No, certainly I don’t know everything but proper reporting is mandatory to get things fixed. Your computer is a black box basically, like the computers from others who just complain and don’t report anything helpful
And what does lead you to be so certain that it’s a sim problem and not anything driver/.NET or OS related as you said it clearly has to be an issue with the sim? Am really thrilled to know this!
Yes, that’s what I say basically in my case I noticed a performance increase on SU9 in general compared to others but the over time issue stayed on any aircraft (default or not) and it even got worse after some Windows 11 update, so I did some research.
One of the Windows update had a known issue corrupting the .NET installation so I reinstalled .NET, rebooted and started a flight from OMDB to EDDK using the PMDG 737 (8h). It went just fine with around 40fps (capped 30 + G-Sync) on 4k. The next day I tried different routes (like EDDK to GCTS and EDDF to KJFK) and did not notice any CTD or decrease in performance at all - and it stays till today this way
I also created some advice on this over here:
That may not help everyone due to hundreds of thousands of different configs but maybe some will benefit