Airbus Industrie A319 by LVFR

Both I believe. I’ll run some tests and get details for you.

I still haven’t been able to test the new update for this aircraft. What did you think, my friends?

The engines turns both off during the flight😒

The managed speed at flaps 2/3 is much better and less prone to set off the overspeed warning. I will say that it could possibly use another wee tweak since the managed speed is right on the knifes edge…much better, though.


I’d like to know if the managed altitude is working as it should in both this and the 320, someone surely would know about this. I’d actually like to know how to best do the climb out and even descent if some of the behaviour is wrong in managed modes, seems to be easier but pretty aggressive looking in a way.

The climb out seems to be working well now and follows what has been entered on the performance page in the FMC. I can now trust to follow the flight directors again after the update.


Unfortunately the fmc now displays A320 leap after the update. Before it showed A319 and the engine to that aircraft.

That was done in purpose as we suspect that changing that value was causing CTD’s on certain platforms such as XBOX and lowe end PC’s


I just finished a flight from Vancouver to Edmonton. Riding the wave of the new WU. This aircraft is really cool. Only complaint is the issue of lighting in the passenger cabin seen by the external camera, which is where I like to appreciate the most on the console. I have already suggested this change to the LVFR, the same problem exists in the A321. Hope they fix it!

I took the updated A319 out for a short flight from KLAX. The updated climb performance worked great with only a small drop in airspeed but not altitude when I enable the AP. Much better than before! Thanks LVFR! The A319 and A321 are becoming my favorites!

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I have made several flights but the plane loses the route to follow and starts to turn on itself. Worse than the Asobo standard !! Does anyone happen?

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Not had that happen to me

I think you refer to this bug. It happens on all default airliners unfortunately, and can depend on the route you fly. Probably not a plane-specific issue.

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It’s happened to me when flying the Embraer 110 Turboprop, a few of the Carenado planes and I think even the Kodiak played up on me like this some months ago. I’ve pretty much always had this gremlin at some point in time regardless of the plane chosen.

It has to be a legit sim problem and depending on what waypoints are chosen in Flight Planning, some don’t work right for sure, even along at cruise and not necessarily always but certainly mostly on the approach phase.

I remember passing a waypoint over Caledonia in Concord and it never registered as a completed point or updated the FMC, it stayed on the course/continued as intended but I didn’t know where I was. I retried the flight with a modded IFR and removed the VOR station which was the trouble spot and I struck success after that.

Yes you are right that it was an ever present problem especially in the approach phase, but in this plane it also happens to me in the initial phase and the strange thing is that the whole flight plan disappears in the Navigation display and gives me as the next waypoint directly the runway from the destination airport.


I suspect the root cause could be the same, only every airliner handles it differently. The flight plan also disappears completely in the 747, the 787-10 however seems to handle it, or maybe I was just lucky. The flight path remains but the autopilot loses navigation, turning it off and back on solves the issue on that plane.

It’s frankly annoying that this long standing severe bug is still there and is not even acknowledged by Asobo.


Yes it’s strange that they haven’t fixed it yet. And if the flight path includes tight turns, the plane is unable to follow and goes about its business. Regarding the A319, I believe that the performance is still wrong (I am not an expert), as the climb rate is too exaggerated in my opinion and the landing speed indicated in the FMC is too high. The sound and other things were done quite well, but to be honest I was expecting a fix on the performances. (I’m not looking for study levels)

Here is the overspeeding on a gentle decent at flaps 2 managed speed mode. Not as severe as before the update but it’s often not possible to decent at flaps 3 due to the creeping airspeed.

The Autothrottle is engaged and the throttle is correctly in the climb detent. Xbox series X A319 IAE.


I use the term “right on the knifes edge” for how close the plane gets to overspeeding on only a gentle descent.

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I am pleased with this. I don’t use the FMC as I like to keep things simple. I have found it lands very well. I am enjoying the enhanced engine sounds and extra cabin and wing views.
For someone like me who uses msfs flight plans and enjoys simple ifr flights, it is the best payware add on so far.