New X670E bios drivers available: 1406.
No more high memory problems with my motherboard.
New X670E bios drivers available: 1406.
No more high memory problems with my motherboard.
where are you seeing that? 1004 is the newest version I see here and that is what I already have.
gives me hope there may be one for my motherboard any moment!
I don’t think issue is bios. I’m using bios 1004 and it’s rock solid stable even with memory context restore enabled. 1004 is the most stable as 0805 was. At least for me.
Have you reinstalled windows and updated it?
After installing windows, make sure you do the following:
Let me know.
Wooa. Why is your resolution so high? 4148X3556?? Is that like 8K? That’s not 2160 which would be 4K
Varjo Aero set to 39PPD is definitely pushing more pixels than 4K
Edit: 2880 x 2720 pixels per eye
That’s a lot of pixels.
Let’s not install the VR headset & run the first test in vanilla mode.
That way we can have baseline numbers for comparison, without any third party drivers coming into play.
Ok, to be safe, I won’t even install the software for my Brunner yoke or Virpil controls, I’ll use the old logitech extreme 3d joystick. I think that will just work without any driver, but haven’t used it in a long time so not 100% sure.
Only 1st party stuff installed
DX11 TAA Utlra at 4K
Definitely much better! getting around 70-73 FPS
and this is without touching any default settings in NVCP.
I’m going to proceed to install software for my controllers and then install the VR headset and see where we are in VR. If I can get smooth 40-60 FPS in VR I’d be happy.
Please consider creating a system restore point before adding the bells and whistles.
Ok, that’s much better. Now go into Bios and disable virtualization in the cpu configuration tab.
Then follow the exact same ram timings and voltages shown in this video.
This will put you in the 80’s-90 fps
I bet you smiling ear to ear with those high green numbers now huh?
I know I did when I got my 7950X3D.
I will be if it is good in VR, will know soon!
Interesting difference in perspective. OP spent days fiddling settings and now, after a clean Windows install, gets VERY nice numbers. Plain, simple, no quirks or tweaking.
Considering this: I am from the “Quit while you are ahead” school of thinking: if you are happy with where you are at, why risk upsetting something again and losing what you have by chasing a will o’ the wisp that you don’t particularly want or need?
I know correlation isn’t causation, but right from the start I have kept everything as simple as possible. And in the two and a half years I have been using the sim, I have always had most satisfactory performance given my hardware. This with rock solid reliability. The only CTD’s I have had were when I had the Capture One interference and once when I used the wrong profile (one of only two I have, mind you…) for the aircraft I was flying. Sure, I know things can turn in a moment. But still.
Obviously the OP’s call, but to me staying put as-is sounds like not a bad idea… Sometimes enjoying something good that you have is a lot more pleasant than chasing “perfection”.
I don’t think his issue was hardware or windows itself. I think his issue is running VR which gives out that crazy resolution. That’s way past what 4K resolution would be. But he needs to test and see.
Well, not really. He did try regular 2D early-ish in the thread and only got <30FPS with a variety of different anti-aliasing and DLSS settings in DX11 and 12: see here: 7950x3d and rtx4090 - not getting expected performance - #58 by joeaudacious This was at 3840x1529, which is less than 4K
But I absolutely agree that it is up to him to decide
The problem was definitely fixed by re-installing windows, which was suggested early on, thanks @Djibouti62 . Did not discount it at the time, but felt other possible fixes needed to be explored first.
Having explored them all, finally came back to re-install windows and 2d 4k went from low 30s to low 70s.
But many thanks also and especially to @kido007dz @xxYUNIORxx and everyone else who helped guide me through all those things to try.
For VR testing I started out at the default Varjo 35 ppd resolution, which I always used on my old machine
and it did quite well, was very smooth
then I switched back to 39ppd
it dropped into the 30s but it was a pretty smooth 30 fps, not as smooth as at 35ppd, but the visuals are so much better I want to stay there, and it is good enough. Will see what a little tweaking can do but really this is the best VR experience for me so far, visuals much better than my old 3090 5950x machine, and smoothness is better too.