Ability to Create Two-Sided Taxiway Signs


MSFS doesn’t allow scenery developers to create two-sided taxiway signs, which is extremely unfortunate considering that many taxiway signs in real life are two-sided so that aircraft approaching from both sides have something to see. This would prevent us from having to place two signs back to back in an unrealistic, clunky manner. Please create a way for scenery developers to create two-sided taxiway signs that are symmetrical in shape.

I wholeheartedly agree with this! I was just sitting down to learn how to create airports in MSFS with a small airport that has text on both sides of the signs in places. Quite surprised (and a little disappointed) this isn’t possible right now. And also that the backs of the signs are yellow, whereas around the U.S. they are black. And also there aren’t multiple variations of sign shape (from rectangular to slightly rounded, for example). Still a lot to be desired in this area.

Case in point, here is a snapshot from a major US airport taxiway sign layout. In just this little bit you can see many signs have text on both sides of the sign.

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I just went into searching for this solution to find that you either have to create your own signs or wait for Asobo to add this feature. This needs many more upvotes. I can’t believe this is still not possible right now. Asobo, please!!! On release of the MSFS Scenery Gateway program you’re going to have a ton of people asking for this fix.

Hi all! As this is a wish for a change in the SDK, please use https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com for all SDK wishes. Before posting on the SDK/Dev Support website, do a search to see if any existing SDK wish exists. To note, the SDK team does not monitor this forum.