I will simply say that this is the only plane I fly that has this problem, using identical settings (assistances, etc.)
Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s brakes. Make sure you have the FCTL synoptics page displayed when landing…you’ll see a significant rudder deflection, maybe in reaction to uneven braking.
I recommend flying Southwest IRL into Burbank…5800’ runway 08. Definitely plenty of braking there…hold your (beverage)!
A 787 into Burbank? I’m not sure you could stop in time. And even if you could, you’re never taking off again.
Yeah, was referencing PacificSet’s post above re: SW 737 Yeah, not much room for a 787 there…
Hi all, exactly, how can it be possible. but well friends I made tests again (several the truth, more than 6 with all the possible variables), following the document that you have placed in another Forum has served to know different parts of how to proceed to perform from the approach to the landing. 1. When the LAND 3 is activated, it arrives straight and without problem, but without placing reverse; 2. Holding or touching the rudder, disconnects the ROLL and causes rolls to the left and right, I must say that without control; 3. 4. And observe or watch so many videos that it comes out perfect, they are videos made for people ONLY to see that, what can be shown, a reflection of life, but the reality is another. I know that many in the same Community know and know about the subject and we hope they respond better than Asobo. Greetings to all.
So you’re saying that the videos on YouTube of successful landings are intentionally deceiving?
Are you also saying that anyone who claims they have no problems landing the 787 are lying?
I will say there may be some other factor involved that is causing this that only affects a small percentage. The WT Discord has had some minor discussion on this over the last few weeks, but if everyone was having this issue, then there would be near-daily nag posts there. I know if this were a real life landing, phones and drinks would be flying all over the cabin amidst a few people screaming.
These planes are super-complicated, and there are so many different hardware configurations available, it must be a nightmare trying to address all of the possible causes of things like this.