A lack of respect for the client

Yeah but the chicken sandwich doesn’t CTD when you try to eat it

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Back when I was originally spec’ing a system for MSFS, I looked at some of the gaming review sites for system boards, processors, video cards, memory, and suchlike.

I know that I am repeating myself, but what REALLY got my attention was when these sites “ran the numbers” and compared systems game-to-game.

These weren’t some half-baked systems from some big-box retailer somewhere, these were “money is no object” custom-built butt-kicking systems - the cream of the crop - the highest of high-spec systems, and the numbers were something like this:

  • Doom And Destruction - 156fps
  • Gouls and Zombies - 179fps
  • Grand Theft Everything - 203fps
  • Tank Wars And Nuclear Holocaust - 150fps
  • MSFS - 45fps

Many sites mentioned that they had NEVER seen a game crush a system like MSFS had done.


Of course, as updates increase the level of detail, improve rendering algorithms, pack more data into a particular area, allow for finer details and more advanced flight models, or other improvements, you can expect to see systems that were well within the spec, suddenly become marginalized,

My system originally used on-board and on-processor graphics.  Originally, both MSFS and XP-12 ran on that configuration.  However, after a few updates XP-12 just stopped working and MSFS started throwing warnings that I was pushing my luck - and then crash spectacularly!

Adding memory and an advanced video card caused things to work again, but as update followed update, I can see my system being increasingly marginalized yet again.

Eventually, I am going to have to plunk down the serious coin necessary to get a top-notch system in order for the sim to have the headroom to work at its best.

Is that the sim’s fault?  No.  It’s just the natural progression of what is likely the most advanced piece of commercial software on the planet.

FS-2000 to FS-2004?  Upgrade time!
FS-2004 to FSX?  Upgrade time!
FSX to XP-11?  Upgrade time!
XP-11 to XP-12?  Upgrade time!
Anything else to MSFS-2020?  You’d better believe it was upgrade time!!

And that’s just the way it is.

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That’s what is call a flawed arguement, given that ‘Hello Games’ continue to add major free expansions to their title ‘No Man’s Sky’ whilst they continue to sell copies of that game - and that was released in 2016.

Selling the sizzle, not the sausage :wink:

I don’t know. I remember one chicken cordon bleu that gave me food poisoning once…


I’ve seen this before momentarily on pretty rare occasions. My brother and I was using 3rd party texture packs for our planes, and his plane loaded up like this in the distance. After a few seconds though the actual textures loaded, so no big deal.

It’s clearly a placeholder texture and the plane is pointing to a texture pack which either is in the process of loading, or doesn’t exist on your system even though the system thinks it should be there.

I don’t know what your issue is here, but it looks like your plane configuration and textures are out of sync with each other.

That’s a CTTB crash to toilet bowl

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You honestly believe marketing depts are willing to NOT optimize the market by limiting their advertising to the minimum possible feature set that the devs will definitly complete before release?

You may live is some new world of deserving expectations, but content creation still lives in the real world in which some idea dont work out and other ideas take much longer than the estimate.

Marketing departments are not the friend of your “modern” expectations and never will be. Further if you were the marketting manager, you’d be fired. Your “consideration” of avoiding any customer complaints would pale in comparison to you’re failure of not optimizing market share.

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Surely, it’s possible to generate revenue by releasing a product that has all the features you mention during marketing and advertising. If not, then a marketing and advertising campaign like that should be called ‘Bait & Switch Campaign’.

Things like missing features are a direct result of today’s dysfunctional businesses models working to the widely discredited notion of Shareholder Primacy (look it up) and a myopic focus on the short-term chase to shareholder value. A company’s priorities should be its staff, its product or service and its customers. Get those things right and you have a sustainable business that shareholders will flock to. Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy.

You don’t make business decisions to generate revenue at the expense of the customer’s expectation of features you advertised because you want to please some faceless shareholders who are there not to add value, only to extract value.

I find the release of MSFS 2024 premature given the state of 2020. Even Directx12 is still beta as one of the most notable features. DX12 is a Microsoft technology. Surely Microsoft can work closely with Asobo to fix whatever problems are keeping the DX12 technology in beta state?


Only Asobo and MS know all the facts behind the decision to move forward with 2024 so neither you nor I are really in a position to judge this properly. Same goes for DX12 being left in Beta state in the current MSFS.

As for me, I’m a realist so, while I’m also constantly annoyed by bugs and missing features, I’m fundamentally very happy with what I got for my $130 nearly 4 years ago and will pre-order MSFS2024 without hesitation as soon as that becomes possible.


I have very few games that I’ve got almost 1000 hrs out of. I also have very few that are still dropping significant updates 4 yrs later.

MSFS2020 has been the best flight sim I’ve ever had, and I’ve been playing them since the 90s.

Some of you have outrageous standards! Maybe if this game was subscription based I could agree with you more. But it’s not. And I’m glad it is not.

Bring on MSFS2024!


Whatever the facts are behind the decision, as a customer I am entirely in a position to judge regarding missing features because, they are clearly missing, and DX 12 still displays as beta. Because Asobo and MS aren’t communicating the reasons for these things nor whether or not we can expect updates to address these things, paying customers are fully entitled to judge, it’s called customer feedback on your product. I think the only communication on DX12 still in beta was “It isn’t quite ready”. Okay that’s fine but is it being worked on and can we expect it to be ready at some point?


Respect for the client ironically tends to get better and often with improved and real communication too when there is notable competition and when companies have to fight for their share of the market place.

Arguably for a lot of the flight siming community (I think) MSFS stands way ahead of the competition.

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IIRC, MSFS 2020 was released without any DX12 support at all so it’s a new feature that was added for free in subsequent updates.


LOL what was it, DX9 that never went live but always beta with FSX?

Anyway the precedent is long set on that one.

Very well put. It is after all the customers that pay the wages. Feedback works both ways.

FSX shipped just before DirectX 10 was released, and support for DirectX 10 was added later as an experimental feature. It makes sense given the timeline and hardware support at the time.

But DirectX 12 had already been out for five years by the time Microsoft Flight Simulator [2020] shipped. So why isn’t Microsoft having Asobo show off their latest tech in a flagship title that’s touted as revolutionary? There’s probably an interesting backstory there we’ll never get to hear. If I had to guess, Asobo approached Microsoft with a proof of concept tech demo that used their mature DirectX 11 graphics engine and Bing Maps to show that they could render the whole world. Microsoft then wanted to turn this into a marketable game as quickly as possible, so off the shelf components were bolted onto to this tech demo and it was kicked out the door in an alpha state. Our hopes now are that 2024 is the actual redesign/rewrite that this game needs to be and not an incremental upgrade.


Can MSFS 2024 really be any different if all addons will work in it ?

I don’t see how they can so confidently guarantee legacy support unless they’re already using the existing platform for 2024. A ground up rewrite would break everything. I’m hopeful they’re redoing large parts of the game though, like the UI.

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I don’t think so. There are statements from Asobo from 2020 that indicate the following:

  • Asobo worked on MSFS for 7+ years before release.
  • The engine is a mix of Asobo stuff and the ForzaTech engine from Turn 10 who supported Asobo.

My guess would be that the changes needed to ForzaTech did not allow enough time/resources to keep integrating its newer versions (i.e. DX12 support) as the years went by. So they went to market with DX11, proved MSFS to be a success and could then justify major engine changes for MSFS2024.