A lack of respect for the client

We have like a 200 asbobo guys working because of a specifical small issue that always surges. In general, the game is almost perfect, even though we want more features, and world updates, and sometimes they are some tiny issues.

MODERATOR EDIT: Removed slang statement from post.

I think many of the problems can be attributed to system configurations, drivers, or other user-related factors rather than inherent flaws in the software. You definitely need a certain level of technical understanding which some users may find challenging.

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Roger that

Removed a few comments above that were personal arguments between each other. Please keep on the subject at hand. Thank you.


I believe and interpretations may vary - one can easily Google it

  • Client >> Someone who pays a regular retainer fee for services that are purchased - a maintenance contract for example
  • Customer >> One time purchaser of a product

By that definition, even though we are customers but are being treated like a client with no additional fee being charged. This is just the definition and I am not going into things like the product has bugs etc etc.- please.

As you obviously realise, it is not that simple.

The use of MSFS does rely on continuous connection to the servers - this is the model they decided was necessary given the size of the scenery files, and is understandable. We are completely in the power of MS, as they can at any time switch these off, not only for early editions but in the future even for the the later, current edition once they decide the sim has run its course. (This is where Jorg’s famous “ten year” comment is relevent.)

With the upcoming release of FS2024, it is likely they will return to the two-year release cycle, ie FS2026, FS2028 . . . Therefore, for anyone to continue as a user, they will need to buy a new edition at regular intervals. (This is a departure from previous sims, fsx, X-plane etc, as these run from permanent local files, rather than servers.)

So we probably will end up as clients, needing to renew our “subscription” every few years, and just hope MS will not pull the plug completely. We will never actually own the product we bought, as FSX customers did.

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This is a different ownership model in line with the s/w strategy of times where everything is on cloud and these clouds work either on subscription or consumption model. Asobo is the client for them in that sense, not people who buy MSFS.

On that note, no one in the s/w world does the old FSX style model anymore. Having said that, not moving to 2024 wont mean servers are turned off for 2020. Support for 2020 will of course be sunset at some point in time as it does all s/w, including ones from FSX era but that is different from turning off the connections to servers.

I am new to this forum too as I haven’t yet brought myself to fully understand how to navigate through this forum.Hope any transgression will be forgiven and I will be guided onto the right course.I am in total agreement that much still needs to be done in so far as FS2020 is concerned.A new bug surfaces every now and then.A case in point being ATC issues as in case of AAU2 for B747.With each update the booting up is becoming slower and slower sometimes even freezing up.I am on Xbox X.While I intend placing these bugs in the correct topic these are just a couple of examples.While MSFS team may continue to develop FS2024 but it would be fair that this is done without compromising on continuous development and improvement of existing product which is being widely used and enjoyed.


No one wants to believe that FS2024 is not a different simulator, but a completely enhanced and overhauled FS2020 :wink:
Kinda like a FS2020 Remake with several new features and visual and technical overhauls and stuff.
I am hoping for many weather and cloud overhauls and features, new icing with half-transparent 3D ice on the airplanes again having the windshields freezing until one can no longer see through them without windshield anti-ice on, glowing brakes while landing, and many other great things.

Nothing bad about that, there was a new Flight Simulator release every few years since 1981 :smiley: (or when was the first ever Flight Sim released?)

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I was making the point that those who paid for FS2020 are not actually owners. We are clients, not customers.

I bought FSX on release, and still have it on my computer. Nothing MS can do will stop me being able to use it.

I paid for FS2020 pre-release. MS can at any stage pull the plug, and I would no longer be able to use it at all.

The evidence is that FS2020 and FS2024 will use the same scenery files at first, but it is very probable that the two will begin to diverge over the next few years. At the moment I can use FS2020, but I am aware that at some point MS can take the decision that they need to limit the server size, and they will pull the plug on FS2020 (using the same excuse they use with older versions of Windows, that it will only affect a minority of the user base) . I will then have to either upgrade or go elsewhere. So I do not “own” MSFS like I own FSX.

Effectively we are on a subscription model, where every few years we will have to pay to have the best hope of maintaining our membership.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing - there is certainly no way they could have enabled downloading the entire scenery library to local computers. But my relationship with MS has now changed, and as a client my future in this sim is no longer in my hands.

I should add, I’ve already been caught like this with my video editing software, which is why I’m a bit touchy about it. Also my mid-range system is not compatible with Windows 11 (for security reasons). :grimacing:


Somebody has never read an end user agreement.

Reading those aren’t fun,that’s why half my life savings are gone


Wow the minimum wage of $15 an hour for a game that costed you $100 bucks Premium some 4 to 4 1/2 years ago is ‘‘a lot’’ (sarcasm alert).

This is likely too fast. Software programming used to be more simple and require smaller teams. Development is taking longer and longer. Every 3-4 years seems about as fast as we can expect these days, unless Asobo hired an entire second team to work on the next sequel while the current sequel is also in development. Like how Ubisoft has done recent Assassins Creed games.

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So I’ve read plenty of this thread to get the gist (I think), and whilst I understand those that are coming across at least disgtruntled? i’ve not touched a flight simulator in several years. Jumping back into it has been nothing but a joy and pleasure. It’s been somewhat of a learning curve from past entries but I’ve enjoyed every moment of it thus far.

I get that some are upset about MSFS2024 coming out relatively soon whilst updates are ongoing for this version, however like many others have pointed out nobody is forcing you to get the next iteration. You can keep and enjoy this game, and as Microsoft have said support and updates will continue.

Personally I cannot wait for MSFS24 but I won’t be buying it immediately unless the range of offerings on airliners is wider (I fly those the most, although I’ll probably buy the premium edition anyway). Can we not just be grateful for what we have and are getting? Microsoft could’ve easily given up this franchise, however they chose not to.

In this day and age we should appreciate what we get given.

Happy flighting,

Cheers :beers:


Well said!! In an age where criticism often overshadows gratitude, your message regarding MSFS2020 serves as a reminder to appreciate the good things we have from MS/Asobo and the improvements that continue to come our way.


spends a large amount of time in this hobby

Do you consider this to be a large amount of time?
Screenshot 2023-08-07 115800

After translation to my lang it became both ‘client’ and than back in english, translator give this:

“Customer >> Someone who pays a regular fee for purchased services - such as a maintenance contract.
Client >> One-time buyer of the product”

Not joking btw

Not even OCCT, or any other stress test causes as much heat as msfs does. I can run OCCT on its most agressive cpu test. 74C tops, and for hours. MSFS has gone as far as to throttle my x3d at 89C. Lately it hasnt spiked past 85C but still ridiculous. A stress test is synthetic, and ensures stability by working a system a lot harder than can be seen in the real world
 That was true right until MSFS :smiley:

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Easy example:

Go to any Mc Donald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, KFC/Taco Bell, and look at the menu board.

The burgers are all inch-and-a-half thick slabs of Prime beef, fresh off the grill, topped with 3" of the crispiest vegetables possible, a thick slabs of melted cheese and, (including the bun), the thing is almost a foot tall!

The tacos and burritos are so full of tasty ingredients that the wrapper is bursting at the seams.

And have you ever seen such mouth-watering chicken in your life?

Then you get your order. . . .


Marketing is always about “making you hungry”.

Have you noticed that part of the grill vents at Burger King, McDonald’s, or other restaurants in a mall’s food court vent to where you can smell it?

The “bakery” section in the supermarket vents toward the customers.  So does the rotisserie chicken cooker.

This is not accidental.


If you’re so unhappy, why are you still here?


Doing the same thing over and over again sn expecting different results each time.

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