No more so than issues with any of the other flight modelling systems, which every flight sim has.
If SWS don’t want to use it that’s their choice, but spreading FUD about it when other methods have their own accuracy/predictability/difficulty issues is a bit much (as demonstrated ably by this OP and also certain planes cough having had constant FM issues using those methods), and especially when other developers use CFD on a range of aircraft both vintage to modern with apparently “good enough” success.
Sticking to what you know has obvious benefits too, so can’t blame them either for wanting to do that.
Risk there is will it become a technical debt issue sometime downstream when/if MS/Asobo downgrade “old reliable methods” to legacy and CFD (or more accurately CFD Lite?) is promoted to official new shinee. Then it also becomes a marketing problem, and it already is there to come extent if you think about it.
Who knows, we’ll see!
“Faking it” and “game magic” to get a required behavior due to model constraints are a feature of consumer flight sims, not a bug. Great long comment here that nails that:
They get better over time, and that’s largely due to CPU/GPU improvements that allow higher fidelity processing to move towards that fabled goal of flight sim “realism”. That has to compete with a lot of other processing requirements that are also growing though, all hungry for their own chunk of the compute budget. Complex AI doesn’t/won’t come for free on the FPS side, for example.
CFD could use some more focused discussion (@HomieFFM @AlpineB4652 ?), and maybe should be spun off into a topic of its own, more in depth than the pure listing here: New Propeller | CFD | Soft Body Simulation - Aircraft List, as it’s evolving as much as the everything else.
Threads with some good CFD info/discussion:
Anything that shines light on how modelling is done, and the reality of the current methods to achieve “realistic” behaviour can’t be a bad thing I think, as long as people understand this is always a work in progress and can only get better - as long as it’s discussed rationally and objectively.