Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

I’m not talking about low end improvements since those users never got to see how the sim looked maxed out. I’m talking about the fact that Asobo nerfed it on the high end. Of course if you weren’t maxing out before anything could seem like an improvement.


It’s called mismanagement and there are some dump things a company can do.
Asobo did this failure and have to fix it. ASAP!

Ok so long as you consider that high end stops at a 2080ti and 32GB

I think it’s Microsoft that you need to shout at

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With the improvement of framerates, I have upped many settings so I find it hard to compare the new “Version” I am impressed with how smooth the game is running now, but I think the Visuals, the sky/clouds are still not the same, aint experienced the scenery popping yet as I haven’t had time.
took some photos on the last flight Stewart to Kennedy.

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You are wrong. You are totally wrong.

Its Asobo which gets the shame.
They develop this game, and they broke it!


It’s Microsoft’s “game”, don’t like it apply for a refund.

The develpoper is Asobo. They did it.

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They work to paramiters. But my advice is no different

huh? I have a 3080, 10700k, and 64gb of ram and the sim runs like dog **** now.


Asobo do what Microsoft want, they are not taking any decision.

-Microsoft manager control the project, timeframe and date release of software\update
-Microsoft plan was to released to Xbox before project started
-Asobo cannot post online in most case, especially not in forums, they are not authorized
-Asobo needed to released to Xbox by force, no choice by changing the software.
-Everything things you see is Microsoft based decision, not Asobo


That’s way way above ‘ideal’ specs for the sim and just as my gpu is too low to be supported your whole system is too high.

You’re way out of touch with the issues… the fact is before Sim Update 5 the sim was a work of art, capable of running beautifully on my setup. Then suddenly after Sim Update 5, the whole thing was nerfed at the gain of some smoothness. That was not an option, but rather forced on us. I never asked for that and I am rightfully upset when 11 months after release, the sim got massively downgraded visually.


On your system but it was a stutter fest for many people with actually supported hardware

So they could have added options instead of kill the high-end side of things.


Yet they haven’t killed anything.

What have they “killed” exactly?

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Here’s the rig I was looking at getting:

Intel i5 10400f six core 2.9 up to 4.3
32 gb ram ddr4
512 gb ssd
RTX 2060 - 6 gb

Do you think this will be enough to get to the ultra setting at 1080p? I’d love 4K but not essential.

Thanks for the advice.


My understanding (which may be wrong) is that in this business model MS defines the strategy for the sw development. ASOBO ultimately has to attend MS strategy since they are a subcontracted company for MS. ASOBO probably presents the tradeoffs for a MS request/ strategy and the ultimate decision regarding go/no go for sim features and risk taking is done by MS. This is also valid for adequate timming for update devopment.

That being said I believe people should complain mainly to MS and not ASOBO regarding possible graphical downgrades and CTDs. They are the ones probably calling the shots and ASOBO probably mostly follows orders.


I couldn’t tell you the difference between an i5 and i7 as far as game play. Never owned an i5. My video card is a 2060, misplaced the 6. Just between Windows and FS2020 you’ll about use up that 512gig. 2TB minimum if you want other modern games installed. Just as important is a fast internet connection. We have Google fiber 1gig and will never go back. I have a 50in screen so 1080p looks awful so never tried. As I said those specs look like mine except the i5 and I run 1440 and happy with it.