i get it after about 2 hours but it is a slow degrade in FPS after 2 hours i would have dropped around 15fps after 6 hours down around 25 and after 10 im getting a round 5 to 10FPS
i have asked a few of my friends who are on Steam and they don’t seem to have the issue at all.
it doesn’t mater what aircraft i fly or if there is anything in my community folder or not.
I’m having the same loss of FPS after 20-30 minutes as above. II go from an easy 35FPS locked on Ultra to 20 or less with underused CPU and GPU and often sound clipping. I have tried the various things re community folder, cache, drivers, updates etc.
An additional issue showed up for me at the same time that when selection the options menu, often the settings page where things are turned on or off does not show up. Several attempts by resuming flight and trying again is needed to get the menu to open. This has only occurred in the last day or so.
Yes I did a flight tonight locked 40 FPS took off from egkk modded freeware all was good until I got to 100 miles out of LEPA payware aircraft frames started dropping before I got near airport , flight time was 2hours landed about 25 FPS, now I accept I was landing at a payware airport but it started dropping before the airport was in sight
I have overclocked my cpu to 4.9 ghz so that might be it but my temps are
CPU 60 degrees c
Gpu 62 degrees c
i just did CYOW (Payware) to CYVR (Payware) 5H10M took off with my 50Fps and landed with around 30Fps (not panning) and drops to 10 to 15fps when looking around.
once on the ground in CYVR i went into my settings and changed Terrain LOD to its lowest and my FPS jumped back up to where it should be… (but had ■■■■ looking ground)
I just managed to achieve a flight without FPS issues. The only factor I can think of is that I emptied the community folder. Tomorrow I’ll start returning mods to see if I can identify the culprit. G’nite all.
Think there is a server problem that is involved as sometimes this problem occurs and other times of day the sim runs perfect. Still could be a memory leak problem however. Other online programs and applications work fine.
I don’t think it’s a memory leak, as even when the FPS drops, the memory usage and RAM load never drop. A memory leak would imply that as you progress more and more memory is consumed leading to slower and slower delivery… I’m not seeing any of that at all.
There is something there for certain (and a few bits and pieces seem to point to the number of AI aircvraft that ATC has spoken to in the flight… but that may just be co-incidence) , and I have sent logs, recordings and things that I think it may be to Zendesk, and according to replys, they are looking at it and a dev has been back to me for further info to see if there is anything that can be identified
I find this same thing happens with most if not all of the aircraft. Still think this is partially a server problem on their end and then maybe programming itself of the aircraft. If not the aircraft then the part of the program that reads the aircraft info continuously while the program runs
I don’t generally do any flights longer than about 2 Hours and I haven’t noticed this issue.
Just an idea for anyone who has this problem to try.
Every 30 mins into your flight turn on dev mode and go into the console and click on the clear all errors icon, see if that stops your fps from dropping.
I wasn’t suggesting it’s an answer just that it might help with diagnosing where the fault lies.
If I get lots of errors in the console it often results in me having the spinning circle in the bottom right of screen which will appear constantly every 2 seconds along with a brief stutter and a frame rate drop to 10 then back to my limited 30.
The only way to stop it is to clear the errors or restart the whole sim.
I was wondering if maybe after a few hours of errors it was also resulting in the frame rate drops people are complaining about on long flights.
It’s surely worth a go for someone who is experiencing these issues
For me the issue continues, every flight longer than 8 or more hours ends in 10 fps issues, and its basically imposible to land with that low frame rate, in my case i can replicate easy
MMMX to EGLL using 787 or 747, close to austria or london the probem starts,
I can concur that this resolved my fps drop instantly. Perhaps there’s a memory leak (or similar) with the functioning of the digital pad in the A32NX.
Perhaps others are encountering a separate issue; but this worked for me. Thanks.
I can confirm this as well. Interesting fact. During my last long haul I turned to an unused freq to get rid of ATC during that auto pilot time. After 14 hrs still no frame drop! Then I tuned in back to ATC … and I was locked at 10 fps. In my current long haul at hour 11 I am again at 10fps locked. Hoping for WU6 to adress these issues.