Airbus Industrie A319 by LVFR

Thanks for linking this video.

I am assuming that one can disable the passenger sounds in the sim? Or do we always have to put up with loud kids? Please say I can disable the passenger sounds!


I’ve not heard any. Perhaps it was added in post production?!

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I don’t think there are passenger sounds in the aircraft at all. It was put on the video only for better atmosphere. :slightly_smiling_face:


I wish I could but I’m not a developer! :sweat_smile: I’m just an Airbus fan and an average player. But if you want to leave feedback to the developers you can go to their Facebook page or their website at

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My personal opinion, but I think developers need to be careful when doing up these trailers. If they add all these sounds and an individual buys the content expecting to hear them and they don’t, disappointment ensues.

In a way, it’s false advertising.


When it all boils down, the best trailer for the product is a trustworthy YouTube reviewer, usually ones who actually “buys” them like we do and not by freebie keys by the dev. You get an actual hands on users experience without the “glitz and glamour” with real skin in the game. If they feel it’s not worth it, they don’t hold back in telling you so and any other criticisms. The same can be said about whole games themselves. It helps keep things on the level.


Here is a list of all the defects in hope that the dev will fix them someday. There are also some flight characteristics that don’t seem right. The plane will sometimes lose control when close to the ground. Controls on Xbox are touchier for this aircraft. Here are some details to point out.
I will post this on the Latin VFR website as well.


I ask you airbus experts. If during the flight I go with the speed in the selected mode, is it normal that at some point it changes by itself taking into account the one managed by the FMC? I happen to be cruising at 300 knots and at one point it drops to 240 knots on its own.

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I stand to be corrected, but my understanding is if the speed is selected, it’s exactly that. The pilot is free to do what he/she wants to do. Is there a self preservation override to this?..I’m unsure, but I didn’t think so.

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I think in the US there is a 250 kt “speed limit” under 10,000 ft. When I use managed speed, it seems like the AP/AutoThrottle automatically increases the speed when climbing above 10,000 ft. I haven’t noticed it during descent.

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The default A320neo behaviour is that if you choose managed speed mode, it will aim 250 kts below 10,000 ft and 320 kts above 10,000 ft, until it reaches M .78, then it will stick to that, so the higher you go the lower the IAS will get. At regular cruise levels it will end up somewhere around 250-260 kts, depending on the altitude. Of course, you may go faster if you enable selected speed mode, but I don’t think it’s recommended for cruise.

When the aircraft reaches the top of descent, it will automatically drop back to around 240 kts IAS. This usually happens a few minutes before the ATC tells you to descend (the ATC is a little late on these things). So, if you cruise at a lower level, this might be why your ~300 kts IAS drops to 240. Also, during descent, the aircraft tends to keep itself to this 240-250 kts IAS until the DECEL waypoint, where it will try to slow down to 200. I don’t know the rest because that’s where I always switch to selected speed mode. :man_shrugging:

In short: if you are in managed speed mode, the aircraft usually knows what it’s doing so there must be a reason it drops speed. However, if you are in selected speed mode and manually set the speed, the aircraft should not deviate from that, so if it happens in that mode then it’s some kind of bug.

In very rare circumstances, abrubt live weather changes can cause a sudden deviation from speed / altitude, mainly if there’s a harsh change in wind speed / direction, or some kind of severe turbulence.


Does anyone know when they will update this aircraft?

You only posted your list of issues three days ago, give them a chance!


The A319 was updated today but there’s no change notes on the marketplace, nor on LVFR’s Facebook page or website.

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The custom camera views are tweaked. With very good results I must say. For now, that is the only thing I noticed.

CFM engine sound tweaks, some visual and flight modelling tweaks (Allegedly). It does show the patch notes for this in your content manager info thing.

I did find on climb out on a flight I did straight away that it felt a little different somehow, decent was marginally better to I reckon.


I don’t have the Fenix. Are you saying that with using the EFB there is no need to use SimBrief? Flight plans created using the World Map flight planner download that easily?

I finally purchased this aircraft. :dollar: I did a quick flight from Heathrow to Liverpool to see how the thing works, here’s some of my findings.

  • Exterior and interior modeling is generally excellent. I was surprised how convincing the animated passengers are in real. I also love that the aircraft feels more “rugged”, “used”, than the pristine A320neo. The dirty flaps, the imperfections on the fuselage, it really looks as if it was assembled, and not just a tube.

  • There are two “holes”, or something on the dash, just above the PFD and ND, they look a bit odd, I wish they were covered but not a big deal.

  • I was relieved that the base camera views are the same as in the A320neo. I always fly using the “closer” view and it’s the same, so no issues there.

  • There are sounds for all the cockpit switches (I think they were missing not long ago).

  • Weather radar works.

  • I was delighted to hear that the liveries use automatic callsigns, at least the British Airways one does, I assume all do. This is a big, BIG plus for me!

  • Engine sounds are AWESOME. Night and day compared to the default A320neo and this in itself sells the plane for me.

  • Climb performance seems more believeable than the rocket-like A320neo, although there are some curious differences. With flaps set to 1+F, the managed speed mode set the speed to 175 kts, while the A320neo uses 200 kts in this configuration. I don’t know if it’s realistic – maybe it is – just something that stuck out to me. Also, the reaction of the engines is a bit sudden, they can drop to idle or spool up in an instant which sounds a bit off while in the climb phase.

  • Descent is fine, I didn’t run into overspeed problems. The plane does “slip” a little, when I set the speed to 170 kts it did slip up to 185 kts while descending. At DECEL, I always set selected speed mode, so I can’t comment on managed speed mode in this case.

  • :warning: One curiosity: nearing approach, I had flaps set to 2, yet when I started further descent, the plane automatically retracted the flaps to 1+F. I don’t know if this is a bug or not.

  • Amazingly, the plane never lost navigation upon approach, but this might just have been luck (Liverpool airport, ILS 24).

  • Another change is holding down the throttle down button didn’t automatically enable the reversers after landing. I had to release the button and press and hold again to engage the reverse thrust.

Overall, I’m satisfied with the aircraft, no issues whatsoever. I deliberately spawned at Heathrow to see if there’s any issue, but no CTD, no black screens, no performance problems. Kudos to the developers, I love it!

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


I really doubt you would’ve disliked it. To me it seems to be a much better overall package and prefer it over the 320 by a long way, more thought and heart went into it, LVFR has definitely tried to put together something unique. I don’t feel ashamed to fly it. I have seen quite a few others in the skies over the weeks.

The same IFR problems you face with the other liners will come with this one as well but you know it’s not the devs fault on this. Weird what happened to the flaps, never happened to me yet. This one needs a little more taming with its speed, as I’ve mentioned before, it comes in a little hotter somehow.

I pretty much use managed modes at all times and it has reached its targets for the most part, only needing selected to help me out if it fails on an approach, setting it up so I can hand fly it in on final or hope to catch the ILS if it’ll let me.


Sorry i am just beginner but what do you mean by call signs ?

Thank you