All you do is complain complain complain

Come on, Asobo can make a different flight model mode for people who wants to play a video game if there is a demand for that, exactly as they did with modern and legacy flights models in the current sim. About the graphics, it would be totally stupid to dumb down MFS2020 graphics to suit xbox specs, specially because they worked hard to bring the sim as it is now, and a company is normally not making a good product to demolish it right after, it makes no sense (Remind that this sim’s graphics are tweakable to suit almost every machine now, this is not for nothing)

Maybe you should take some steps back and stop considering asobo devs as evil’s children.


I have always thought that the main purpose of this Forum was for people to moan and complain about just about everything.
I am very reluctant to offer an opinion about the flight dynamics or even the general feeling of flying in FlightSim compared to real life.
I am qualified as an Aircraft Inspector, have a PPL and do check flights.
I happened to mention that the Cessna 172 cockpit in VR just seemed to me to be about two thirds too small which of course was just a subjective opinion .
I was also given a series of lessons about adverse yaw and side slipping.
So moaning and complaining seems to be the order of the day.

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(Lol a joke to lighten the day thats all)


i dont even think Microsoft, is really interested in making quick Profit by selling a “game” - what they really want (IMO of cause) is having MSFS as a prestige/showcase project and demonstration of the power, their Azure Cloud services can deliver. Selling Azure Services to large Companies is, what makes them the big money. And that demonstration (like: “there is no project too big for our services - see: we can even simulate the whole world”) has to look as nice and shiny as possible.

just my two cents …


I’m with you 100%

I agree with alot of the complaining stuff here. I even complain myself! But reading this while i’m cruising @11000 feet just above some clouds in france in the da-62, i realised that miscrosoft brought back the game i loved so much as a child. Dreaming about being a pilot and discovering the virtual world. Being excited everytime a new microsoft flight sim came out. 1000’s of flights from meigs field flying around chicago.

No mather how much this release is messed up and full of bugs. And no matter how much i complain. There’s also lot’s of times that bring me back to that childhood excitement. So… We can complain as much as we think we need to, but also remember to be gratefull to microsoft and asobo too to bring back this legendary frenchise after al those years👏

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You got a good point and maybe it’s the only reason they dusted off this old franchise. NO ONE ever got rich off of flight sim games. It’s too small of a niche market. They (simmers) will pay dearly, but it’s not a mass market. who knows…

Guess this does not constitute as discussing the people, rather discussing the sim? I must not know how to read the community rules.

Anywho, I’ve said this in different posts prior and will repeat.

The sooner all the so called fan boys start looking at the people complaining as nothing more than frustration the sooner we can end these conversations. We all want the same thing. No one is trying to sabotage Asobo here and if negative forum posts by some Internet warrior was all it took to demotivate and put your company out of business then there are bigger issues there.

The mood in here is directly affected by the current state of the simulator and human nature and our social ways being the way they are, fear dominates our actions. When things are good people are not afraid and therfore more passive, also most likely more concerned with flying. When things aren’t good the fear and frustration kicks in and they need an outlet or a forum if you will. Everyone wants to be heard, just like you.

I tend to only visit the forums, either when I am posting about my flights, which reflects the enjoyment the sim gave me or I am here looking for solutions to problems. Currently its about split even. The day that scale tips with more enjoyed flights than frustrations is also the day the mood of these forums and what I see here will change.

Since there are so many ways to enjoy the sim, the experience we all have will be massively different. If you want to go sight seeing this is the next best thing to actually going and visiting the spot, if you have limited sim and no real life flying experience this is a great start and therefore a great experience, if you are a hard-core gamer and not a simmer then it is a combination of awe inspiring visuals with performance issues, if you have flying experience or if you want to conduct an IFR jet flight, then its mostly riddled with frustration.

Also, if someone’s Mercedes has problems, telling me them to go back to their Honda is not the solution.


Where did I say that?

enable VSync, should fix the tearing.

I don’t really understand the point of this topic…I thought any active forum would be for and against it’s subject matter, so lets complain away and sing praises as well if we need to. I’ve read both here.
I love the Sim, but only because of the graphics. They are so good (most of the time) that I can ignore (sometimes) the dodgy aircraft behaviour etc etc. There is a long way to go until this is a great Flight Simulation and I for one will complain when after every update something else seems broken compared to before.
I still come back for more though and am blown away by the look of the sim every time I do!


I like to take a Cessna Longitude and fly between buildings at 300kps. You can and make you’re own entertainment out of it for sure. Good practice anyway.

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All you do is defend, stan, fan, sugarcoat, and hype a multimillion dollar company when paying consumers feel they received a mediocre product for the money.
This can always go both ways…complaints are good along with constant kudos and hugs.:upside_down_face:


I wish we were able to optionally upgrade to the next version. Wait and see if there are issues that might effect us. For me, the latest upgrade has ruined my VR experience - constant flickering even in the Menu screen. I have backups but can’t roll back to the version that provided such a great VR experience. NOT HAPPY!


There was a change made in this update that caused screen tearing if you don’t have VSync enabled. Maybe that influenced VR as well. Have you tried setting VSync on? or isn’t that an option in VR?

It is crazy. Is this forum just to Talk about problems and issues? I said that because, when someone is trying to share a good experience, people get mad. In my own experience, I rarely have had issues updating or CTDs. I can see an awesome Simulator that is improving every day. Do I have the right to enjoy the Sim and share It here, or should I complain because my house has 2 floors in the Simulator instead of the real 3 that It has? Stop installing thousands of free addons, just because they are free, and let the Asobo team do his work.


The reality is that not everything in life is roses and butterflies and people should share their opinions firmly but respectfully.

Honestly having a little empathy by asking themselves how they would respond if the roles were reversed to being told that they messed up, know what the problem is, seem to know how to fix it (since we’re being told to edit the files ourselves), won’t proivde the solution until the next update which isn’t scheduled for a few weeks until now but will likely be delayed since the last patch was delayed without much explanation, and then refuse to unlock the extra aircraft that people paid extra for to apply the fixes.

Who’d be happy being told that they should be grateful for such a situation?

However the team seem very passionate and do communicate with their users which is fabulous…this is a great opportunity for them to partner with the community by being more open with us.

I agree with this. But it’s also the otherway around. When you post something negative you also receive alot of ‘hate’.

But this forum should have place for both positive and negative feedback. Complaining is a way to expres a negative experience, just the same as praising is expressing you had a great time.

But this is the internet. So you can’t expect all people to behave as adults. Just look at any random youtube video or facebook post. I react different to these things everyday. One day i’m really excited like after the update (all worked prety good for me so) but i also had days where everything felt like ■■■■ and i also gave some negative comments or was arguing with people i shouldn bother with.

We’re all people. People + internet = no good combination.

But please let the people complain, as long as they also let other people say things are great.

Still a useless topic though😂

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It’s getting to the point where though I used to visit the forum many times a day I now only do it for specific things - and that’s usually just for the threads that I started myself, to add info or check a reply.

People replying to this thread seem to confuse “complain” and “bug report” or “feedback”. I don’t see them as the same thing and this forum has too much of the former. Then multiple threads on the same complaint about the same subject instead of sticking to the first thread about it.

I wonder how many people have given up on it due to the overall tone. A lot of it looks more like public Steam discussions - and I think everyone knows what they are like.

The internet has completely changed my perception of what people are like (and it was positive prior to that). Man, was I clueless.


I’ve chosen to ignore the complaining threads. I just ignore them. It’s a lot better for your mental health.