Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

I can’t disagree but isn’t that always the way with software development? One thing for certain is that for those that eventually get it right Asobo/Microsoft have opened up a huge, unbelievably huge market to tout their wares and the harder the task the less competition they will face.

Agreed. Both hot fixes did very little to restore the visuals that we had in Sim Update 5. Even after hot fix 2 the sim still looks like a bad Xbox port. Scenery popping is a massive issue. Still over exposed. Draw distance and details in the distance is still poor compared to before. Still full of new bugs. Overall the VR experience is poor compared to before. It’s depressing to see what Asobo did to this sim. Before sim update 5 it was quite the work of art…and now after two hot fixes it feels like we are back to the start having to wait at a snails pace to restore what we had two weeks ago. Just sad.


A lot of VR users are raving about the performance too, there’s always a quid pro quo. As for the LODS, how difficult is it for those wanting higher than 200 to follow simple instructions for a widely publicised config hack and yes it is no longer a huge perfomance hit. Both that and popping/culling are set to be fixed in the next update anyway.

I’d go one step further. Not only get a refund, but Asobo should pay us to be their beta testers for the last year. As I’ve said many times, I’m more upset about the disfunctionality of the stock planes and CTDs then the graphics issues. Why is the community, or worse, retail market someplace we have to go to get working airliners? This is why I paid extra for them from Asobo in the first place! 1yr later, they’re still crraapp. I’m so glad I didn’t pump out $7000 like the OP did. Maybe the day will come when this all comes together but after all this time it feels more frustrating then ever.

Maybe you should take stock that MSFS is an ongoing project and will always be that way.

On going early access game is a much better way to describe it. Every week you have to patch it, remove addons, re-add addons, re-install aircraft, fix aircraft.

I thought Xbox games were usually more stable tbh and I don’t even own an Xbox, apparently my PC is an Xbox emulator for this game though.

Do you want to buy my on-going car project… Starting is price is $150,000 with development scheduled to take around 10 years. or for $250,000 you can have the premium deluxe version. Now remember I wont be fixing any of the short comings such as the gears not working correctly, They will change, but not smoothly and may blow up, Should you dare to expect me to fix that, which I will, but remember I have a 10 year plan, so feel free to ask your local garage to fix, I am sure they will take stock of the situation and maybe do it for free!

Please…That’s called early access, and it wasn’t sold as such!

MSFS is amazing, but ASOBO to step up their game now. We are a year in with a lot of day 1 issues…


That’s a tough one. I have a i7 8700, GeForce 2060 and upgraded to 32gig ram. I can run a mix of high/ultra at 1440p with nice fps (45-60) with latest update. My 50in TV maxes at 60. A lot depends on what your happy with graphics wise. I plan on a big rig eventually but waiting on multiple monitor compatibility along with more stability.

BTW the hotfixes were primarily just to get everyone flying again and had very little to do with improving visuals.

You can vote to get it back

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MSFS2020 a $100 dollar game, try treating it as such.

Yeah true but if you look on the hot fix thread people are incorrectly boasting about better visuals. The visuals still suck compared to before.


Price isn’t the point!


There is no point in defending Asobo in this. If you can’t play the game it’s not acceptable. And very frustrating.

I don’t understand why people do this.


What LOD level are you playing at? because I’ve seen some amazing shots from those that have accessed the higher ones. However we know visuals are worse but when have Asobo ever turned around and said that’s your lot and you are stuck with it? That’s right they haven’t and who knows if (and I’m sure it will happen) we PC’ers will end up with an extreme level without Xbox constraints? There are just too many hardcore simmers that have splashed out huge sums on huge overspecced systems for this not to happen. However it’s not going to be tomorrow or next week, there is some real work to be done first.

The better visuals are certainly there especially for low end systems and particularly gpu’s because poor people like me can crank up from minimum settings right up to high and ultra.

Asobo has to remove this ugly Xbox stuff to free the PC version, to get back the normal visuals!
Asobo! Remove this Xbox stuff. ASAP!


Yes, its a shame for Asobo! They broke the game.

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Have you followed the neccessary steps and advice or do you just plan to sit there until it fixes itself?

It’s called software development and there are many twist and turns.