Hi !
I have MASSIVE FPS Problems…both in hangar and ingame. Never had that before…
And also this all the time:
I never had so much trouble with MSFS. God damnit guys…get yourself some experts to fix that…
Hi !
I have MASSIVE FPS Problems…both in hangar and ingame. Never had that before…
And also this all the time:
I never had so much trouble with MSFS. God damnit guys…get yourself some experts to fix that…
Nothing wrong with sharing issues, however, this thread is made for a specific issue [where we vote on top left to get it prioritized.
You should make a new thread if you believe this is a new bug, it might gather its own votes etc etc.
Offlinemode and online again works for me only for one scenery (XBox X). Cannot change the location anymore, all freezes after going back to the FS menu. Also marketplace is not available and i’m not able to delete any bushtrip or discoveryflight in the addon-listing.
New WU13 seems to be installaed (XBox X) , although the content manager is not running. Therefore it might be not the biggest problem to solve the bug by Asobo
I don’t know if this effects the XBox but for WU13 they had switched off data in options.
Maybe worth checking if it has been remotely disabled, then enable and remove training, discovery, bush and Asobo liveries to recover some “slots”.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
After installing the latest oceana world update, i started having this issues of stuck on checking for updates screen. online forums led me to look at how many files were in the Onestore folder, saw 1048, went and deleted bush and discovery files (bringing number of files down to 1012 or so), now the game is able to start and i can play. Not missing those things, but my father (main user on PC) is an avid collector of aircraft and am worried i wont be able to get any more addons.
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
Training flights are another option for you as well.
Asobo planes also have one “slot” per livery you could trim if you don’t fly them.
I have the same issue since a week. I renamed the community and deleted as as well some files in the official / one store folder (just one of the planes). This helped me to restart the sim. now I start reinstalling 1st from Store 2nd from utilities … I know it takes days to be on a usefull level, but at least I can do some flights. it seems to be a long existing bug … which on a long term needs asobo to solve.
I highly disagree this is something that needs fixing in the “long term”… With the new World Updates and basic Microsoft airplane addons bought, all installed, you are already incredibly close to the limit. It is a game breaking bug (as it locks you out of it) and they should give it priority.
I opened a ticket at Zendesk. They are aware of the issue and work on an update with high priority. see as well: Content Manager won’t load if there are more than 1028 add-ons in Community folder - Bug Reports & Wishlist / Miscellaneous - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Interestingly, I don’t have the “Checking for Updates” loop issue, but since SU12 I have noticed load times to be significantly longer than they were previously. I’d honestly say load times to the main menu are nearly double what they were with SU11. (SU11 being the fastest load times I’ve encoutered with MSFS - considering the number of add-ons installed).
To be sure this wasn’t all caused by some unknown error while updating to SU12, I recently performed a complete format and clean install of Windows 11 Pro, and a full reinstall of MSFS from scratch (not using backup copies). Still SU12 continues to load very slowly
That´s because it´s still checking for updates while returning to main menu in order to trigger an update notification on the top right corner of the main menu screen once you are back on it. I have seen those alerts several times in the past if addons where updated after you started sim. In my opinion it has no sense to do an extra update checking there. It would be enough just once at sim start but that´s how it works now and one of the reasons why sim can hang when returning to main menu forever at some situations. Currently sim does three of those checkings: at start, before loading menu for the first time and everytime you return to main menu after a flight. Too much I would say…
People here should head over there and +Vote on this on as well!
Before, I used to buy content from both the Microsoft marketplace and from third parties. But since I have been forced to “cut” the contents of the Official folder as well as the Community folder to be able to launch the simulator without it getting stuck forever in “checking for updates”, I have completely lost the desire to compare anything from those inept scoundrels, who are unable to fix this ■■■■ simulator problem.
I’ll admit it’s ironic to have a bug that affects the people who purchase and download the most things from the Microsoft store, the thing they’re trying to get us to keep using for the 30% cut of all sales. Hopefully this will be an incentive to fix it finally now that they know it affects OneStore purchases as well as the Community folder (where they don’t get a 30% cut of sales).
Ok, so Add-On Linker does nothing special here that I can see. There are the same number of items/folders in the community folder before and after the refresh. The difference is what happens during the refresh undertaken in the Linker. As far as I am aware this refresh just deletes all of the links in the community folder and then replaces them with new ones. The difference between the links/folders in the Community folder before and after the refresh is the time and date on the link/folder.
It might be that the Linker does something else as well but if so I have been unable to work out what.
Is it then possible that the sim updater uses the folder time/date to filter out items to check (or similar) thus bypassing the update checks because the folders are newer than x? No checks, no problem, network or otherwise and hence normal loading.
This may sound a bit far fetched but given the only change to the Community folder after the refresh is the time/date on the link I am assuming (and therefore will become an ■■■ shortly) that it has to have some bearing on the problem.
I can load 2051 (separate folders) add-ons totalling 2.58Tb using the refresh (no liveries!). There are two things that do not work for me though. One is the Content Manager - I get infinite loading there. The other is returning to the main menu after a flight, again infinite loading until I disable the internet adaptor, it then returns to the menu. I can then enable the adaptor again and the Marketplace comes back up, take another flight and repeat. Content Manager remains in its infinite loading state - naturally.
Just as a side note this has been a problem way before SU12. It has been plaguing me for so, so much longer.
Anybody think there is something to the date/time of the links/folders?
Anybody want to change the time and date to ‘now’ on all their top level Community folders to see if that solves (partially) the problem?
I will wait for the ‘■■■’ comments.
Hmmm, OK, seems I was wrong. Add-on Linker does not delete and replace the links when you use the refresh. You have to reapply the preset for the links to be replaced with new ones. However for me when it failed to load and I then just used the refresh in the Linker it still failed. When I reapplied the preset (and the timestamps changed) the sim loaded successfully. Still uncertain if this is helpful and Bananaman seemed to have success just using the refresh (although he did not say if he also reapplied the links…) Hmmmm
I would go further … the impact of this bug is not “ironic” … but almost “tragic”.
It should be priority nr 1 to get fixed. As you @Vibstronium already said … MS/Asobo primarily make money by selling assets (e.g. airports) … but the more they sell, the less usable their game becomes. Tragic.
My personal “hot fix” for now is to stop buying new airports. I am simply wasting too much of my life time trying to figure out how to convince MSFS to correctly load a bunch of JSON files.
Hey spook, Sometimes I just enable and then immediately disable a single add-on in add-on linker, leaving everything else that was previously checked/linked, do a full refresh at the top tool bar that gets the left add-ons column and right community folder column both, and the sim loads and gets past the update loop pretty much without fail.
I think it does have something to do with time stamps or how the sim reads the folders in Win 11 in my case. I went down that path and thought maybe it was a drive indexing issue in Win 11 because I run SSDs and turn indexing off in Windows disk options to preserve SSD life. I turned it on to test and it made no difference, but just the act of adding one symbolic link and deselecting it, then a refresh in add-on linker does something to how the sim reads what’s in your community folder.
, thanks for the info! I guess we are waiting for Asobo/MS to sort it out. For now, although downhearted, I am glad to be able to get into the sim even with the limitations ref Content Manager/internet on/off I mentioned.
Let’s hope for positive news soon.
Take care out there!