After playing a few hours, FPS drops from 40 to 5FPS

Hi, just some posts ago (post n. 2660) in a video i showed like to solve the problem on some aircraft… Now i went to see the updates notes of SU10 and in stability notes i found this and i bolded the line that interest:

  • Several crashes have been fixed across the title (Ex. Thread ) :busts_in_silhouette:
  • Ongoing performance optimization work including fixes for several memory leaks
  • Fixed a performance drop when more than 4 World update photogrammetry packages are installed :busts_in_silhouette:
  • Faster loading sequence after the Press any button screen
  • Fixed a bug where Javascript WebSockets were not closed and released properly when connection failed
  • New essential package update flow introduced on Xbox: to reduce risks of crashes, update will now occur during the boot process
    Fixed potential performance issue over time caused by lights on some 3rd party planes
  • Fixed intense write operation that occurs during initial flight on Steam as the cloud save system was making too many requests (Forum Thread) :busts_in_silhouette:

Then in my side they solved the problem.

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