Airbus Industrie A319 by LVFR

I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to do with the autopilot. I don’t think I’ve ever used or had to use vertical speed. The only time I use speed is when there are speed restrictions when approaching an airport.

This aircraft (and the A321 and A320neo) is easier to fly and manage than other airliners I’ve flown. Rock solid when flying an approach.

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Don’t know what they have done on last update, but can’t land the thing without bouncing, no matter what my sink rate is, not one good landing since last week update. - 100ft min bounce - 50 bounce etc etc. Any ideas?

I just come in nice and slow, 150 knots. Do what I always do, full flaps off course. My first landing was also very bouncing.

Can’t understand why, no matter how slow or fall, it don’t want to land.

Try landing at about 130 kts, full flaps, cut throttle at 20 ft.

You’re on to it, the landing speed in the flight assistance section states to land between 140-150 but this is too fast and creates a lot of problems with potential bounces. Targeting around 130 and even slightly lower (weather permitting) is more like it.

I most often land at around 130-135 kts, but I’ve had 125 kts landings as well, when the aircraft was lighter. Bouncing is only a problem if the sink rate is high. It’s quite hard to achieve a smooth touchdown with the controller so I’m not too bothered with it anyway, but it can be done.

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Last night, 3 identical landings at same airport. Stock A320, A321 and A319. Stock A320 & A321, were like butter. While the A319 was just awful again, it just slams into the ground and bounces around. Shane because I love this stubby. But I’m sure Lvfr will fix, they are top notch

I only have a controller to. Tweaking the sensitivities toward a much lower setting has worked much better, widening the deadzone a little more but keeping reactivity maxed out.

You’re right, it can be done. Just need to get used to a little bounce every once in a while. I initiate a small flare only from about 50 feet while throttle cutting but then do something unusual by letting the stick go completely before I touchdown. It kinda begins to level itself off but you’ll still land main gear 1st before getting to a 3 point landing.

What I noticed with the A319 is that you have to, or at least you can flare a bit more with it than the A320neo (I don’t have the A321 so I can’t comment on that). I agree that if I land with the muscle memory from the A320neo, then the landing is harder. The A319 has to be flared a little bit more, it doesn’t have as much ground effect as the neo, it’s possible to lift its nose more and it will still sink. Maybe it’s because of the shorter fuselage or the generally slower landing speeds I set. Still, I prefer a plane that lands more positive to one that floats.

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It happens to me every time I land, regardless of the speed, which raises the nose. I touch the rear landing gear, support the front one but as soon as I release the controls the nose rises, sometimes causing the front wheel to come off.

You arm the speedbrakes, set the autobrake and engage the reversers after landing, don’t you? If so, then this is puzzling because this never happened to me. Bouncing, yes, if I land really hard but the plane never lifts its nose on its own. I don’t really touch the stick after touchdown at all, the plane puts the nose gear down by itself.

I think a bigger bounce can occur only if you don’t flare enough, and the nose gear touches down first. Try to flare not by eyesight (it’s deceiving because of the camera angle you have in the cockpit) but by looking at the PFD.

yes all inserted, autobrakes, spoilers and reverse after touchdown. probably I’m wrong to flare, I don’t know, I’ll do some tests and see. I wanted to ask one thing. In the Fenix ​​A320 I see that it manages altitude and speed restrictions on its own, here instead all this does not exist as they are not even present in the MCDU. Also in the Fenix ​​it shows you in the ND at which point it will reach a certain altitude, which I do not see here.

You can see the different restrictions on the ND if you press the CSTR button above it, but the default autopilot is not able to adhere to them all, that’s for sure. I’m not even sure if VNAV works.

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Does anyone know why this aircraft has trouble staying horizontal before landing? I have trouble keeping it upright and it wants to turn to the right around 20ft before touchdown. It messes up my entire landing.

@MouseyEmpress86 I’ve had a good bit other issues but that is not one I’ve experienced. Try the rudder assistance turned on.

I’m normally a GA simmer, but I really enjoy flying this!

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My smoothest A319 landing so far.


Wish I could get that, all I ever do is bounce bounce bounce bounce

Same, idling and full spoilers just past the threshold and the plane will drop down hard on the undercarriage.
Only way I can get a smooth landing is still applying a tiny bit of throttle and not so much on spoilers extended.