Airbus Industrie A319 by LVFR

To be honest, the moment I approach the DECEL waypoint and the aircraft starts to slow down, I always switch to selected speed mode, even in the A320neo. Somehow I never trusted the managed speed mode towards the approach phase. I like to gradually slow the plane myself, slow enough not to overspeed, and reach landing speed by the time I have to catch the glideslope. So I don’t know if this issue occurs in the A320neo as well but as far as I remember it wasn’t a safe bet either with managed speed mode.


It’s fine in the stock NEO. I have been getting overspeeds in both managed and selected speed modes on the A319.

ETA: I think the issue must be the flight directors pitching too aggressively in the decent modes. Not by much, but enough to overshoot the desired speeds.

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Maybe use speedbrakes/spoilers?

I have to, but in some profiles even that is not enough. Spoilers Shouldn’t be required in managed speed/decent.

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Using speed brakes anywhere else but the ground seems an awfully drastic measure in reality. Like I’ve said about greater effects when deploying flaps. By the time you go flaps 3 and 4, you should need a serious wack of throttle in order to overcome the immense drag forces but this one really insists on coming in hot like a fighter jet. Maybe the shorter design has something to do with it being more “slippery” if you will. It really does feel faster than the 320 in some ways.

Been on plenty of flights and I’m pretty sure they are used on descent

Managed speed works surprisingly well in the stock A320. I used to always switch over to selected speed as well coming in on final, but I’ve tried managed and it was all good.

I switch to selected in the LVFR products. The last update was an improvement, but it’s still not quite as good as the stock A320.

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Yes but should not be needed when on a managed decent rate with flaps deployed.

You can add speed brakes to increase you rate of decent but the A/P should be capable of maintaining a target an airspeed on decent without needing them deployed. That is the issue.

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Yea some things with this one feel wonky.
The speedbrake doesn’t seem as effective with bleeding off speed even fully retracted.
The VS knob pitch/increase/decrease is backwards.
The flap sounds are very annoying (as if the world is gonna end)

Other than that had a smooth flight from KLAX to PHNL.
Runs just as good as the default A320.

I have a question. Is the speed managed in the FMC actually entered by the pilot or is it calculated automatically? because both in the Asobo A320 and in the A319 it is not possible to change it. only the selected speed can be entered.

It’s calculated, but you should be able to change it yourself in the Perf Approach page in the real thing. I’m assuming that’s not the case in msfs.

You can set the V speeds in the take off performance page but not the approach speed on the landing page.

(For both stock 320 and the 319)

I’m not sure the Vs knob is backwards as it is a “turny knob” rather than a hand wheel. Logically “less” would be counter clockwise.

On a thumb wheel you would roll it down to pitch the nose up, I think I’m used to that from other aircraft.

Is the approach speed calculated based on input about wind speed, runway, temperature, pressure, weight of the aircraft?

Not my video and pity about the two minute trailer at the beginning, but the rest of this is a wonderful showcase of the A319. Gameplay starts at 2:02.

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I think so. Most of those values can be input in the FMC but the Vapp speed doesn’t update.

It’s the same with the takeoff speeds, in the sim they are usually off but I use an online calculator to set them and the flex temp.

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So should I buy this aircraft? Is it less buggy for Xbox users? Do the cabins look complete? Any other things such as bugs, defects in details etc? I was almost going to buy it but I thought it might be a bad idea without doing some research. Hopefully someone responds.

Also to the Dev please someday model the A319 Cockpit.

For now the A320neo cockpit is fine. But I won’t buy this unless the developer is willing to make this aircraft true to life (someday).

For what it’s worth, LVFR is definitely committed to making this aircraft the best it can be. The A321, has had 4 updates since release and the A319 has had 2 I’m thinking?

The A321 was a little on the rough side in the beginning, but it has come a long way.

That said, it was never meant to be study level. I enjoy the A319.


Thank you very much.

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During the landing, near the end of the video, I noticed that the engine pylon and engine were not moving with the rest of the wing during turbulence. The engine and pylon seems to stay put while the wing wobbles. can you please fix that?