Aerial ground tiles changing/popping in

That wouldbe great, regarding the latest fixes, I am slightly sceptical and hope that it is not «only» a fix for the island of Malta mentioned in the last Q&A session about this issue. We will see, as my hometown area is heavily affected, it willdbe easy to test if it is fixed.


Yeah it needs to be fixed worldwide not just in 1 place.


I’m doing a trip around the world and it has happen in 90% of the places I have flown around… (maybe even 100% but, it is so annoying that I stopped looking at it


Doing the same…
It’s all over the world…


Yep for real. Truly it baffles me that they asked for a specific list of places where it happens. Seriously? They haven’t seen it? Do they have anyone internal playing it? QA?

It would be far easier to give a list of places that it doesn’t happen. That would be a nice and short list.


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happens everywhere all the time

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use the sim and see for yourself.

Can everyone involved with MSFS stop everything and fix this please! This has been happening for at least a year… all the time, everywhere, doesn’t matter what settings, doesn’t matter what hardware. PLEASE FIX THIS! I find it insane that you can’t reproduce it or can’t see it or figure it… or you say you do see it or did figure it out and now it’s fixed… just actually fix it, and only say it’s fixed when it’s actually fixed… please. I support the cause buying a bunch of scenery (well over $300 now) on the marketplace and every single thing looks like garbage with the crap textures popping in / overlaying.


Unfortunately, at this point one can think that they are not insane, they simply built an over-complicated system that now no longer works as intended and they do not know where to put their hands.


It was stated on the dev Q&A livestream that the fix for this missed the SU14 cutoff but will be in SU15. If so that would be fantastic news, but personally I’m going to avoid getting excited about it until I see it delivered and working.


Fix globally or just one area?

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No idea, they didn’t seem too sure themselves. It’s not impossible they had it mixed up with some other issue (eg. the DX12 tile issue}, we’ll have to wait and see. SU15 is only weeks away so we shouldn’t have to wait too long.


It happened to me sometimes so far and tonight it’s complete hell. Never been like that. I fly over French alps and half tiles are spring green, the other half autumn orange, it’s awfull. And at the same time I get frequently disconnected from the server, which had not happened in months.

It cannot be a coincidence. It has to be a server issue.


I can jump on top of the extremely tall pile here of those seeing the ground tile popping issue, but recently I’ve seen that it goes beyond the changing ground appearance to changing geographic placement of that ground, randomly, depending on when I load into the sim. The images attached are of the MSFS Stock KGRE, Greenville Illinois, USA. I’m not using the rolling or local cache and both have been empty just to be sure. I don’t have addons that mess with the sim ground textures, in fact no addons are loading here at all. Online data is turned on with no data limit. Nothing is different in how I loaded the airport between images. Weather was set as clear sky for a July day at about noon. In the first image, KGRE1, you can see the groud is more green and lush, and that the airport aprons align with the background ghost image of the actual airport. When this version of the world is what loads up, I get the different looking tiles popping in and out around the plane as I move, same as described in this discussion. This is the image I got on Sunday February 4th through this morning. Then starting this afternoon Feb 7th when I loaded up the stock KGRE, I got the second image, KGRE2. You can see how different the ground looks, much lighter and more dry looking, probably more accurate actually for this area in July. But also notice the geographic alignement of the ground. It’s the same stock MSFS KGRE, so nothing has changed in the geographic coordinates of the airport aprons or other elements. But now they do not align with the background ghost image of the actual airport. The ground image has shifted a few yards to the East (top of image is heading 90 degrees). When I get this version of the ground loading, I get NONE of the tiles popping in and out. I can move around wherever I want and the ground stays rock solid with the same kind of background colors. No background tile popping whatsoever, anywhere.

In order to test which background image actually has the right geographic alignement, I pulled the stock KGRE into Airport Design Editor. Then I pulled up the satellite image of it in SBuilderX where it can be saved with the exact corner coordinates of the image. I imported the satellite image into ADE and gave ADE those coordinates to align the image with it’s real-world placement. In the third picture attached, doing that reveals that the stock KGRE in MSFS is actually misplaced a few yards to the West of the actual airport position (top of this image is heading 360). That means that the lighter colored ground image I get some of the time has the correct geographic ground placement, since the stock airport data is off in that one in exaclty the same way that it is off against the geographically aligned satellite photo. The first more lush green ground has incorrect geographic placement (since it aligns with the airpot that is off position) in addition to having the popping tile issue associated with it. I never know which of the two ground versions I’m going to get when I load the sim on a given day. It seems to go back and forth between them randomly.

I wonder if it’s just maybe luck of the draw as to which server I’m accessing one time vs the next. I too hope that WU15 corrects the popping issue but also that there can be consistent accuracy to the ground positioning that is used at the same time.


I find this is worsening for me significantly in the last two weeks…nearly on every flight all around the world. It kills the joy which I once experienced in this sim.

Asobo folks, please fix this…pretty please.


Another one from central Italy… :frowning_face:

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Right now the tile popping issue is gone again in Corsica and South east of France, including southern Alps (but still remains in french departement of Savoie, around Courchevel for example).

Last time the problem was gone, it came back few hours later though.

Enjoy it while you can !

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yes, in Austria: Millstädt, Seeboden, Millstädter See the Tetxtures are flickering a lot when flying or hover with a helicopter or using the Camera.

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Just flew in the french alps , and the tile problem is still there .

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Today I experienced this bug in Taiwan, at RCFN to be more precise.
So yes, it’s literally all over the world by now.

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