Airbus Industrie A319 by LVFR

no i am saying once the flight plan is created in simbrief which is 2 min job, it is like 2 button presses in the fenix and it’s all done. No need to worry about the default flight planner which will cause issues, that’s why PMDG/FENIX do not use it.

What the ATC calls you during flight. For example, if you fly British Airways then your callsign is Speedbird. You don’t have to manually fill this in the simulator in the “Customization” menu for every flight. You can leave it blank and the ATC will still know what to call you. If this wasn’t a feature then they would call you just “Airbus”.

Ok thank you :wink:

For me i agree with your comment, a319 is quite fun .

Climb rate looks more realistic . I do not know if it is near reality but much more reasonnable

I miss the hydraulic compressor sound at the engine start

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Not so often

Just to remind that you Can include sid and stars in the msfs 2020 default flight planner. This improve the flight reliability .

But of course, little flights go sometimes wrong…

OK, so I realized that in managed speed mode the initial climb speed is determined by weight (obviously), so it’s different for every flight. This is not the case in the A320neo which always sets to 200 kts with 1+F flaps.

However, the engines of the A319 sometimes don’t react quickly enough so what can happen is the plane loses too much speed and loses altitude while it should climb. Maybe this is prevented by hand flying more and engaging autopilot only a bit later. I don’t know if it’s the AP or the autothrust that reacts slowly. Worst case, I’ll just use selected speed mode for departure and set a higher speed. I’ll have my routine developed soon.

The CFM engines sound excellent as well, although they are noticeably less loud than the IAE. I don’t mind as they’re more pleasant during taxi.

Rain sounds! They’re quite loud and really atmospheric if you fly through rain, especially during descent. So many small details, I love it.

+1: I read somewhere that someone had issues climbing above FL300. I’m currently flying in managed speed mode and the plane had no problems climbing to FL350 whatsoever. It’s working as it should be.


Yes, it is my favorite airliner. So stable, so much fun to fly. Excellent for short hauls 1 to 1.5 hours.

Next week, LVFR updates the A321 as well, removing the non cabin versions and bringing it up to par with the A319.

They are a great developer, keeping their words.


Getting it up to rotation speed I’ll pull up a little giving a bit of pressure then keep it that way for a bit then hit my landing gear about 5 secs after getting in the air. By then I can actually sense I’m gaining lift by a light ballooning feeling attitude, hit the AP, I keep the flaps down for some 5-10 seconds after then retract. I use FLEX power through the entire phase but usually hitting the AP will adjust the throttle accordingly.

This is the plane I used to intercept Hurricane Ian 3 times in, it never felt like it would easily fall out of the sky. She was solid as a rock among the more extreme scenarios.

I don’t get why someone can’t get past FL300, this will hit its FL410 ceiling, I literally did so flying above a Major Hurricane.

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But they dont work, they miss points and things in the waypoints and add USR points which are not real and fake. I really do not Know why people keep arguing this point. If the Default Planner was good enough Fenix / PMDG would of used it.

It just does not work correctly, hopefully it will be fixed one day.

So, it’s very hard to land this plane…

…because you want to keep flying it! :heart_eyes:


If the MSFS default flight planner isn’t good enough for Fenix/PMDG or anyone else then they should have worked with Asobo to provide whatever is missing instead of going off in their own direction. There will never be any fixes if there is no communication. OTOH the Working Title developers saw the deficiencies in the flight planner and started working with Asobo instead of splitting off. They have made and continue to make significant improvements in the flight planning system which Fenix/PMDG cannot use.

However, I do understand PMDG’s POV. They have invested a lot of time and effort into their code base before Asobo ever came along. It is easier and faster for them to reuse their code developed over the years than to invest in new code for MSFS not only for the flight planner but also for other features exclusive to their products. It is a good business decision for them.

Fortunately, PMDG aircraft fly very well VFR so I’m not forced into using their unique flight planner. The LVFR A319 and A321 fit very well into the MSFS flight planning system. I don’t have learn and use a different process.

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That is not at all how software development works.

Microsoft / Asobo doesn’t just give any random third-party developer access to their source code, let alone allow them to change it and then re-integrate their changes into the core software.

PMDG aircraft do not, in fact, force you to use their unique flight planner.

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I am lost on this one, 737’s do not fly VFR unless coming off or going on to an IFR plan and that would be very rare. Simbrief is a universal FSIM flight planner tool, that serves all sims and add-ons. It is no trouble to plan your flight in it, and then download the file and load it in the FMC, it takes 2 mins if that. You can also download the flight for the MSFS planner as well so you will get ATC, but the SIDS & STARS will be all over the place in most cases.

Asobo designed the flight the flight planner before PMDG/Fenix were on the MSFS scene, it is designed to make it easy not realistic, and when paying for study planes you would want realism, and default flight planner isn’t up to it. WT work for Asobo now, and originally with the CJ4 the first plane in MSFS to actually fly flight plans correctly, it used Simbrief!

PMDG and FENIX do not get to dictate how Asobo should do the flight planner or anything, but whatever the argument the default flight planner is not right, when you see USR/USER waypoints that is fake generated waypoints that do not exist in NAV DATA and study level planes would not know what to do with them, lete alone be able to calculate VNAV etc.

Like do or think what you want, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face, not using simbrief to fly your PMDG and flying them VFR!!! Ok well that’s up to you, but it is so far from realistic I just dont know what to say.

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Do you experience the plane to point his nose down After take off while set autopilot on ?

It happened only once, while flaps were still out and the managed speed dropped too much. The plane lost some altitude before climbing again.

I rather retract the flaps now so that the autothrust aims a higher speed. I also hand fly more before engaging the AP.

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And for the weather radar , how do you activate it ?

There’s this small switch on the bottom of the middle panel, right at the right of your knee. You put it to the center (off) position, then back to the left (SYS1). The weather radar and WX letters will appear on the ND.


Okay !!! Great !!! :+1::+1::+1::wink:

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Hi all, just wanted to ask a question.
If I understand correctly, LVFR has made some kind of tweeking into the default Asobo A320 systems.

Would this mean that they could actually bring a more complex system simulation for their products?

They could probably add functionality, but as I understand it they don’t really plan to. Sticking with the default system ensures that it doesn’t break with any update and that it’s as easy to fly as the A320neo. LVFR has always been clear about not wanting these aircraft to be high fidelity or compete with more expensive products.