Aircraft Manager Pro + Location Manager Pro now available

Thanks for your interest.
I don’t know FSDiscover so can’t speak to that, I designed LM around my own needs initially, and other user feedback.

I suggest you try the Free version, which has limited functionality compared to pro but you can save up to 10 locations to get a feel for how that side works.

More details on the differences between free and pro versions are available at the link above as well.

The pro version has a lot more functionality. It’s main use apart from Location save/recall is the Rapid Learning aspect for Take off, approaches, landings, and circuits which I wrote about here: The Power of Repetition and Interleaved Learning in MSFS - Sonicviz

FYI here’s some info on how to maximise your use:
Please ensure you read the “Known Issues”, Tips, and other info sections on both project websites.

They contain a lot of answers to “this doesn’t work properly” or “how do I” type questions, and other clarifying answers to user questions as well as MSFS constraints as to what can be implemented at this time.

There is a small learning curve with the Location Manager (and Aircraft Manager) user interface, and the most efficient way to learn it is via a simple process.

. Use the tool tips that show up when you mouse over the column header
. Read the annotated quick help guide image that is included with the download. Click where shown, understand what happens as a result.
. Watch the videos on the website project page for deeper insights, while referencing “How to best use Location Manager” section in the tips on the website.
. Ask support via the form at the bottom of this page if you don’t understand something, or have found a bug/issue to report.

You will then have a more complete understanding of how it works, and then you can decide how you want to use it, the way that suits you best. It’s quite flexible in that regard.

Videos: [Current version] [Previous version, toolbar widget is different as shown in previous video[

The extensive tip section is very in depth, and should answer most questions.

Hope that helps!

Heads up:
Issue: Dune addon Atreises Ornithopter Corrupts Control Options

MS have acknowledged this as “bug logged” and in the February 29th, 2024 - Development Update - Microsoft Flight Simulator also state they have a status on it as “Started SU15+”

We still don’t know what the trigger is for this, and I gave my thoughts on that in this post: Dune addon Atreises Ornithopter Corrupts Control Options - #8 by Sonicviz

However, whatever the solution it may require some changes to Aircraft Control Presets when they finally resolve it. I have no idea how long that may take, so I’m just giving a heads up that this issue is on the horizon, with more info to follow sometime.

I’ll post more info on it when we know more info on it!
If you spy any posts about it, please let us know asap. ty.

Happy flying.


Good morning, Please, is your product similar to “FSDiscover” from the old FSX?? Can I create a name for a location in a certain geographic position “Longitude / latitude” and it will appear for me on the map?


I answered that the last time you asked the exact same question a month ago.

mar 3

Please see Aircraft Manager Pro + Location Manager Pro now available - #141 by Sonicviz

In short: yes, you can save locations anywhere on the main map.
As to what you want to do with it, that depends due to certain constraints imposed by the sim. See the free demo and website for more info.

Hope that helps!

Hi @Sonicviz Would it be possible for AM to support showing more than 10 input devices? Or at least give the ability to hide some? I have my flight sim hardware as well as some race sim hardware all connected to my computer at the same time and as a result AM sometimes doesn’t show some of the devices that are relevant to flight sim on the device profile selection screen

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Hi @ungeneer ,

Thanks for your question.

There’s some suggestions on the AM website as to how you can organise your device chain to work within the 10 device limit:

Aircraft Control Presets :

  • Max devices = 10. No more than 10 devices are supported by ACP.
    If you have more than 10 control devices connected to MSFS only the first 10 devices as shown in the Control Options will be used in ACP as there are only 10 slots. The rest will remain untouched.
    It’s likely that if you have over 10 devices you don’t actually need to switch them all per aircraft, and you probably have at least a few that are general for all aircraft. It seems MSFS does the device order on how it polls the USB ports, so you could try swapping the devices past #10 in Control Options with your non-changing devices.
    How to do this? Try plugging all devices in, then go to control options, note the order MSFS assigns, specifically the devices past #10. Then go to the ACP panel. You should see the 10 devices are the same order with an index added to the start from 0, which is how I order the columns. That index comes from MSFS, but I add it to the name for an easy what to identify devices. Exit MSFS, swap your general devices with the ones you identified as past #10, then start MSFS again and check Control Options to see the changed order is correct. Rinse, repeat till happy, then confirm the ACP panel shows the 10 devices that are most variable per aircraft.
    Aircraft Manager for MSFS - Sonicviz

Please slso see this thread as to why there is a 10 device limit in the ACP grid + some strategies you can use to organise your controllers to get best utility out of the current system:

Also explained originally here: Dropdown lists for changing aircraft and controller profiles - #47 by Sonicviz

I also do simracing and flightsimming, and while I have nowhere near 10 devices I still have to unplug some devices depending on the sim I’m using due to device conflicts with different software I use for some games
. I use dx ACE dx ACE download | for gamepad in AMS2 due to the bad gamepad haptics in the stock AMS2, but it doesn’t work properly with my T16000M plugged in. I need to unplug that if I want to use AMS2.
. Simhub also has issues with some games and dx ACE, so I can only use that with EA WRC.

So it goes!

Hope that helps.

Happy Flying.

Sorry, Thank you

MSFS 2024 Development News

I’d love to implement a new version of AM and ACP but unfortunately this time around MicroSobo have locked out the core files from being modified for main UI and also other types of addons. This is impacting a lot of 3rd party developers in various ways, none good it seems.

So, until they decide to rescind this decision (unlikely atm it seems) or implement a UI/Core plugin system (their goal, but unlikely to be soon due to more pressing issues) it’s not possible to help solve the current glaring MSFS 2024 UI/UX issues via an addon. The design is nice enough, but UX wise it’s even less functional than MSFS 2020 in many ways. No UI scaling control either for some reason. The new control preset system is great once you understand it (has a learning curve and is also a little buggy unfortunately atm though) but could benefit from an alternative simplified UX as well. I like it, but I can understand why others have issues with it.

It’s a very unfortunate situation as I’m sure I could help out here for people that just want a fast simplified UX, but it’s not possible (well, it’s not possible without breaking the sim TOS, which is too much of a risk).

I have, however, been hard at work redeveloping Location Manager 2 (as that was also locked out of the World Map now) and it will be released soon as a complete fly mode toolbar app (and perhaps efb later). This hasn’t been an easy project either, as one of the core mapping solutions for addons is severely impacted by an MSFS 2024 bug (logged & acknowledged, but no fix timeline) so I’m also currently having to redo that part. Getting there though, due soon! Lots of new features so you can stay in flight mode and explore, train, & have fun.

More details on both project pages as banner notices if you need to check anytime. Thanks!

MSFS 2024 Development News

  • Aircraft Manager 2024: On hold as MS/AS have now locked down the UI from modification. Still researching for possibilities. MS/AS say they intend to make it modifiable “sometime”. Yes, I feel your pain too! Stay tuned for more info.

  • Location Manager 2024: New 2024 version close to release. New features to radically improve your flight mode experience. Currently in beta testing. Link to new LM24 project page will be posted here asap.


That’s terrible news about Aircraft Manager. Hope MSFT has a change of cours on those UI restrictions at some point in the near future. At least we’ll have Location Manager, I guess…


Well, this is in, for one thing, more flexible than before. :ok_hand:

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Incoming soon!

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It’s the Aircraft manager i want. I hope you can have the access you need.

Unfortunately, I doubt that’s going to happen any time soon as they appear to have too much on their plate already. I suspect part of the reason it’s locked down is to throttle the tsunami of bugs & questions that would result from people being able to mod things, including aircraft. I can understand that, at least until the sim achieves some form of overall stability.

It has moments of brilliance, and then next moment you get a pie in the face😂

I still haven’t received any of the MSFS 2020 aircraft that have passed compatibility testing, so have no idea what’s up with that since a lot of users have had them for a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I’ll just use free flight and Location Manager 2 is my solution to enhance that mode.

Happy flying, whatever you choose to do.

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No choice to do with it until you can do something.

That’s a shame to use, but we have no choice.

I hope you’ll have your Fs2020 planes. I have mine, and that weekend i bought the R-fal on FS 2020 as i saw that it works fine on FS 2024. Then i launch FS 2024 and the plane is in FS2024.

Best luck for your plane and the access.

It is what it is.

I finally just got some of the 2020 Premium Deluxe planes through, so at least my account is now confirmed connected properly, which was my main concern. Will see if/when the rest dribble though.

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I also have my R-Fal in my 2024 aircraft list.
Supposedly Raul is working on a free update to make it fully compliant with the 2024 feature set. Can’t wait. It’s one of my favorites.

I’ve really enjoyed Location Manager in FS20. I look forward to running it in FS24.


PSA: Location Manager 2 for MSFS 2024/2020 is now released into the wild and available at: Location Manager 2 for MSFS - Sonicviz

This was a hard project (truly!), and now I get to iterate it!
I hope some of you find it useful.

As always, please read the tips, faq, known issues and other info.
Issues, feedback, suggestions always welcome via the official support form at the bottom of the link above. This thread is purely for informational purposes, not product support as per the MSFS forums tos.

Blue Skies and Happy Flying!

Also, stay tuned for a new project to be announced soon, which has grown out of the development of LocMan2.

Update: Dedicated post for Location Manager 2