After playing a few hours, FPS drops from 40 to 5FPS

I have GTX 1070 8GB
E5 2470 Xeon
24GB DDR3 and 1440x900p my monitor
I’m having FPS drops with everything on High before SU7 and low GPU Usage, is this happening to you guys?


Completly forgot to update you guys, the 2.5h flight wend verry well!

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Getting same issue, cpu doing these weird peaks (although not constant). definitely seems like the previous leaks, as was getting spikes then too, then SU5 fixed that. Seem to have plenty of resources though, only using 15gb/32gb on ram, and 15gb (does seem high) on my 3090/24gb vram. Single digit fps but my gpu but is only using 15-25% usage

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Here I experience the same framerate drop over time.
I have made a topic attune Avsim MSFS forum and multiple people are having this issue.

My 3090 has a load of max 39% but after 2h into a flight ( at 35000 ft ) the GPU ms is in red…
Just like the CPU ms …

The CPU has a main thread load of 58% at startup and after 2h it is 85-94%.

Indeed, like MSFS is not using the full capacity of the cpu/gpu anymore…


Has anyone gotten a reply from zen desk on this and are the people having this problem (including myself) think this will ever be resolved?

Plenty of people have done that already, including me. So far this issue is said to be “under investigation,” and the fix is estimated to be out sometime in 2022. I.e. still a long way out… I wouldn’t be surprised if this issue doesn’t get resolved until 2023


I Agree, sim is completly unflybl at the moment even after a fresh install the fps drop from 40 to 19 after 10 minutes. also the fps are not as they where before this update lots of stutters. Seems like the sim has a problem with the cpu.


They fitst should fix the base Sim before adding extra scenery and features….


I found disabling the Hardware Accelerate GPU Scheduler (and obv restart), and enabling game mode, seems to stop the leak, 2 hrs in im still at 30fps. Theres definitely more load on system overall though, as well as random, synchronized all core spikes happening, like pre SU5

Having the same issue, started to happen after SU7
Not only 5+ hours, yesterday went 5 fps from 40 after 2 hours

i7-4770k @4.2 GHz
30 MB wired Ethernet


This day 5 FPS degradation after flying for 40 minutes over Poland at FL180… New nVidia Drivers installed.

See this video: MSFS | Performance Degradation Over Time - YouTube Recorded entire flight with performance degradation. About 10 FPS drop.

Also tried to force objects unload with minimum Terrain LoD and Pre-Caching to low. In cruise level it helped little bit, on ground it did not.

En la sim update 6 tenia eso, Pero al limitar los fps a 30, no me volvio a pasar la baja de fps a 2 o 3, despues de la sim upodate 7 subi mis fps a 60, y ya no me da tartamudeo al aproximar, solo al tocar tierra horrible

In the sim update 6 I had that, but when limiting the fps to 30, I did not go back to pass the low of fps to 2 or 3, after the sim upodate 7 I subi my fps to 60, and I no longer stutter when approaching, only when touching horrible land

Does anybody has option to test if this issue will be fixed in SU8 in public beta testing?

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Interested to know this too

+1 the game is unplayable on vatsim because of this

I still get this happening in latest beta, and it does not seem to have changed since SU7 (or before).

The Frustrating thing is, I can not see why it happens, and nothing short of restarting the flight from World map, restores the FPS.

There should be a way to profile the sim, and see what is causing the slow down, but I don;t know if that is even possible as a user ??

Anyone any ideas ??


It baffles me too!

What baffles me is that Asobo don’t seem to be able to reproduce the FPS drop, determine what is causing it, and fix it.

Must be really difficult because it has been reported as an issue all 2021.