I tried AAU2 with the PMDG 737 on PC, and I experienced significantly worse performance, including lags, lower FPS, and even heavy stutters during touchdown. Additionally, when I changed views, a strange white frame kept briefly appearing around the PDF and the ND:
As a result, I had to leave the Beta to be able to fly the 737. Is anyone else encountering the same issues?
Yes! I think the MFDs are being “highlighted” by the white dot that now appears in the center of your view.
I get the same white border in the TBM with the latest AAU2 beta.
I get the white frame in Fenix A320 also.
Yes, I have seen the white frame in the PMDG 737-700.
The white frame appears to be another unwanted side effect of the visible white dot issue which appeared at the start of this beta. See the topic I’ve linked below where posters mention the white frame. Please add your vote if you would like it fixed. Some beta users aren’t seeing this issue which could be that they don’t have any view panning commands mapped to a controller button.
It happens after input of your joystick/yoke or hatswitch input (maybe more binds i dont know of) and if the mouse pointer is pointed on any display, or if i move my head around with headtracking or hat switch while the mouse happens to be over a display.
Touch the mouse once and the outlining disappears. Very odd!
I experienced significantly worse performance since fisrt AAU2 beta. With TBM 930.
I noticed worse performance as well. Sitting on the apron at KFLL, I went from 37 fps to 30 after the update. I backed off the Beta and went back to 37, then downloaded it again and immediately went back to 30. Same plane, same time of day, same conditions for each test.
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Seeing the white frame around the GTC screens on the TBM and the newly released Vision Jet V2.
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I was getting that white box too among other issues with the beta. You’re not alone.
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I also saw the white box around avionics displays for couple of times. Various aircraft. Probably introduced in AAU_02 beta. Didn’t mention this before.
did they fixed the performance with latest beta?
To add to my last post, I’ve also seen a huge performance dip with this latest beta. I was struggling to hit 20 fps throughout multiple flights last night. Typically I’m over 30 in these planes at these locations. Nothing I could do in terms of settings made any difference.
Not that i noticed. Its microstuttering all the time for me on xbox x. So much as i dont bother fly
I’m afraid not, even though they specifically mention in the release notes that the white dot has been fixed. It clearly hasn’t.
Hello @BravoFoxMike,
With the build, our internal testers were unable to reproduce the white dot issue when using the same steps on the same hardware that previously resulted in the white dot appearing in earlier AAU_02 beta builds. Based on their test results, they tentatively marked the issue as resolved pending confirmation from pubic testers. One of the primary reasons we conduct public tests is so thousands of players (like you) can confirm that the items we think have been fixed in the release notes actually have been fully resolved for all players in all scenarios.
Based on the response we’ve seen from testers since the release of, the consensus opinion is that the white dot situation is significantly improved in this build but not yet completely eliminated. Some helpful testers have posted detailed step-by-step instructions to make the dot appear which is incredibly useful to us. We have logged that the issue is still partially present in and shared the feedback from testers with the dev team.
Hello asobo. Are you aware of performance issues on PC in latest beta? Let’s hope on final release this will be fixed.
I can confirm that performance really took a hit on this latest build. I don’t complain about that because I have a modest system that runs very well, but with this beta my system is not managing to push even the minimum and by the calculations I made it was a significant loss of around 25%. I’ve always had 60fps in dlss3+quality and now it barely reaches the stuttering 45fps. I think that those who have more modest machines must be suffering even more.
5800X3D / RTX4070ti / 32G DDR3 3000