A lack of respect for the client

Also please, it could well be hundreds of thousands who are having issues. We now live in a world where we expect to get what we are told we are getting. For me the sim is brilliant when it works and awful when it breaks and unfortunately it breaks way to easily. I posted a picture of a pink asobo 320 this happened simply after installing the latest world update. I uninstalled the whole sim and reinstalled lo and behold it’s now ok but it was ten hours of downloading. Things like this shouldn’t happen. The Microsoft asobo group are big they have made a few bob over the years are you telling me that their expertise doesn’t run to thorough testing and retesting pre release of product. Respect ? I think not.


Quite the opposite. MS has spent the last 5 years or so trying to convince the world Xbox is the ultimate gaming experience. To not publish their flagship game on their own console would basically be like shooting themselves in the face.

I would expect Xbox is going to be the primary target. They’re going to work on getting it running well on the console first. And by well, I mean never dropping before 30 REAL frames per second regardless of the scenario. Then they’ll upscale that for more powerful PCs.

They did that backwards with the current iteration - developing for PC first then having to dumb everything down to shoehorn it into the console. SU5 was a step backwards for PC. We got back at least some of the graphical fidelity lost in SU5 in subsequent updates, but the sim was never quite the same after SU5. It makes much more sense from a development perspective to go the other way and target the lesser platform first then upscale for more powerful PCs.


I really wish I could have looked at your system. Unlike MANY of the other issues people bring up (AI, Weather, etc.), that kind of texture error just screams out as a client side environment/configuration issue.

Glad it is working now…


That’s been my problem all the time. Since world update 5 every time an update comes along I do what I’m told I isolate the community folder install the update and that is what happens. Sometimes it’s aircraft sometimes it’s buildings it’s random but every time something goes duck.

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Actually I think MeanThree72574 has a point.
Far too often now are we asked to pay for stuff that simply doesnt work, or has other major failings.
Have you seen the Aero 45? The country Flag is upside down. The 145 has all kinds of issues as you can read on other threads. Just an example of how quality seems to be lowering. You see, nobody does any real testing cause if they had some of these planes simply wouldnt have made it onto the MP.
So MeanThree72574 has a point which can be backed up with examples.


In the free market, you would hope that those companies will die down quickly and the ones with quality, will gain good reputation and perform well! We should all support companies that do well, care, and produce good quality products and sanction the ones that don’t!

I’m afraid that depends on how big the company is.

Not really! Look at Fenix! They started very smart but they cared for the quality and produced top notch quality! And they are even improving it for free! It’s a character and care.

That kinda proves my point. The bigger they are the less they care.
I just feel that we have been and are being cheated. We should have been getting a working product by now but instead we are being told that the foundation isn’t good enough Surely that’s something that during the early development was known and if it was does that not show a total lack of respect to the client base. And if it wasn’t clear? That’s kind of unforgivable that a team of the best developers didn’t see coming.

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Conversely, I and many others don’t feel cheated at all.


I don’t feel cheated. I really, really like MSFS. I virtually never use XP and P3D these days.


The tech has moved on.

New and better solutions have been found, that probably won’t just work with FS2020.

Jorg himself has said as they find and improve things for FS2024 they’ll try to implement as many as they can for FS2020.

How is that a lack of respect for the client?

This forum is becoming plain rude really. 20 years ago we’d all rejoice that a new version is coming, AND we’d happily pay for it. FS5, FS98, FS2000, FS2002, FS2004, FSX. Be happy the props are spinning again people!



Everyone wants to forget Microsoft Flight :smiley: February - July 2012


We should be gratefull that many things will change, I know MSFS 2009 and MSFS 2020 is a lot of time, but Microsoft knows that Airplane are the future, and they should motivate future pilots since the number could declien n 35%, looking out from the sky is 1000 times better than seeing in a simple ■■■■■■ car. The price of $100 flight sim of a view of a tv is better than the view of a ground lamorghini. A lot of chnages in every sector will be made, and they are making a bigger step is terreain and job features, and we as a communtiy are angry for some $100 bucks big change that will revolucionaice aviation and make us into a new era.

We should be Gratefull and give a hug to change, (there will be less bugs

Problem comes when people try to influence opinion about an add on via so-called Social Media or MS staff seem to praise the new release as happened with the Aero that could create a false impression. The objective should be stopping people forking out funds in the first place.


You should be gratefull you lost $100, not $50,000 plus $10,000 to a guy who has a simple old plane. The game itself is better than own a plane, and 500 times cheaper. With this game, you can become a aiirline pilot and have a life winning hundreds of thousends of dollars or more. I also lost $100 plus $200 in other costs, but that money is just material. At least we are in America, and if you don’t wanna buy the game, I get it, but you will get behind by a lot.+

Cheers, my friend, I understand you pain, I lost 4 times more than you, but some dreams and hobbies require sacrifices, despite all the drawbacks of trying to become a pilot

I second that. I pay over $200 per HOUR to fly a C172 IRL… From my perspective, paying another $100 (or whatever) for MSFS 2024 in a year from now is going to be good value. Even if it has a few bugs to start.


I wait since the start up to fly Airbus or Boing ILS to all airport world wide as I was able to fly with former programms!!!

Same. The sim has its flaws, but it has completely reinvigorated my love of flying and helped me prep a lot of things in the office chair before I go turn money into noise in the air. Great community as well; I’ve made lots of acquaintances and friends who have a similar passion for aviation and plenty of people with rw aviation experiences from which I’ve learned.


More like hundreds. Most all here in the forums.

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