Allow to refund the game on PC after update 5 graphical downgrade

I’m confident it will but the I5 is an unknown quantity for me and if Asobo optimise cores further etc. 8 cores would be more future proof. The 2060 is considerably more than enough as is 32GB in fact IMO you would be better off with 16GB of 14 or 16 CL G.Skill with their Samsung dies even if they’re a bit pricier and if you have enough slots there would be nothing to stop you adding more if needed. My CL14 PC-3200 is rock solid even at CL16 4000MHz of course I might have to lower this when (if) my new gpu ever arrives.

Anyone who can’t see a drastic degradation in visual quality in MSFS at this point are just in denial or purposely being naïve. The sim looks so much less rich in color and atmospheric as it did at launch.
That’s why all these ultra setting screenshots lately look absolutely terrible, there’s no coincidence.


i wonder how many people complaining about the update didnt follow the install process by renaming there community folder THEN updating.
Also wonder how many people are blaming asobo/microsoft for the fact 3rd party products were causing the issue and blaming them for that

typical flight sim community blame asobo for everyone elses problems


Oh OK then, thanks for letting us know.

Did I address you?

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Not directly, but if you want a private conversation there’s always a message box.

I was all for the Xbox port of the PC version. Instead the PC version became the Xbox port. We all knew the Xbox doesn’t come close to a PC with a RTX 3080/3090 series GPU. What a shame!

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The screenshot sections tells all…go look back at the earlier screenshot dates then look what’s being shown now. I don’t even care to visit the section anymore because all those stunning shots from when the sim actually looked gorgeous are no more. Everything looks like dull washed out over exposed flat barren baked on texture paper most of the time now.


Did yesterday’s hotfix not correct the washed out and overexposed look then?

Give it a rest. The changes made were to improve performance for low and mid range PC’s.

Stop trying to blame everything on consoles.

You high end PC elitist will have your pretty graphics back in due time.

Some of you are insufferable.


I have, why do you think i haven’t? Was that meant to be mocking comment? LOL

That statement is incorrect, didn’t matter what range of PC you had it stuttered for everyone.

The way scenery looks and loads. The pop-in and overall reduction of quality is what they killed. If you can’t see it you weren’t pushing the sim to its limits beforehand. This is a fact not an opinion.


Exactly. It’s sad to see people defending what Asobo did with this update. Just because YOU can’t see the massive downgrade doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen! It just means that you for whatever reason, cannot recognize the downgrade. For most top-end users, the sim was and still is significantly nerfed.


Aha. So the changes were made to improve stuttering and performance on all PC’s and on XBox.
The changes improved stuttering indeed… I wonder how they pulled it off to squeeze things into 8GB.

Have a look at HotFix2, and don’t take New York for a change… Southern France and Himalaya clearly show improvements in scenery… terrain LOD, clouds, graphics levels…

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Could not have said it any better, it’s getting boring now.


I spent £20,000, so I will stick with it for now but I sympathise with you.


Its a fault of Asobo! What else?
They implement the game, they have to hold up the quality.
They didnt, so they are …
Its a shame, a shame of Asobo.

You are wrong. Again wrong!

I feel for all that have spent a lot of money on addons and there PC updating me I have the same PC as before MSFS came along and never purchased anything from market place.
But I do not have MSFS it keeps CDT I will wait and hope they will fix it in the mean time I have other flight sims and combat sims to keep this old boy happy.
I have read a lot of the posting and you know its all about money, money, money and control of your PC you have no choose with any updates.
Now I bet they flag this posting.