Anyone having issues with LNAV in the Boeing 787? Just started flying this aircraft again as the LNAV was buggy last time. My last 3 flights the LNAV either 1: Wouldn’t engage, or 2: would not track flight plan or 3: decide to start working just before APP mode. I have no issues in the A320.
Maybe this will help
Issues with the 787 - Going crazy! - General Discussion & Community Support / Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Have you turned on the flight director?
Auto pilot will not engage if it is off
I have been having the same issue ever since the last update, with both the 787 and 747. I posted something about this on the forum and someone indicated it was a known issue. I’m just waiting to see if a fix is made with the next update (I did not report a bug).
I haven’t seen a problem with either LNAV or VNAV. Works fine. Make sure you check the new procedures needed after the systems updates.
I’ve been flying both 787 and 747 since beta of AAU2 and haven’t experienced a single issue.
It is also worth noting to check your peripheral’s deadzones… if your deadzones aren’t set properly, this can absolutely impact autopilot and LNAV not working.
See this thread from a year ago:
I would recommend searching the forum because there are a handful of topics regarding the LNAV issue, you can also check the main AAU2 topic: