After SU 11 (update): often heavy stutters on approach in the dark

i think ive fixed it.

Did the whole process again. Being:

  • start sim and delete rolling cache via menu.
  • close sim
  • rename community folder to XXCommunity
  • delete content.xml (not important anymore, someone without navigraph probably doesnt even have one anymore. I just still do it out of habit i guess…)
  • delete scenery index files (only the files, not the folder)
  • start sim and load into a scenery (probably starting sim is enough, i load into a scenery too usually first time)
  • activate rolling cache again
  • close sim
  • delete new, empty community folder
  • rename the XXCommunity to Community
  • if you have Navigraph you should reinstall the navdata for the sim, so it creates the content xml file it requires.
  • start sim again
  • fly

Not 100% sure yet but ive done 2 flights that were normal now. Before every flight was broken, so i guess its fixed again. Could be i forgot the rolling cache before.


Thie stuttering also happens with people not using rolling cache or any cache at all…

But good for you if it helps.

fully agree on that- performance is really bad now compared to su 10 - jesus


Stutters are continuously getting worse and worse, now with the latest beta.


My only cure of getting rid of those stutters is switching to DX12 but unfortunately I am getting performance degradation after an hour flight.

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This latest beta with the AAU has made my performance tank on arrival… I’m using a 4090, i9-12900k, 32gb DDR5 system… so it’s not my hardware. There is definitely a bug w/ performance, especially when you approach an airport.


I’ve been suffering terrible stutters lately. I have FSLTL and AIG aircraft installed and currently using MSFS live traffic as at gives much greater airport activity than FSLTL traffic controller at the moment. The AI aircraft appeared to be the cause (DX11) so as a temporary situation, I moved all the aircraft types out of AIG that FSLTL has to avoid duplicates and my performance was back to normal. I didn’t seem to have this issue when running the FSLTL traffic controller but I didn’t see many aircraft landing and taking off which spoilt the emersion for me. (8700k / RTX3070 / 32Gb Corsair RAM / 1440 monitor)


I am in a similar boat as you @NeilWoodsy . I noticed that my stutters happen after I launch FSLTL and continue even after I close it. I tried using AIG TC and everything was still smooth. I can’t help but think that the stutter issue is coming from something to do with FSLTL. (5800X3D, 3070 Ti, 32GB at 3600MHz, 2560x1440). I am currently using the PC12, was getting 80-100fps in cruise (going without FPS lock to test), and will not get micro stutters with FPS dropping into the 30s for a second or two.

Thanks for sharing this with us. I’ve never really had performance issues using AIG. Wish I didn’t delete it!

@swalls569 I wonder if it’s the relationship between the two AI groups causing the issue. now that I don’t have any duplicate aircraft types, it’s back to it’s old self. I’ve also found DX12 to be a bit smoother than DX11, in the past, that wasn’t the case. Your rig is much better than mine, 30-45 running 1440i upscaled by 120% is good on my older machine.

That is very possible and I suspect could definitely be the culprit. That seems like quite a task to remove duplicates, I will give that a try. I often swap between AIG and FSLTL depending on what I’m doing. Any recommendations on how to remove duplicates, like which ones to keep AIG vs FSLTL etc?

Moving them out only took a minute. I simply dragged the sim objects out of the AIG folder for the types of aircraft that FSLTL has in (737, A320 etc) and have them available in another folder to drop back in if necessary. If you look through the FSLTL sim object folder, you can see what types of aircraft are present. I may now be missing some liveries, but as a temporary solution, it’s better than nothing.

Stutters on take off at busy airports seems to be getting more noticeable.

I did some test and here is what I’ve found:

Shut down MSFS
Delete entries of the SceneryIndexes folder
Disabled all Community folder entries
Flight and approach to Gatwick was stutterfree

Shut down MSFS
Delete entries of the SceneryIndexes folder
Enabled Community folder
Flight and approach stuttering are back with again heavy stuttering at approach

In both cases, same short flight, no AI active but GAIST was running when I enabled the CF.

My guess is, that something has changed at the airports (AI behavior?) which results in stuttering since it’s the worst at an approach of an airfield.

I’m thinking it has something to do with traffic too.

I never turn on AI traffic or world traffic, and never installed FSLTL. Stutters are much worse in Su11. There’s also some super weird behavior where increasing the LOD can reduce the stutters when they’re really bad. Su10 introduced stutters here and there I never had. Su11 puts them right in your face. I hope SU12 clears this stuff up.

Oh and I’m on a 12900k / 32GB RAM / RTX 4090.


Yeah either SU11 or the last hotfix introduced major, regular (at intervals) , reccuring stutters dor me. It makes no sense. One second I’m flying at really smooth 45fps locked in NYC (VR), soon thereafter I’m flying a rural area and it stutters like crazy. Then smooth again. Then stutters. Makes no sense


I started a flight from KDEN to KMCO. Flight started great. Sim was running amazing. Right before final I started getting stutters that just got worse and worse. Impossible to land. Somehow landed with a rating of -567… RIP everyone on board… what happened?? My sim was was running great for months.

Stutters are bad! I get them in clouds now days which I never used to get before SU11! I don’t even dare to turn on AI traffic or use AIG/FSLTL! The sim is slow at loading up sceneries (see my other posts)! I think one of the major issues the Sim has is the limit on the numbers of objects loaded! Somehow it appears to me that the Sim doesn’t clean up it’s own cache frequently enough and ends up loading/having a lot of objects that create stutters and sometimes bring the sim to the halt (with AI traffic stacking up at the center of airport on the return flight, etc.). I hope Asobo fixes this and we can get a smooth sim, at least for people who have a relatively good system!

12900KF, RTX 3090, 64GB Ram at 4400, 2TB SSD …


For me this workaround helps, it solved the suttering issue. thanks a lot :slight_smile: